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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Psicopatología Forense en el Ámbito Socio-Laboral y Administrativo

Psicopatología Forense en el Ámbito Socio-Laboral y Administrativo
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Dra. Lara Grau López 


The subject aims to provide the student with an in-depth knowledge of the areas to which it refers: the psychopathological intervention in social and contentious-administrative jurisdictions and before the Ecclesiastical Courts.

The program will focus, on the one hand, on learning the specific characteristics of each of the jurisdictions to which the subject refers; and, on the other hand, to deal with the specific and detailed study of the circumstances and the pathologies that have object of study and that are necessary for the professional exercise in said fields. In this regard, the study will be addressed both the basis of the expert report, as well as the circumstances and the methodology necessary for the collection of data through the analysis and configuration of the test and the periodic report, up to the characteristics of the issuance of the expert report.

Pre-course requirements



At the end of the subject, the student must be trained and adequately qualified to obtain, develop and deliver an adequate expert report and trained to defend it before the competent bodies.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB2 - Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio.
  • CB3 - Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios.
  • CE1 - Redactar e interpretar los informes periciales forenses en los ámbitos Civil, de Familia, Penal, Social, Laboral, Contencioso-Administrativo y Canónico y realizar la defensa e interrogatorio del informe pericial psicopatológico-forense en el acto de Juicio Oral delante de la Sala del Tribunal en los juzgados competentes.
  • CG1 - Describir, identificar, reconocer y clasificar los conceptos de la psicopatología aplicada al ámbito forense y responder sobre qué, quién, cómo, cuándo, dónde y porqué del caso objeto de estudio en el ámbito forense.
  • CT1 - Adecuar el lenguaje y la forma de comunicar, en forma oral o por escrito, a los conocimientos científico-técnicos psicopatológico-forenses y/o jurídicos en relación con aspectos psicopatológicos en el ámbito jurídico.
  • CT2 - Evaluar e interpretar documentos con relevancia jurídico-penal relativos a aspectos psicopatológicos (sentencias, autos, informes médico-forenses y periciales).
  • CT3 - Aplicar las categorías jurídicas abstractas a casos concretos, de forma que se relacionen adecuadamente los conocimientos científico-técnicos y jurídicos en la materia.


First, there will be an exhibition of the program that helps the student to situate himself in the content of the program and understand the reason for each topic.

We will know the "Evaluation Medical Courts", composition and methodology that follow them. The ICAM. It will deal with the study and differentiation of the different types of "contingencies", "temporary incapacity", "permanent disability", "pregnancy risk benefit", "maternity and paternity leave" and "permission for treatment". of minor with cancer or serious illness ".

We will proceed next to the analysis of what is the "clinical history" in the expertise, with particular emphasis on the methodology of the interrogation of the expert, as well as the significance, value and value of the data collected in the course of the anamnesis and psychopathological exploration.

The development and exposition of the expert report will occupy a session in which the praxis of each exposed point in the same one, methodology and its specific weight will be approached in detail.

Psychodiagnostics as a technique of study of the expert who comes to complement the psychopathological exploration acquires a significant importance worthy of a session in which we will analyze quantitative and other qualitative techniques, with the limitations and applications of them, eminently practical aspects. Various techniques will be considered for the analysis of the assessment, choice of tools, applications and assessment of the results, with special emphasis on the detection and discrimination of the simulator and / or the person who has assumed the role of the patient.

A session will be dedicated to the detailed analysis of the specific characteristics of the expert study, issuance and exposition of the expert report before the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction and to the knowledge of the peculiarities of the same.

Then the student will have the opportunity to address the knowledge of the Ecclesiastical Courts, their idiosyncrasies and the particularities of the expert examination and the issuance of an expert report in this jurisdiction.

In what, in some way, becomes a more specific second part, we proceed to the specific study of the perceptions with respect to the various pathologies that the student may encounter in the development of his work: Particularities of Expertise in Contingencies Common and in the Work Accident to move to the Personality Disorders, Mental Weakness, Dementia in its various forms, Epilepsy, Workplace Harassment, Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depressive Disorder, Alcoholism, Addictions and Drug Addiction, Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder, Organophosphate poisoning and Multiple Chemical Syndrome.

Topic 1 General concepts in the Social Security system

Topic 2 Labor Disability: temporary and permanent and severe disability

Topic 3 The Expert in the Labor Courts

Topic 4 The Expert Report

Topic 5 The Psychodiagnosis in the labor appraisal. Projective tests and non-projective tests

Topic 6 The psychiatrist before the processes of contingency determination

Topic 7 Expertise in workplace harassment. Situations of mobbing and assimilated.

Topic 8 Importance of work from the psychopathological point of view

Topic 9 The expertise in Affective Disorders

Topic 10 The labor expertise in Psychotic Disorders

Topic 11 The expertise in Personality disorders

Topic 12 Expertise in post-traumatic stress disorders, anxiety stress and other anxiety disorders

Topic 13 The expertise in Somatoform Disorders

Topic 14 The labor expertise in Addictions. Disorder due to substance use. Ludoptía

Topic 15 Expertise in Factitious Disorders. Simulation and differential diagnosis

Topic 16 The expert in the Contentious-Administrative field

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Since the student during the academic year already has access to several concerted centers in which an extensive internship program is developed for a minimum of two weeks each student, the classes have an eminently theoretical-practical character; this is, from the theoretical bases essential for the good knowledge and exercise of what will be the training to which the Master refers, the lectures of the classes will come at all times developed through practical cases and discussions about it.

Typically the classes will be developed with PowerPoint projections duly prepared for that purpose.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1. Attendance to class. A minimum of 80% of attendance to face-to-face sessions will be required in order to be evaluated and satisfactorily pass the subject. With a global attendance average of less than 80% but more than 60%, the coordinating teacher of the subject may require the student, as a requisite to be able to access to be evaluated, the performance of some work or additional proficiency practice. In no case, with an average class attendance of less than 60%, no student can be evaluated and the subject is considered not passed and must attend the second call.

2. Continuous evaluation. The valuation of the external practices (Directed Study of Cases) and of the possible works and practices of the subject will suppose a 30% of the final note of the subject.

3. The final exam of the subject. It will consist of a final test type test that will represent 70% of the final grade.

The final exam will consist of 40 theoretical questions type test, on the knowledge treated in the program of the subject. The questions will have 4 answers and only one will be valid.

If the student has attended 60-80% of the classes, they must submit a paper to be evaluated. This work will consist of a duly developed expert report and must integrate a differential diagnosis with the corresponding bibliography and the pertinent medical-legal conclusions. Said work must be delivered at the end of the academic term of the subject, on the date and form to be announced.

Bibliography and resources

Assigned by teachers