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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Studies of Area II: History

Studies of Area II: History
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan,

Teaching staff

Any doubts they may have will be addressed through institutional email or directly in class.


This subject focuses on the study of the geographic and cultural Asia Pacific, from China to the Pacific islands.

Pre-course requirements

Not applicable


The main objectives of this course are:

  • Understanding the geographical structure of the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Understanding the process of discovery in the western zone.
  • Learn how produced inputs in contemporary countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Understanding the international influence of this area today.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • E01 - Ability to provide a humanistic/cultural vision to other sciences or methods.
  • E02 - Ability to use methods and techniques specific to human sciences.
  • E05 - Ability to evaluate social issues linked to cultural diversity.
  • E06 - Awareness of and respect for different points of view resulting from cultural and social diversity.
  • E07 - To acquire knowledge on the different issues and problems of current cultural debate and be aware of their constant change.
  • E08 - To distinguish and understand the structures of different cultural systems.
  • E09 - To understand the limits and forms of intercultural communication.
  • E10 - Ability to define research topics which can contribute knowlege and contribute to cultural debate.
  • E11 - Ability to interpret data and relate it to appropriate theories.
  • E12 - To acquire knowledge and understanding of imaginary, iconic and symbolic languages and their representation.
  • E13 - To acquire knowlege of the general diachronic framework of the past.
  • E14 - To develop the ability for critical analysis with regard to literary and artistic expression.
  • E16 - To acquire knowledge of the different models and policies of other cultures and migrant groups.
  • E18 - To acquire the perception and knowledge of the physical space in which human activity develops.
  • E20 - Ability to reflect on human-environment interaction and the organisation of the resulting territory.
  • E22 - To acquire knowledge of and the ability to use data collection instruments (biliographic catalogues, inventory archives, documentary sources, electronic sources, etc).
  • E23 - Ability to use computer resources and techniques to produce essays on cultural topics.
  • E24 - Ability to present the results of research project in accordance with the standards of each subject area.
  • E25 - Ability to communicate orally in one's own language and other languages using the terminology and resources accepted in the cultural framework of each language
  • E26 - Ability to read and write texts in one's own language and other languages, as well as transcribe, summarise and categorise pertinent information.
  • E27 - Ability to work in multicultural contexts.
  • E28 - Ability to organise complex cultural information coherently.
  • E31 - To pass on knowledge and good practices to other sectors.
  • E37 - To have current knowledge of the areas of study related to international issues, taking into account contributions from relevant resources, such as a critical reflection on the impact of tourism (including cultural tourism) on development.
  • E38 - To be aware of the problem surrounding information sources in international issues.
  • E39 - Ability to criticise and self-criticise in an intercultural dialogue and the ability to adapt and converse in a multi- or intercultural setting (versatility, ability to handle unforeseen problems and generate alternative solutions).
  • E40 - Ability to cooperate in, motivate and lead multicultural teams (understood as the ability to create and leverage synergies).
  • G01 - To analyse and interpret social and cultural environments to identify need, opportunities, weaknesses and strenghts..
  • G02 - To lead, cooordinate and form part of interdisciplinary work teams.
  • G03 - To search for and/or administer economic resources within the framework of an institution or company, or a cultural programmes, project or service.
  • G04 - To know how to communicate, encourage and mediate between the various agents involved in a cultural project, programme or service.
  • G05 - To act responsibly and produce high-quality, rigorous and efficient work that benefits society.
  • G06 - To demonstrate an ability to be open and flexible with regards to cultural and socil diversity.
  • G07 - To know how to apply and adapt to new technologies in processes of cultural management, production and dissemination.
  • G08 - Ability to carry out research.
  • G09 - Creativity, inititiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
  • G10 - Management of ICT skills, organisation and information management.
  • G11 - Ability to work in an international context.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student must have attained the competences listed.


Block 1: Australia and New Zealand 

-Theme 1: Australia: Discovery, the nineteenth and twentieth century 

-Theme 2: New Zealand: discovery, the nineteenth and twentieth century     

Block 2: Pacific Islands 

-Theme 1: General Framework 

-Theme 2: Philippines 

-Theme 3: expeditions Mendaña and Quirós 

-Theme 4: XVII century: the Mariana Islands 

-Theme 5: eighteenth century: the Caroline Islands and Palau 

-Theme 6: the great expeditions of the eighteenth century. James Cook 

-Theme 7: Pacific until the end of the First World War (1918) 

-Theme 8: Decolonization and the current scene    

Block 3: China  

-Theme 1: General introduction to China (data characteristics).   

-Theme 2: Brief summary of the historical evolution: from the early nineteenth century.   

-Theme 3: East meets West: Jesuits Antoni Montserrat (1536-1600) and Matteo Ricci (1552-1610).   

-Theme 4: China in modern times: the Opium Wars in the Republic of China (until 1949).   

-Theme 5: LaRepública China. 

5.1 China under Mao. 

5.2 The "pragmatic communism": Deng Xiaoping today. 

5.2.1.- The question of Tibet and the Uighur problem.   

Section 4: Japan 

-Theme 1: Stages in the history of Japan 

-Theme 2: Japan in the Modern Age (XVI-XVIII) 

-Theme 3: Japan in the nineteenth century 

-Theme 4: Japan until 1945 5 

-Theme Japan after World War II

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Attending to the requirement of continuous evaluation, the classes will combine a theoretical content, that is, the explanation of the concepts and contents of the subject, with the resolution of practical cases, the vision of documentaries and videographic material, as well as the interaction with the Student, through academic discussions and oral activities / presentations. The classes will be very participative in order to boost the student's reasoning and self-criticism.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


20% essay Florentino Rodao (31 marh)

20% essay (28 april)

40% exam or essay (may)

20% Student's active participation in class



Final Exam

Student's active participation in class

Projects, reports, exercises, reading analysis, etc.







According to faculty regulations, at least 0.10 points will be deducted for each misspelling in exams and papers.

Bibliography and resources


- Diccionario histórico, geográfico y cultural de Filipinas y el Pacífico. Madrid: Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo, 3 vols., 2008.

-MARTÍNEZ SHAW, C. Historia de Asia en la Edad Moderna. Madrid: Arco Libros, 2008.


Bloc 1:

-FRÈCHES, J. Érase una vez China. De la Antigüedad al siglo XXI. Madrid: Gran Austral, 2006.

-ROBERTS, J.A.G. Historia de China. Valencia: Publicaciones Universidad de Valencia (PUV), 2008.


Bloc 2:

-HANE, M. Breve historia de Japón. Madrid: Alianza, 2011.

-SECO SERRA, I. Historia breve de Japón. Madrid: Silex, 2010.


Bloc 3:

-MACINTYRE, S. A concise history of Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

-MEIN, P. A concise history of New Zealand. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.


Bloc 4:

-DÍAZ-TRECHUELO, L. Filipinas: la gran desconocida (1565-1898). Pamplona: EUNSA, 2001.

-ELIZALDE, M.D. DELGADO, J.M. Filipinas: un país entre dos imperios. Barcelona: Bellaterra, 2011. 

Teaching and learning material