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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Institutional Communication

Institutional Communication
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


The institutional or business communication has become in recent years an essential area of organizations and among them, also audiovisual companies. The need to communicate with all stakeholders (customers, shareholders, suppliers, partners, employees, media, user associations, sector organizations, public in general, etc.) has been increased with the development of social networks and online publishing platforms.

In this new scenery, any type of organization (companies, governments and public administrations, NGOs, etc.) faces a constant communicative demand from its different publics. 

Currently, within the fields related to communication and journalism, institutional or corporate communicators are some of the most demanded professional profiles.


1. Understand the different perspectives, approaches and trends in the communication management of an organization.

2. Develop the ability to analyze and propose strategic decisions in an organization from the point of view of communication, developing the criterion itself.

3. Know the characteristics and functions of the cabinets (internal and external) of communication. In particular, the tools and tactics most used in a press office will be developed.

4. Be able to analyze the strategy and communication tools developed by a company to implement a communication policy.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to adapt to varying circumstances
  • 02 - The ability to understand, accept criticism and correct errors
  • 03 - The ability to administer and manage human and technical resources
  • 04 - The ability to work in a team and autonomously
  • 05 - The ability to organise time and workspace
  • 06 - The ability to develop academic rigour, responsibility, ethics and professionalism
  • 07 - The ability to apply the deontology and respect for the audiovisual sector
  • 08 - The ability of critical analysis, synthesis, concretion and abstraction
  • 09 - The ability to objectify, quantify and interpret (data, statistics, empirical evidenceÂ…)
  • 10 - The ability to confront difficulties and resolve problems
  • 11 - The ability to generate debate and reflection
  • 12 - The ability to meet deadlines, develop the ability to be punctual and respect for human, technical and material resources
  • 13 - The ability to create spoken and written communication
  • 15 - Knowledge and mastery of body language and techniques for public speaking
  • 16 - The ability to manage, analysis and reflect on content
  • 18 - The capacity and development of general culture and interest in social events
  • 19 - The ability of informative documentation
  • 20 - Knowledge and mastery of bibliographic media
  • 21 - Knowledge and mastery of the digital culture
  • 24 - The ability to plan and organize both short term and long term projects
  • 25 - The ability to maximize creative development
  • 26 - The ability to develop a sense of taste and perfection in the aesthetics and finalization of projects
  • 27 - The ability to adapt to distinct audio visual publics and markets.
  • 28 - Knowledge and mastery of principle economic concepts.
  • 35 - The ability to contextualize and critically analyze the products of the audiovisual industry
  • 37 - The ability to contextualize and critically analyze the organizational structure of global communication
  • 38 - The ability to understand and apply the structure of the audiovisual system
  • 39 - The ability to understand and apply the legal dimension of an audiovisual product
  • 41 - The ability to know how the distinct elemental agencies of the audio visual sector function
  • 44 - The ability to adapt to new audiovisual formats
  • 50 - The ability to adapt, understand and apply the expressive possibilities of new technologies and future changes
  • 51 - Knowledge and mastery of the functioning of Corporate and Institutional Communication.
  • 53 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 54 - The ability to skillfully manage the literature, terminology and linguistic structures of the English language related to the field of communication.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The subject will provide the student with knowledge about how communication management is carried out in organizations.

You will also acquire practical knowledge on the main PR Programs and Tools to manage communication.

As part of the Degree in Audiovisual Communication, the formats and contents that are being demanded in organizations today will be reviewed.

Finally, they will learn about the informational tools and tactics used in a press office to manage relations with the media.


1. Introduction to institutional communication 

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Clarify Conceptos: corporate-institutional communication / PR / Marketing 

1.3. Corporate Culture / Purpose. Identity and image. orporate Channels and tools

2. The Communication Managment

2.1. Types of cabinets, structure and functions 

2.2. Trends in communication      

3. Public relations programs and techniques  

3.1. Community relations / Social Networks / Influence MKT

3.2. Corporate video / Audiovisual pieces for organizations

4. Press office / Media relations area

4.1. Functions and objectives

4.2. Approach to some Theories on the effects of the media 

4.3. Work processes and tools

4.4. The spokesmen. Informationals Tactics

Teaching and learning activities

In person

* Master Classes: not only consist of the transmission of contents or knowledge, but also in the approach to real cases of companies and institutions. Participation of attendees will be promoted through the presentation of opinions, arguments and proposals in a group context. 

* Lab. Realization of exercises in class where theory and practice are combined. 

* Meeting point. Meetings with professionals.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

In 1st Call:

Exam (40%)

Practices Carried out in class (60%)

In 2nd Call and subsequent

Students will be evaluated through an exam (100% de la nota)



Bibliography and resources

- ARGENTI, P. Strategic communication and its contribution to reputation. UIC Catalog, 2014. Chapter 3: Evolution of the corporate communication function "; Chapter 4: "Identity, image, reputation and corporate advertising; and Chapter 5: Corporate responsibility

- GARCÍA OROSA, B. Speakers of today: radiography of communication cabinets. Netbiblo, 2005. Chapter 5.

- WILCOX, D., CAMERON, G. and XIFRA, J. Public Relations: strategic and tactical. Addison Wesley, 2006. Chapter 6: Program Planning

- XIFRA, J. Manual of Public and Institutional Relations. Tecnos, 2011. Chapter VIII: "Techniques of relations with the press" and Chapter IX: "Relations with the community"

- CAPRIOTTI, P. Corporate Branding. Santiago de Chile, 2009. Ed. Libros de la Empresa. Available online: (Ed. Books of the Company)

(*) All the books are in the UIC Library

Websites and Blogs of interest

Series about Political Communication 

- The West Wing (1999 - 2006) Director: Aaron Sorkin / John Wells
- The Newsroom (2012 - 2014) Director: Aaron Sorkin 

- Borgen (2010-2013) Director: Adam Price