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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Management Topics 1

Management Topics 1
First semester
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Dr. PIƉ VALLS, Blai -

You can contact Dr. Blai Pié Valls:


Management Topics 1 is an online course that will be taught synchronously. Lessons will take place on Thursdays from 16:00 to 18:00 via Zoom.

(This course is independent of Management Topics 2. One can take MT2 without regard to MT1 and viceversa.)


This course takes a dynamic approach to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations, steering away from purely theoretical descriptions of frameworks, metrics, and taxonomies. 

Instead of offering ready-made solutions, our objective will be to equip individuals with essential tools and, more importantly, the right mindset for addressing ESG challenges from a perspective befitting future business leaders. Active participation in lectures and activities is essential as we delve into complex questions that often lack clear-cut, definitive answers. With this approach and a forward-thinking perspective, our aim is to empower participants to anticipate and effectively address emerging issues in ways that benefit both their organizations
and society at large.

The ultimate goal of the course is not to create ESG experts, but rather to cultivate a forward-thinking mindset that encourages responsible leadership.


1. Adquirir habilidades y conocimientos genéricos de Administración y Dirección de Empresas.

2. Autogestionar el tiempo.

3. Capacidad de relacionar conceptos de diferentes materias.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 53 - To acquire the skills necessary to learn autonomously.
  • 55 - To adopt good time management skills.
  • 61 - To develop skills for adapting to new situations.
  • 63 - To be able to analyse business related behaviour and decisions and evaluate them from an economic, social and ethical point of view.
  • 65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.
  • 68 - To develop mechanisms that encourage sensitivity towards social welfare issues.


ESG in Corporate and Investment Finance

  1. General introduction to ESG.
  2. General overview of Environmental considerations.
    1. Environmental crisis and climate change.
    2. The role of energy in today’s economy.
  3. Social impacts of economical systems.
    1. The role of companies in society.
    2. Selected topics of interplay between economy and society.
  4. Governance considerations.
    1. Impact of Governance on E & S.
    2. Governance as culture.
    3. Governance in banking.
    4. Case studies.
  5. Introduction to Financial concepts.
    1. Business Plan modelling.
    2. PL & BS.
    3. Debt and equity. Pricing of risk. Structured finance.
  6. Project Finance as an impact tool.
    1. History of PF. Basic concepts.
    2. Description and main applications.
    3. Financial modelling.
  7. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A).
    1. Introduction to M&A.
    2. M&A: some financial concepts.
    3. Case studies.


Teaching and learning activities


  • Active participation in lectures.
  • Case studies.
  • Preparation of presentations and short essays related to ESG.

Evaluation systems and criteria



  • Attendance and participation: 25%
  • Presentations and essays: 25%
  • Exams: 50%
  Attendance and participation:

To receive the highest possible grade, attendance of at least 80% is mandatory.

Active involvement during classes will be assessed qualitatively.


Presentations and essays:

Throughout the course, you will be tasked with delivering presentations and/or submitting
essays. These assignments will be evaluated using pre-specified criteria.


Mid-term exam:

Approximately halfway through the semester, there will be a partial examination covering the topics studied up to that point. This exam will include multiple-choice questions, as well as some numerical problems and open-response questions.

Passing this midterm will exempt you from these specific topics in the final exam.

This exam will weight 25% towards the final grade.


Final exam:

At the end of the semester there will be a new examination that will include:

  • For those who have successfully completed the mid-term exam, the final exam will address only new content introduced after the mid-term. In this case, the final exam will have a weight of 25% towards the final grade.
  • For those who have failed to pass the mid-term exam, or who wish to better their grades, the finall exam will encompass all course materials. In this case, the final exam will count 50% towards the final grade (mid-term will be dismissed).


Second call:
In the event that you do not pass the previous examinations, there will be a second call exam, encompassing the entire course content. This will contribute a 50% weight towards the final qualification.

Bibliography and resources

Recommended bibliography and resources will be listed in each lecture.

Teaching and learning material