Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

History of Psychology

History of Psychology
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

  • Time to be agree with the teacher: xescriba@uic.es
  • Time to be agree with the teacher: palonsos@uic.es


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

Through the course the students will learn about the origin and the evolution of the psychological thought, as a method of scientific explanation of the structure of the subjectivity and the human behaviour. This knowledge will enable them to recognize the school or psychological movement that underlies a book, article or program and focus his practice with critical capacity.

Pre-course requirements

The own to begin graduate studies.


The objective of the subject is that the students know the different historical periods of psychology and know how to value their contributions in light of the integrity of the person.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content.
Case studies are a learning technique in which the subject is given the description of a specific situation that poses a problem, which must be understood, assessed and resolved by a group of people through discussion. Case studies are generally resolved in groups to promote student participation and develop their critical thinking skills. They also prepare students to make decisions, teaching them how to back up their arguments and contrast them with the opinions of the other group members.
The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible.
A non-classroom activity in which students undertake exercises autonomously, without the presence of the lecturer/professor. This is the stage in which most questions arise, but, as the option to immediately ask the question does not exist, students are forced to make an additional effort.
This is the method whereby students work on their own. In each subject, the students will complete assignments that reflect their autonomous learning experience. The students will also prepare themselves for lifelong learning by learning to use educational materials and multimedia resources autonomously. This will be where they learn to self-regulate learning and develop their time management skills.
Session in which the lecturer presents and explains the course content. This learning methodology allows for the use of audiovisual methodologies that support the content description. Students may interact and actively participate in this session.
Debates and discussion in large and small groups, which help develop the students’ critical thinking and judgement skills. This method encourages participation and initiative, the asking of constructive questions and the presentation of new problems that promote critical thinking.
Group work promotes the convergence of the students’ ideas, tasks and proposals for the purpose of carrying out a cooperative project based on each student’s inter- and intrapersonal competences.
This is where the students consolidate what they have learned through study, the looking up of information, the processing of data and the process of integration.
The students’ active attendance in class reflects their degree of involvement in the form of interest and their interaction with the lecturer and the rest of their classmates.
An individual written test that includes the most general and relevant aspects of the subject matter under evaluation. These exams will assess the students’ capacity to listen and understand the main ideas of the course content, as well as their capacity to understand the literature specific to their area of study and use the relevant terminology. On the other hand, the written exams will also assess concepts specific to the degree programme’s various subjects. They will be structured into partial and/or final exams, final exercises, online questionnaires and the analysis of scientific articles.
The resolution of cases will be used to assess the students’ capacity to apply the theoretical content learned in class in a real or simulated situation.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course the student body must be able to:

1. Identify different authors, systems and psychological theories that make up the history of psychology.

2. Recognize the epistemological models underlying each psychological movement.

3. Understand that the different psychological currents complement each other and acquire meaning when integrated into the person.




Teaching and learning activities

In person



Master Class (CM)

Theoretical Class (CT)

Case Study (EC)

Theoretical Class (CT)

Practical Classes / Laboratory (CP)

Resolution of exercises and problems (REP)

Practical classes / Laboratory (CP)

Autonomous Work: Study and realization of exercises (TA)

Individual Work (IT)

Autonomous Learning (AA)

