Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Learning Languages and Literacy 4

Learning Languages and Literacy 4
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Under interview request by e-mail. 


Lecturer:  Mariona Graell





The subject Learning of languages and reading comprehension 4 aims to promote the teaching-learning processes that favor the achievement of the necessary teaching competencies in relation to the dimensions that take place in the nursery school classroom. Especially in relation to reading and writing, as well as the oral competence of the Master of EI. In this subject, all the contents of the 1, 2 and 3 are collected. Without this it is not feasible to carry out this subject. We believe that for the future teacher is very necessary to achieve these competencies in order to focus their educational work. To this end, the subject is structured in four blocks of theoretical application that are accompanied, each of them, of a group practice that will be developed in the classroom, in order to apply the theoretical contents. It is therefore a subject that complements the learning achieved in reading and writing and brings to the student a global and interdisciplinary approach to teaching reading and writing in children's education.



Pre-course requirements

For a good learning of the subject it is convenient to have passed the first three parts of the reading literacy learning. However, it contextualizes all the learning of writing 1, 2 and 3 encompassing them holistically so that the student develops all the competences involved in reading and writing.


- Distinguish between the different theories about the literacy early acquisition.

- Identifying the dimensions about the initial reading and writing of the preschool curriculum.

- Annalise and strengthen the acquisition of the communicative skills on infants and on teachers.

- Recognise the favour of these skills.

- Annalise the initial troubles they can find in these skills.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-43 - To foment speaking and writing skills.
  • CEM-44 - To learn and master techniques of oral and written expression.
  • CEM-45 - To be familiar with the oral tradition and folklore.
  • CEM-46 - To understand the transition from oral to written expression and be aware of the different registers and uses of language.
  • CEM-47 - To be familiar with the learning process in reading and writing and its teaching.
  • CEM-48 - To manage language-learning situations in multilingual contexts.
  • CEM-49 - To recognize and value the appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal language.
  • CEM-50 - To be familiar with resources to foment reading and writing, and use them appropriately.
  • CEM-51 - To acquire literary knowledge, especially of childrenÂ’s literature.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. To adopt original, practical, relevant, flexible and complex ideas and solutions to promote educational practice in language and literacy teaching.
2. To become familiar with the different educational practices aimed at improving the processes of language teaching and learning, and to realize that they are determined by culture; to be aware of their consequences for educational practice and pupil behaviour, and to learn how to conduct oneself as a language teacher.
3. To demonstrate knowledge about theories on language development and childhood education at preschool level.
4. To identify and apply appropriate solutions to non-standard problems that may arise in language and literacy teaching and learning, with a creative and innovative attitude.
5. To demonstrate knowledge of the language and literacy curriculum in preschool education.
6. To demonstrate knowledge of the relevant learning and development theories.
7. To promote and encourage speaking and writing skills and to focus on their quality.
8. To demonstrate a knowledge and command of oral- and written-expression techniques.
9. To demonstrate knowledge of oral tradition and folklore.
10. To understand the transition from oral to written expression.
11. To demonstrate knowledge of the different registers and uses of language.
12. To demonstrate knowledge of the processes of teaching and learning to read and write.
13. To manage language-learning situations in multilingual contexts.
14. To recognize and value the appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal language.
15. To be familiar with resources that encourage reading and writing, and to use them appropriately.
16. To demonstrate knowledge of children’s literature.
17. To promote the first contact with English as the language of instruction.
18. To value the need to know and make use of the English language in order to relate to one’s environment, and to do so with an innovative attitude.


