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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Laboratory Techniques for Fixed Prostheses

Laboratory Techniques for Fixed Prostheses
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

At the end of practice sessions and, if the student wishes, by an email appointment:


The Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry offers an extensive practical clinical activity and develops students’ knowledge of the dental laboratory.

Now, in the world of modern dentistry, new technologies have enabled the development of working systems such as CAD-CAM. Their use requires a basic knowledge of materials and laboratory procedures to carry out restoration work, which the dentist can perform in their own clinic. Therefore, in the fixed prostheses laboratory techniques course, we develop the work protocols and provide students with the knowledge and basic tools to accomplish those objectives.

Students will follow the work protocols established by UIC Barcelona for the various dental laboratory procedures. At the same time, they learn the manual techniques for each of the steps and practices to successfully follow the protocols. 

Pre-course requirements

Advanced knowledge of dental anatomy and occlusion.


The Master’s Degree in Restorative Aesthetic Dentistry programme comprises the learning of the laboratory techniques necessary to carry out rehabilitation treatment in patients requiring aesthetically- guided prosthetic rehabilitation. Students also learn how to correctly use the prosthetic material in the laboratory to perform the preparatory steps for the definitive treatment.

The programme deals with the necessary materials and tools to develop different laboratory techniques for a fixed prosthesis and establishes working protocols to establish a satisfactory daily routine.

The main objective of the laboratory practices is to provide students with the basic skills and knowledge required to carry out the preparatory work in the laboratory for restorative treatments. Students acquire the technical and manual skills to successfully take the steps required to obtain optimum results.

Work practice is conducted in the preclinical laboratory with the necessary material and the tools to develop these techniques under supervision, after lectures and with visual explanations of the steps by the course tutors.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB10 - Students should acquire the learning skills that allow them to continue to study.
  • CB6 - Students should have and understand knowledge that provides the basis for or opportunity to be original in terms of the development and application of ideas, often within a research context.
  • CB7 - Students should know how to apply the knowledge they have acquired and be able to resolve problems in new or little known environments within a broader (or multidiciplinary) context, related to their area of study.
  • CE4 - To acquire the ability to make oral preparations on mucosa, teeth, and dental implants, to build dental prostheses in patients with advanced oral and multidisciplinary disorders; as well as identify and undertake the procedures and various checks for the prosthetic components during construction.
  • CE5 - To be able to give public presentations on your own clinical cases based on the scientific literature, and correctly use the scientific terminology related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry.
  • CE7 - To be able to search for, organise and analyse, from a critical point of view, and using biomedical sources of information, scientific literature on issues related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry, in order to pursue continuing education in a self-directed and autonomous way.
  • CG4 - To know how to apply protocols for the use of the equipment in the dental laboratory-workshop to the point of undertaking the necessary procedures that help in oral rehabilitation or the treatments common to a restorative dentist.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student is able to prep phantoms for non-adhesive fixed prosthesis.

The student is able to undertake articulator mounting of working models.

The student is able to make the necessary wax for the correct diagnosis and to make provisional prosthesis and aesthetic tests.

The student is able to make provisional teeth in the classic form.

The student is able to make provisional teeth with CAD/CAM techniques.

The student is able to make aesthetic provisionals for the anterior sector.


Introduction to the course

-      Introduction to laboratory/models

-      Assembly of models to the articulator (requirements)

-      Basic dental anatomy

-      Hands-on, wax technique (master class)

-      Simple provisionals

-      CAD-CAM provisionals

-      Posterior double load provisionals

-     First term final projects + presentations

-    Assembly of upper cosmetic veneer

-    Working models and acrylic osmetic veneer

-    Maryland

-    Anterior aesthetics provisionals, cut-back technique

-   Second term final projects + presentations

-    Posterior resin models

-    Direct and indirect techniques in posterior resin models

-    Keys preparation + anterior resin model + Geller model

-   Indirect veneers preparation in anterior resin models

-    Posterior preparation crowns

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The laboratory practices with fixed prosthesis development are conducted in the L7 laboratory, using the machines required to carry out the production of diagnostic prosthesis, assembly on articulator, emptying plaster models, model preparation, etc.

Work practice is always preceded by a brief presentation of the work to be performed and hands-on demonstration of each of the steps the student must follow, in order to show the manual skills needed to obtain good results.

During the first year, in addition to the practice in the laboratories, we have the support of experienced professionals from the field, who undertake presentations of the different techniques and give the students hands-on experience.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

There is a continuous assessment at the end of each day of the practice. It will take into account students’ knowledge of the subject, development of practical work and their active participation in the work practice.

Bibliography and resources

. Cadafalch E., Cadafalch J. “Manual clínico de prótesis fija” Harcourt Brace.

. Shillingburg, Jacobi, Brackett. “ Principios básicos en las preparaciones dentarias para restauraciones de metal colado y de ceràmica” Quintessence Books.

. Shillingburg H., Hobo S.  “Fundamentos de prótesis fija” Quintessence books.

. MaloneW., Koth D. “Tylman´s. Teoria y pràctica en prostodoncia fija” Actualidades medico odontológicas latinoamerica

. Lang N., Guldener B. “Atlas de prótesis de coronas y puentes” Masson-Salvat Odontología

. Gross, M,: “La Oclusión en odontología restauradora. Técnica y teoría.” Editoral Labor S.A.

. Okeson, J. “Oclusión y afecciones temporomandibulares”. Mosby/Doyma Libros

. Mallat E., Mallat E. “Fundamentos de la estética bucal en el grupo anterior” Quintessence Books

. Mallat E. “Prótesis fija estética. Un enfoque clínico e interdisciplinario” Elsevier

. Chiche G., Pinault A. “ Prótesis fija estética en dientes anteriores” Editorial Masson


. Fradeani M. “Rehabilitación estética en prótesis fija- Anàlisis estético- Volumen 1. Quintessence Books


Garber David A.. Quintessence books Porcelain & composit inlays & onlays. Esthetic posterior restaurations.   

Dietschi  Didier Ed. Masson Restauraciones adhesivas no metalicas. Conceptos actuales para el tratamiento estetico de los dientes posteriores.   

Richardson DW, Sánchez RA. “ Positional accuracy of four die tray systems”: J. Prosthet. Dent.

 Alonso, AA; Albertini, JS; Bechelli, AH. Oclusión y diagnóstico en rehabilitación oral. Buenos Aires.1999. Editorial Médica Panamericana.

Niell Marc. Science and practice de l¦occlusion. Quintessence