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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Research, Teaching and Simulation in Urgent Care

Research, Teaching and Simulation in Urgent Care
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Coordinator of the subject and responsible for the research part: Dra. Mireia Llauradó

Teaching staff of the research part: Dra. Mireia Llauradó, Dra. Marian de Juan, Dr. Pere Castellví

Respible of the simulations: Dr. Jordi Castillo


This course includes the bibliographic search methodology in health sciences, critical review of scientific publications, types, and characteristics of scientific studies, design and development of studies, and presentation of scientific papers and communications. In relation to teaching and simulation, the basic methodological aspects are studied to interpret, plan, design, and implement projects for theoretical and practical training in health emergencies and emergencies, specifically including the use of clinical simulation teaching tools and evaluation tools. objective structured clinic (ECOE).

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites for completing this subject.



  1. Have basic knowledge of research methods.   
  2. Know the ethical aspects of research     
  3. Be able to understand the scientific evidence and make a critical reading     
  4. Be able to search for scientific evidence in existing indexed databases.    

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB10 - Students should have the learning skills required to help them continue studying in a way that will allow them to be broadly self-directed and autonomous.
  • CB6 - To have a clear understanding of knowledge that provides a base level or opportunity to develop and/or apply ideas in an original way, often within the context of research.
  • CB9 - Students should be able to communicate their conclusions in a clear and unambiguous way, as well as the resulting knowledge and reasoning that supports them, so that they can be understood by both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • CE10 - To identify the tools and qualitative and quantitative methods necessary to design and develop a research study in the medical field of urgent and emergency care.
  • CG1 - To know how to work in a multidisciplinary team in an independent way, and how to take the initiative to resolve any disputes or problems that arise between different professional perspectives.
  • CG4 - To know how to use information and communication technology tools and how to apply them to specific fields of knowledge.
  • CG5 - To design research studies that can generate new and suitable knowledge that encourages the development of the discipline, profession or institution.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Knows the fundamental methodological aspects of scientific research, distinguishes the different types of studies, and knows their fundamental characteristics.     
  • Properly handles bibliographic search tools and knows how to critically review the results obtained.     
  • Knows the usual rules for publishing scientific studies and bibliographic citation styles.     
  • Knows the methodological foundations of teaching and learning processes, the most common teaching resources, and the main evaluation systems applied to train in emergencies and health emergencies.     
  • Carry out the programming of a training activity appropriately.     


Research in Health Sciences

  • Methodology of scientific research     
  • Fundamentals of Design and statistics     
  • Types of studies. Observational Studies. Experimental studies     
  • Bibliographic search and analysis     
  • Scientific publication techniques
  • Critical appraisal of evidence
  • Understanding of statistical results      
  • Evidence based practice

Clinical Simulation

  • Advanced clinical simulation     
  • Devices for clinical simulation     
  • The simulation room     
  • Planning and organization of simulation training actions     
  • Evaluation and analysis in simulation     
  • Practices                   

Teaching and learning activities

In person


The training activities will have the following dynamics:

  1. Expository class: expository session by the teacher, whose purpose is to transmit introductory knowledge on the subject to stimulate student reflection.     
  2. Autonomous learning: the study of the subject from the indicated bibliography.      
  3. Seminar or group tutoring: discussion of problems and cases.     
  4. Written exercise: individual performance of an exercise prescribed by the teacher     

La parte que corresponde a la simulación clínica se realizará en el Centro Integral de simulación Avanzada (CISA).

En esta parte se pretende aglutinar en habilidades prácticas todos aquellos conocimientos trabajados en el aula. Se trabajará en grupos reducidos de 8-10 alumnos en formato multidisciplinar.

Se utilizaran varias metodologías educativas donde la simulación clínica será el común denominador entre las que se destacan: la simulación virtual, talleres interactivos, “scape romos”, gammificación, etc..

Se utilizará una jornada entera después de 2 asignaturas teóricas. 


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of the subject will consist of the following sections:

In order to pass the subject, both modules must be approved with a 5 out of 10 points. The global mark corresponds in 70% to the research module and 30% to the simulation module.


- Assessment activities: The student must have submitted all the assessment activities of the subject.

- Exam: students must pass the exam with a qualification of 5 out of 10 to pass the whole module.

The percentages of each part are:

- Continuous evaluation activities: 50%

- Exam: 50%



El 30% de la nota de la asignatura es la obtenida en la parte de simulación clínica.

Cada una de las jornadas serán evaluadas a partir de parrillas ya construidas, que cada instructor rellenará, particularmente dirigidas a la actitud y la capacitación práctica del alumno. Se realizará una media de todas las evaluaciones de cada uno de los profesores de la jornada. 

Esta parte debe superarse con un 5 (a partir de la media aritmética de la nota de las tres jornadas).

En el caso de no superar la parte de simulación de la asignatura, el alumno deberá presentar en segunda convocatoria, un trabajo académico (su nota final en esta parte, nunca podrá ser superior a 5 puntos).


Bibliography and resources


  1. Josep Mª Argimon, Josep Jimenez. Clinical and epidemiological research methods. 4th Ed. Elsevier. 2012     
  2. Mª Teresa Icart Isern, Anna M Pulponia Segura. How to prepare and present a research project, a dissertation, and a thesis. UB editions. 2012     
  3. Josep Jimenez, Josep Mª Argimon, et al. Biomedical scientific publication. How to write and publish a research article. 2nd ed. Elsevier. 2015     
  4. Ann Bowling. Research methods in health. Investigating health and health services. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill. 2014     
  5. Miguel Ángel Martínez González, Almudena Sánchez-Villegas, Estefanía A. Toledo Atucha, Javier Faulin, Fajardo. Friendly biostatistics. 3rd ed. Elsevier. 2014