BLOCK I: Didactics of reading and writing at the stage of early childhood education - Recognize the transversality of reading comprehension in different curricular areas. - Know the functionality of the curriculum of the stage of the infant education - Relate the curricular content of reading comprehension in a global and interdisciplinary way.  
BLOCK II: Teaching and learning of reading comprehension The educational intervention:  - The teacher as a facilitator of learning  - The sequencing and the evaluation of the contents  
BLOCK III: The metacognition of lectoescriptor learning   - The didactic sequence of reading comprehension (graphism and phonological awareness)
  BLOCK IV: Multilingualism in the classroom of infant education - Profile of the multilingual teacher in the EI - Knowledge of the teachers of EI in the new plurilingual situations - Teacher's thinking and teacher action on multilingualism

Teaching and learning activities

In person


Relation: “Activity/Methodology/Competence”


Training Activity



Seminary-Workshops (S-W) Tutorial (T)                 Practise Class (PC)

Learning Based on Troubles (LBT)

CEM:46, 48, 50, 51

Practise Class (PC)   External Practise (EP)  

Problems and Exercises Solving (PES)

CEM: 43, 46, 48, 58

Theory Class (TC)  Study and independent work (SIW)

Expositive Method/ Master lecture (ML)

CEM:42, 44, 45, 51,

Group Work (GW) 

Cooperative Learning (CL)

CEM: 44, 49,

Study and independent work (SIW) Study and group work (SGW)

Case Study (CS)

CEM:42, 43, 49, 50




* service learning activities are planned

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of this subject is continuous and face-to-face. You must attend at least 60% of the classes. The assessment consists of several tasks that must be passed each one of them to pass the subject. The tasks evaluated must be presented in Catalan. Work will not be accepted out of time. Tasks evaluated with serious language errors will be considered Not Corrected; They can be re-submitted but the maximum grade will be an approved one. Language errors will score points. In home-made work, 0,5 point. In the work done in class, 0,1 point.

Bibliography and resources


Barragán, C. (2005). Lengua oral en las aulas multiculturales y plurilingües en educación infantil. Barcelona: Graó.

Díez, A. (1998). L'aprenentatge de la Lectoescriptura des d'una Perspectiva Constructiva. Vols. I i II. Barcelona: Graó.

Ferreiro, E. i Gómez, M. (2002). Nuevas Perspectivas Sobre Los Procesos de Lectura y Escritura. México: Siglo XXI

Pujato, B.(2009). El ABC de la alfabetización. ¿Cómo enseñamos a leer yescribir?. Argentina: HomoSapiens Ediciones.

Rosell, V. (1993). Programa de estimulación del lenguaje oral en educación infantil. Buenos Aires: Aljibe.

Solé, I. (1999). Psicopedagogia de la lectura i de l'escriptura. Barcelona:Editorial UOC.

Competència oral: eina del mestre d’EI:

Bustos, I. (2003). La voz. La técnica y la expresión. Barcelona: Paidotribo.

CASSANY, D; LUNA, M.; SANZ, G. Ensenyar llengua.Graó.Barcelona 1994.

Cortázar, I., & Rojo, B. (2007). La voz en la docencia. Barcelona: Graó.

Gassull, C., Godall, P., & Martorell, M. (2004). La veu. Orientacions pràctiques. Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat.

Jackson M, Cristina A.: La voz normal. Ed Panamericana, Buenos Aires, 1992.

SANZ, G. Cominicació efectiva a l'aula. GRAO. Barcelona 2005.

Tulón, C. (2006). La voz. Técnica vocal para la rehabilitación. Barcelona: Paidotribo.

Literatura infantil :

  • BRYANT, S.: Com explicar contes. Hogar del libro. Barcelona 1983.
  • BORDONS, G; ARTIGUES, A; COSTA, L; FERRER, J I MANUEL, J. (2009). La poesia contemporània. Barcelona: Editorial GRAÓ.
  • CENTELLES, J. (2005). La biblioteca, el cor de l’escola (3ª ed.). Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat, 2005.
  • MOLIST, Pep. (2008). Dins del mirall. Barcelona: Editorial GRAÓ
  • FOLCH I SOLER, Ll. (2006). El món dels infants en els contes. Anàlisi psicopedagógica. Barcelona: Publicacions i edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2005.