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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Pulp Physiopathology II

Pulp Physiopathology II
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Email (Fernando Durán-Sindreu) to request a meeting.


Dental pulp tissue has unique characteristics that are defined, in part, by its relation to the surrounding tissues in both health and disease situations.

The study of the biology of the dental pulp provides the initial information necessary to build a solid base of clinical knowledge based on the scientific evidence available today

This subject further develops the concepts acquired in Pulp Physiopathology I.

Pre-course requirements

No pre-requisites required. 


To teach students about:

The cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the formation of the reparative and tertiary dentin.

The biochemical and cellular composition of the dental pulp.

The characteristics of pulpal nerve tissue and its response to external aggressions.

The workings of pulpal vascularity in healthy and pathological situations

Inflammatory mediators and their effects on the dental pulp.

The inflammatory response on a molecular level in periapical pathology.

The clinical implications of pulpal response to external aggressions.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Students will be expected to:

Argue for and defend their own scientific ideas as well as to listen, analyse, evaluate and respond to the ideas of others.

Acquire learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a self-directed and autonomous manner.

Understand how to provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas in a research context.

Apply acquired knowledge and develop a problem-solving ability in new environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study in question.

Communicate their knowledge, conclusions and the essential concepts that support them to specialised and non-specialised audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

Apply the appropriate diagnostic techniques and correctly interpret the results derived from them.

Integrate new knowledge acquired through research and study, and deal with complexity.

Diagnose, prevent pulpoperiapical diseases and keep up-to-date in the diagnostic and therapeutic advances that emerge during their professional lives.


Learning outcomes of the subject

Students will be expected to:

Understand the mechanisms that regulate the secondary and tertiary dentinogenesis.

Understand how pulpal vascularity works and its response to an aggression

Understand the nerve response mechanism of the dental pulp as well as its response to pulpal inflammation. 

Understand the mechanisms of periapical response to pulpal disease.

Put all the knowledge acquired into clinical practice. 


Dentin neoformative processes

Biochemical structure of the interstitial and basic substance of the dental pulp.

Characteristics of the pulpal cells.

Vascular structure of the dental pulp.

Nervous structure of the pulp.

Nerve changes in pulpal inflammation and pulpal pain.

Nervous physiology of the pulp.

Nerve changes in pulp and neuropeptide inflammation.

Relationship between nerve response and pulpal pain.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Discussion on subjects read about and prepared at home by both teachers and students.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1) Students in first call: 

- 20% Class attitude and participation.

- 30% Continual assessment.

- 50% Final exam.

2) Students in second call: same evaluation criteria as in the first call. In second call it is not possible to obtain a mark with honors.

3)Students who have sat the examination twice or more:  The assessment criteria will be the same for first and second call. Class participation grade will not be saved for the next sitting, so attendance is mandatory when retaking the course.


General points to consider:

- Attendance of seminars is compulsory. Non‐attendance leads to automatically failing the course.

- Expulsion of a student from class leads to failing the course.

- Participation in class means the contribution of interesting ideas or the presentation of pertinent questions that help to improve the quality of the session.

- Examinations will be in multiple choice format with 4 options of answer, counting +1 the correct answer and -0.20 for each error.

Bibliography and resources

Dental pulp. Seltzer and Bender. Segunda edición

Pulpal Reactions to Orthodontic Force Application in Humans: A Systematic Review. Journal of Endodontics, Volume 38, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 1463-1469.Martina von Böhl, Yijin Ren, Piotr S. Fudalej, Anne M. Kuijpers-Jagtman

Pulpal Response after Acute Dental Injury in the Permanent Dentition: Clinical Implications—A Review. Journal of Endodontics, Volume 41, Issue 3, March 2015, Pages 299-308. Frances M. Andreasen, Bill Kahler

Pulpal Pain Diagnosis—A Review. Journal of Endodontics, Volume 26, Issue 3, March 2000, Pages 175-179. I.B. Bender