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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Ecclesiastical and Matrimonial Canon Law

Ecclesiastical and Matrimonial Canon Law
First semester
Public Law
Eclesiastical Law
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


The Ecclesiastical Law of the State (or Law and Religion) is the branch of the Spanish legal system that regulates the religious freedom as fundamental right of the person and the relations between the State and the religious institutions.

Canonical matrimonial law is the branch of the legal system of the Catholic Church that regulates marriage, where the origin of the legal order of the matrimonial institution is found.

The subject studies the legal systematization of marriage, its essential characteristics, the causes of nullity of the bond, as well as the processes of nullity of marriage before the ecclesiastical courts.

Pre-course requirements

There are not specific requirements.


-To understand the civil impact of religion, both in its individual aspect and from the point of view of religious groups.

-To learn the essential elements of the right of religious liberty and of its legal development in the Spanish State.

-To know the basic principles that inspire the canonical legal order.

-To understand the essential features of the matrimonial institution and its reason for being in society and in history.

-Reflecting on canonical marriage as an inspirer of the civil marriage institution in the Westtern legal systems.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 08 - To develop mechanisms that facilitate the adoption of ethical commitments
  • 09 - To develop mechanisms that favour sensitivity towards issues related to fundamental rights as well as respect for other cultures and customs
  • 11 - To acquire skills for autonomous learning
  • 16 - To be able to use constitutional principles and values as work tools when interpreting the legal system
  • 24 - To acquire the skills to resolve problems and make decisions using relevant information and by applying correct methods while placing the issue within a legal system context

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. The student will have developed skills in the resolution of legal conflicts related to the contents of the subject.

2. The student will be able to work autonomously and plan and organize his/her learning.

3. The student will develop mechanisms that foster sensitivity to ethical commitments and fundamental rights.

4. He/she will have analyzed the relations between the State and the religious institutions through the cooperation agreements.

5. The student will have acquired mechanisms that will promote respect for other cultures and customs.

6. The student will understand and identify the parts of the fundamental right of religious freedom.

7. The student will learn and be able to distinguish the different forms of celebration of religious marriage and its civil legal effects.

8. The student will identify the legal principles regulating the exercise of religious freedom within the framework of relations between the State and religious institutions.


Part I. Law and Religion


Unit 1. Ecclesastical Law of the State.

Unit 2. History of Relations between State and Religion.

Unit 3. The international sources of ecclesiastical law.

Unit 4. State sources of ecclesiastical law.

Unit 5. Agreements between the State and religious groups.


Unit 6. The fundamental right of religious freedom.

Unit 7. Religious Confessions and their Entities.

Unit 8. Financing of religious Groups.

Unit 9. Objections of conscience.

Unit 10. Culture and religious freedom.

Part II. Canonical marriage law

Topic 1. Introduction to canonical law.

Theme 2. Canonical marriage.

Unit 3. Matrimonial capacity.

Item 4. Marriage consent.

Topic 5. The form in marriage.

Unit 6. Effects of marriage and marital crisis.

Item 7. The procedure for annullment of marriage in canon law. 

Item 8. Civil value of religious marriage.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Presenting concepts and their practical application in the classroom
Classroom activities in order to follow up on students (both individual and in a group)
08 09 24
Student independent study
11 16 24

Bibliography and resources

Law and Religion

a) Handbooks

M. Martín, M. Salido, J.M. Vázquez García-Peñuela, Derecho y Religión, Comares, Granada, last edition.

R. Palomino, Manual breve de Derecho eclesiástico, 3ª edición, Madrid 2015.

J. Ferrer Ortiz (coord.), Derecho eclesiástico del Estado español, Eunsa, Pamplona, última edición.

J.M. González del Valle, Derecho Eclesiástico españolCivitas, última edición.

b) Legal Texts:

AA.VV., Colección de Textos de Derecho Eclesiástico, Thompson-Aranzadi, última edición.

Matrimonial Canon Law

a) Handbooks

J. Fornés, Derecho matrimonial canónico, Tecnos, last edición.

M. López-Alarcón-R. Navarro Valls, Curso de derecho matrimonial canónico y concordado, Tecnos, última edición.

b) Legal Texts

AA. VV., Código de Derecho Canónico, EUNSA, last edition.

c) Monographs

T. Shah, Libertad religiosa. Una urgencia global, Madrid 2013.

P.J. Viladrich, La agonía del matrimonio legal, Rialp, última edición.


Teaching and learning material