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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Human Sexuality and Biological Markers to Identify Fertile Phases

Human Sexuality and Biological Markers to Identify Fertile Phases
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish,

Teaching staff

The lecturer team is at your absolute disposal. 

Please find below our emails in case you need to contact us out of hours:

Dr Luis Fernando Trullols:

Dr Eduardo Bataller Sánchez:

Dra. Yolanda Fernández Hermida:


Dear students, welcome to the subject Sexuality, Fertility and Reproductive Health.

We are delighted to present this optional subject with a completely renewed structure, designed to offer you a complete training in the field of Human Sexuality and Fertility in a dynamic and practical way.

The UIC is the first University in the country to offer this revolutionary approach to Reproductive Health in a degree.

Due to its multidisciplinary approach and its professional and personal interest, it is addressed to all university Medicine students, regardless of the specialty they wish to develop in the future.

They talk about us:
What our students say about the subject:

"The classes are very participatory and the teachers encourage you to participate, which makes you look forward to attend"

“I liked discovering the importance couple's union to carry out a life project in the field of sexuality”

"It has helped me to eliminate stereotypes and observe in a more scientific way the effectiveness of Fertility Recognition methods"

“Now I have more knowledge about the physiology of the menstrual cycle and how it can be used both to postpone and achieve pregnancy”

“The possibility of detecting diseases through the use of biomarkers of the menstrual cycle”

“The ability of Naprotechnology on solving infertility problems"


The objectives of the course are for the student to acquire:

- An integrating vision of the different dimensions of human sexuality.

- A critical sense of scientific evidence on Reproductive Health.

- Knowledge of the physiology of Human Reproduction.

- Practical ability to recognize the fertile and infertile periods of the couple according to the main methods of Recognition of Fertility.

- Ability to identify the different biomarkers of the menstrual cycle and its practical application in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of possible alterations.

- Knowledge of the multidisciplinary approach to Reproductive Health from the different specialties involved: gynecology, urology, andrology, endocrinology, psychology...


UNIT 1: Anthropological Bases of Human Sexuality

1.1 Anthropology of human sexuality.

1.2 Emotional, psychological and affective aspects of human sexuality.

UNIT 2: Interest of Natural Fertility Recognition Methods.

2.1 Scientific evidence: Bibliographic review of articles of interest related to the Methods of Recognition of Fertility and Reproductive Health.

2.2 Side effects of hormonal contraception. Side effects of assisted reproductive techniques. Sexually transmitted infections and their prevention.

UNIT 3: Physiological Basis of Human Reproduction

3.1 Anatomy and Physiology of human reproduction. combined fertility.

3.2 Endocrinology & Reproductive Health. Sexually transmitted infections and their prevention.

3.3 Biophysical and Biochemical parameters of cervical secretion. Optical Microscope Workshop.

UNIT 4: Methods of Natural Recognition of Fertility.

4.1 Cervical Secretion Method. MELA. Charts' workshop.

4.2 Symptothermal Methods. Charts' workshop.

4.3 Creighton method. Charts' workshop.

UNIT 5: NaproTechnology

5.1 Naprotechnology I. Clinical cases.

5.2 Naprotechnology II. Clinical cases.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

For the teaching, the following methodologies will be combined:

- Participatory classes.

- Microscope observation workshop.

- Debate & Oral presentation.

- Graphics workshops.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

There will be no final exam.

Continuous Evaluation

The teacher will dedicate the final minutes of each day to follow the students' learning about what was explained in that class.

Depending on the type of class, it may be:

- Brief questionnaire: 5 multiple choice questions with 4 possible answers. Wrong answers do not take points away.

- Participation in Oral Exposition / Debate

- Interpretation of charts in the workshops