Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Basic Adhesion Techniques
Basic Adhesion Techniques
Main language of instruction: English
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish
Teaching staff
Professor: Dr. Lissethe Peñate G.
Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Appointments by request (lissethe@uic.es)
Dental bonding is very important in today's restorative dentistry. Adhesive dentistry is more conservative and is the basis of current restorative dentistry. It is fundamental a deeply knowledge of dental bonding both for general dentists and for the specialists in prosthetics and aesthetics.
Pre-course requirements
To hold a degree or equivalent in dentistry and be undertaking the University Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry.
- Knowledge of the classical basis of membership
- Knowledge of adherence to enamel. How to achieve adherence to the different types of glazes that we may encounter.
- Knowledge of dentine bonding including hybrid layers, resin tags and smears
- Knowledge of the different tests available in the laboratory to test adhesives
- Knowledge of the different components that can be found in a dentine adhesive
- Knowledge of the characteristics of an adhesive etching and washing
- Knowledge of the characteristics of a self-etching adhesive
- Knowledge of the different surface treatments to improve adhesion
- Knowledge of what metalloproteinases are and how to avoid them
- Knowledge of adherence to different substrates (porcelain, metal, composite, zirconium)
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CB6 - Students should have and understand knowledge that provides the basis for or opportunity to be original in terms of the development and application of ideas, often within a research context.
- CB7 - Students should know how to apply the knowledge they have acquired and be able to resolve problems in new or little known environments within a broader (or multidiciplinary) context, related to their area of study.
- CB8 - Students should be able to incorporate knowledge and tackle the complexity of making judgements based on information which, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibility linked to the application of their knowledge and judgement
- CB9 - Students should know how to express their conclusions, and the knowledge and reasoning these are based on, to specialised and non-specialised audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
- CE1 - Students should be able to undertake a proper analysis and an extraoral diagnosis, and underline the aesthetic and functional aspects of the teeth and the soft areas of the lower part of the face as well as a analysis and clinical and lab-based diagnosis, using diagnostic and therapeutic wax models, in order to rehabilitate dental occlusion with good functional and aesthetic balance, while taking into account multidisciplinary factors related to the masticating apparatus.
- CE10 - Students should acquire the ability to apply scientific methods, and apply the knowledge acquired to resolving problems in a scientific field. They should learn how to develop research projects both in vitro and in vivo, within the fields of mechanics, biology and microbiology applied to prosthetic and restorative dentistry and dental implants.
- CE11 - Students should be autonomous in terms of developing and applying new technologies to aesthetic restorative dentistry and searching for new scientific information, as well as acquiring the ability to evaluate and undertake the research and development projects the industry offers in an ethical way, and manage the financial and human resources, as well as be aware of the strategic basis for the transfer of new knowledge to the industry.
- CE2 - Students should be able to work as a clinical professional and/or researcher in the field of aesthetic restorative dentistry, and act as a real specialist or expert in the material; as well as know how to diagnose, treat, prevent and research oral disorders and have updated knowledge of the diagnostic and treatment-related advances which continue to arise throughout their professional life.
- CE4 - To acquire the ability to make oral preparations on mucosa, teeth, and dental implants, to build dental prostheses in patients with advanced oral and multidisciplinary disorders; as well as identify and undertake the procedures and various checks for the prosthetic components during construction.
- CE5 - To be able to give public presentations on your own clinical cases based on the scientific literature, and correctly use the scientific terminology related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry.
- CE6 - To acquire the ability to make scientific informed opinions so as to choose the type of material a dental prosthesis is built of in order to fit the patient with it, as well as know how to continuously update your knowledge of the dental biomaterial used in the field of aesthetic restorative dentistry, know how to manipulate it, and about its properties, indications, biocompatibilities, toxicity and environmental impact.
- CE7 - To be able to search for, organise and analyse, from a critical point of view, and using biomedical sources of information, scientific literature on issues related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry, in order to pursue continuing education in a self-directed and autonomous way.
- CE8 - To know how to apply epistemological, ethical, legislational and humanitarian factors to research and the disclosure of scientific data in the field of aesthetic restorative dentistry.
- CE9 - To recognise and interpret images and specialised diagnostic techniques that are significant in research, as well as know how to apply bioinformatic tools and new technologies to the fields of prosthetic and restorative dentistry and dental implants.
- CG2 - To be autonomous in terms of obtaining a patient's anamnesis and oral explorations in patients with pathologies that might be either advanced or multidisciplinary in nature; and fill in their medical record and other clinical paperwork using scientific language and terminology that is suited to an aesthetic restorative dentistry professional.
- CG4 - To know how to apply protocols for the use of the equipment in the dental laboratory-workshop to the point of undertaking the necessary procedures that help in oral rehabilitation or the treatments common to a restorative dentist.
Learning outcomes of the subject
- Knowledge of the classic principles of bonding
- Knowledge about adherence to enamel and how to achieve adhesion to different types of glaze that we may encounter.
- Knowledge of the basics of dentine bonding and how to define hybrid layers, resin tags, smear layers
- Knowledge about the different tests available in the laboratory for testing adhesives
- Knowledge about the different components that can be found in a dentine adhesive
- Knowledge of the characteristics of an adhesive etching and washing
- Knowledge of the characteristics of a self-etching adhesive
- Knowledge about the different surface treatments to improve adherence
- Knowledge of what metalloproteinases are and how to avoid them
- Knowledge of the techniques of adhesion to different substrates (porcelain, metal, composite, zirconium)
- Classical bases of bonding.
- Classification of adhesive systems.
- Adhesion to enamel.
- Adhesion to dentin.
- Laboratory tecniques for the study of the bonding strenght.
- The different adhesion dentistry materials and their characteristics.
- Adherence to different substrates (porcelain, metal, composite, zirconium).
Teaching and learning activities
In person
- Several high-impact articles related to the topic to be discussed will be posted on Moodle (all students must read the articles).
- Each week the assigned students will make a presentation of the article in Power Point (they must submit the presentations in PDF format through moodle).
- Each week two students will be assigned to summarize the key points of the presentations (they must submit them in PDF format through moodle).
- At the end of the term, there will be an exam to assess the literature covered in class.
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
Continuous Assessment (attendance and participation in class) 20%.
Resolution of Cases (presentations of the articles) 30%
Final Written Exam* 50% * There will be an exam at the end of the term multiple choice and short question.
To pass the subject it is essential to have all the blocks approved.
Bibliography and resources
Papers that should be read by students, were hung every week in the moodle