Lectures will be the setting in which students will learn and use the terminology and linguistic structures related to the sphere of study, for the purpose of practising and developing oral and written communication skills and becoming familiar with the literature and instruction materials provided to better integrate the curricular content.
Case studies are a learning technique in which the subject is given the description of a specific situation that poses a problem, which must be understood, assessed and resolved by a group of people through discussion. Case studies are generally resolved in groups to promote student participation and develop their critical thinking skills. They also prepare students to make decisions, teaching them how to back up their arguments and contrast them with the opinions of the other group members.
The guided reading of texts aims to develop the students’ critical thinking skills, which play a fundamental role in creating citizens who are both aware and responsible.
A non-classroom activity in which students undertake exercises autonomously, without the presence of the lecturer/professor. This is the stage in which most questions arise, but, as the option to immediately ask the question does not exist, students are forced to make an additional effort.
This is the method whereby students work on their own. In each subject, the students will complete assignments that reflect their autonomous learning experience. The students will also prepare themselves for lifelong learning by learning to use educational materials and multimedia resources autonomously. This will be where they learn to self-regulate learning and develop their time management skills.
Session in which the lecturer presents and explains the course content. This learning methodology allows for the use of audiovisual methodologies that support the content description. Students may interact and actively participate in this session.
Debates and discussion in large and small groups, which help develop the students’ critical thinking and judgement skills. This method encourages participation and initiative, the asking of constructive questions and the presentation of new problems that promote critical thinking.
Group work promotes the convergence of the students’ ideas, tasks and proposals for the purpose of carrying out a cooperative project based on each student’s inter- and intrapersonal competences.
This is where the students consolidate what they have learned through study, the looking up of information, the processing of data and the process of integration.
The students’ active attendance in class reflects their degree of involvement in the form of interest and their interaction with the lecturer and the rest of their classmates.
An individual written test that includes the most general and relevant aspects of the subject matter under evaluation. These exams will assess the students’ capacity to listen and understand the main ideas of the course content, as well as their capacity to understand the literature specific to their area of study and use the relevant terminology. On the other hand, the written exams will also assess concepts specific to the degree programme’s various subjects. They will be structured into partial and/or final exams, final exercises, online questionnaires and the analysis of scientific articles.
The resolution of cases will be used to assess the students’ capacity to apply the theoretical content learned in class in a real or simulated situation.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Block I and Block II, follow their own evaluation criteria.  To overcome the subject, each and every one of the blocks in which the subject is divided must be approved, with a minimum grade of 5.

Bibliography and resources

Bibliography Basic:

Carpintero, H. (2010). Historia de la Psicología. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Financieros.

Osorio, A. (2009). Fundamentos filosóficos de la Psicología actual. https://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/2796997.pdf


Bibliography Complementary:

Echavarría, M. (2010). Corrientes de psicología contemporánea. Barcelona: Scire

Ferrándiz, A., Lafuente, E. & Loredo, J.C. (2018). Lecturas de Historia de la Psicología. Basauri: Grafo

García, L. (2007). Breve Historia de la Psicología. Madrid: S XXI.

Goodwin, J. (2009). Historia de la Psicología Moderna. México: Limusa‐Wiley.

Leahey, T. H. (2013). Historia de la Psicología. Madrid. Pearson.

Lilienfeld, S. y cols. (2010). 50 grandes mitos de la psicología popular. Barcelona: Buridán.

Mora J. A. y Martín, M. L. (2010). Introducción e Historia de la Psicología. Madrid: Pirámide.

Puente, A. (2011). Psicología contemporánea básica y aplicada. Madrid: Pirámide.

Saiz, M. (Coord.) (2009). Historia de la Psicología. Barcelona: UOC.

Sokolowski, R. (2013). Fenomenología de la persona humana. Salamanca: Sígueme.

Tortosa, F. y Civera, C. (2005). Historia de la psicología. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.


Web pages:

×        American Psychological Association www.apa.org/

×        Formación, autoayuda y consejo y textos online www.psicologiaonline.com/ 

×        Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción www.fad.es/Home

×        Infocop, Revista del Consejo General de COP www.cop.es/infocop/

×        Papeles del Psicólogo. Revista del COP www.papelesdelpsicologo.es/

×        Psicólogos sin Fronteras www.psicologossinfronteras.net/

×        Red de servicios para profesionales de la Salud Mental, Psicología y Psiquiatría www.redpsi.org/ 

×        Revista del COP del Principado de Asturias www.psicothema.com/ 

×        Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y el Estrés www.ucm.es/info/seas/revista/ 

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 11/01/2021 A03 08:00h
  • E2 17/06/2021 A02 08:00h