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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Trabajo Fin de Postgrado

Trabajo Fin de Postgrado
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Teaching and learning activities

In blended


Final Postgraduate Work

code 12298
course 1
Annual period
credits 5

Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English




Dr. Gerardo Ruales Suárez

Attention hours

By appointment through


In the FINAL POSTGRADUATE WORK (TFP) the students will put into practice the knowledge acquired during the training program, regarding clinical research and materials. The porfessor-tutor will be responsible for the area in question, who will monitor this work. This work may have a clinical or research profile and must follow in detail, during its execution, the protocol that is designed and authorized during the first semester of the master's activity, where a working hypothesis and specific objectives will have been established. Once the results of the study have been achieved, the student must prepare a written report of their clinical or research work following the criteria of scientific rigor learned during the postgraduate training program.

The clinical profile TFP will aim to review a specific pathology, diagnostic impression or therapeutic technique on patient images, where the student has participated directly in decision-making to obtain the images or has carried out the same analysis of the same. The bibliographic review, knowledge of the theoretical principles of pathologies and the level of interpretation must be taken into account to be eligible for this type of TFP.

The research profile TFP will be of an investigative nature on topics, techniques or materials related to the field of oral and maxillofacial radiology. Based on previous studies (internal or external to the postgraduate) and following the criteria of the scientific method, research papers can be designed to provide more information in the profession.

Previous requirements

Have accepted the research protocol.



O1: Obtain the ability to apply the scientific method, and apply the knowledge acquired in solving problems in a scientific field. Learn to develop research projects in the field of oral and maxillofacial radiology and the application to dentistry.
O2- Have autonomy in the development and application of new technologies in oral and maxillofacial radiology and in the search for new scientific information, and acquire the ability to evaluate and carry out research and development projects offered by the industry in an ethical manner, and to manage the economic and human resources, as well as to know the strategic bases for the transfer of new knowledge to the industry.
O3 - Update knowledge of oral and maxillofacial radiology to apply them.
O4 - Be able to search, organize and analyze, in a critical spirit, using sources of biomedical information, the scientific literature on topics related to oral and maxillofacial radiology and dentistry, to be able to continue their ongoing training process in a self-directed and autonomous way. .
O5 - Know how to apply the epistemological, ethicodeontological, legislative and humanitarian foundations in the exercise of research and dissemination of scientific data in the field of dentistry in oral and maxillofacial radiology.
O6 - Know how to apply the protocols established at the International University of Catalonia in relation to diagnosis and complementary examinations, as well as the planning of these. We take into account that the images obtained present pathologies with advanced or multidisciplinary profiles.

Learning Outcomes

- Design a research protocol based on the scientific method

- Learn to get started in clinical or laboratory research, to develop a research project applying new techniques learned and managing time and resources.

- Properly write the introduction, justification, objectives, hypotheses, state of the question, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions of your final postgraduate work.

- Defend before a competent dental court the "Postgraduate completion work" carried out.

Methodology and training activities

Fully face-to-face mode in the virtual classroom


Tutoring in small groups or individually

Investigation problem solving

Research-led learning

Communicative research methodology

Formation activities:




Assessment systems and criteria

Following the criterion that the POSTGRADUATE FINAL WORK is the * compendium of all the training received during the year of the postgraduate program, the Scientific Commission of the Faculty of Dentistry of the International University of Catalonia, made up of representatives from each area of the dental specialties * and those responsible for the Faculty Center Board, to contribute to this Work having a scientific quality in accordance with the competences that this teaching module requires, will value and must authorize the protocol of this research or clinical work before carrying it out. Once the study is completed and the memory of the "Final Master's Project" is prepared, it will be reviewed by the same Scientific Commission. The review system for the "Final Master's Project" will focus on evaluating the scientific and methodological rigor of the work carried out, taking into account the communication capacity that the student demonstrates.
The final grade of the work will be assessed based on the following criteria:

50% note proposed by the master's degree work commission.

40% note proposed by the court on the day of the oral defense.

10% upon the delivery of the article to be published.