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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Surgical and Critical Care Nursing

Surgical and Critical Care Nursing
First semester
Module MINORS (Choose one minor)
Advanced Clinical Care
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

The attention to the student will be by appointment in the email. Subject teachers:
  • Jordi Castillo, PhD, MsN

  • Cristina Alfonso PhD, MsN

  • Patricia Martínez Jaimez, PhD, MsN


Welcome to the Surgical and Critical Care Nursing course. This subject focuses on the study and practice of caring for patients undergoing surgical interventions. During the subject, the theoretical foundations and practical skills necessary to provide comprehensive and safe care to patients in the peroperative environment will be explored.

Surgical nursing is a fundamental pillar in the health team, since it is responsible for ensuring the safety, well-being and recovery of patients in the perioperative setting. During the classes, the basic principles of asepsis and sterilization to the preparation of the patient prior to intervention will be explored.

Our focus will be on developing practical skills, such as preparing operating rooms, proper handling of instruments, and caring for patients in emergency situations. Ethical and legal aspects related to surgical nursing will also be addressed, as well as the importance of effective communication with the surgical team and patients' families.

Throughout the course, students will have the opportunity to participate in simulations and clinical practices that will allow them to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in a safe and controlled environment.

Pre-course requirements

To enhance the learning in the subject, the students would have to meet the following requirements:

  • To enhance learning in the subject, students should meet the following requirements:
  • Disposition for learning
  • Prior reading of the notes
  • Motivation to perform the procedures
  • Involvement in simulation workshops
  • Use of the white coat in the CISA area
  • CISA-appropriate attire (comfortable clothing, neatness, no high heels, no nail polish and shorts, hair pulled back and no jewelry)



  1. Will act taking into account the ethical aspects inherent to the care of the person when performing advanced procedures
  2. Will show skill in performing advanced procedures
  3. Will carry out advanced care procedures autonomously and applying their elementary criteria
  4. You will learn to relate the information you have about the patient and perform the relevant advanced procedure
  5. Demonstrate reflective thinking before starting the advanced procedure to be performed and finishing it
  6. It will use the resources with sustainability criteria in the advanced procedure to be carried out (quantity, rejection, selective and recycling, if applicable)

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 10. B - Protecting the health and welfare of individuals or groups by ensuring their safety.
  • 12. B - Know and observe the ethical code of conduct of Spanish nursing, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 16. G - Know the health information systems.
  • 18. E - Ability to lead nursing care in any area of professional practice.
  • 19. B - Ability to make decisions based on critical thinking and reflective practice.
  • 1. G - Ability to provide technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people they treat, with full technical and scientific autonomy, according to current and available scientific knowledge and to the quality standards and safety requirements set forth in the applicable legal standards and code of ethics.
  • 22. G - Use and management of information and research
  • 23. B - Ability to analyze and synthesize.
  • 24. G - Ability to work autonomously.
  • 25. E - Knowledge of the field of study
  • 27. G - Ability to adapt to new situations.
  • 2. E - Plan and provide nursing care for individuals or groups, taking health outcomes into account and their impact, through guidelines for clinical practice and care, which describe the four processes by which a health problem is diagnosed or treated.
  • 3. E - Know and apply the theoretical and methodological foundations and principals of nursing.
  • 6. E - Base nursing care on scientific evidence and available resources.
  • 7. B - Understand people without prejudice, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, ensuring their right to privacy through confidentiality and professional secrecy.


1. Preoperative surgical area

1.1. Generalitats

1.2. Preoperative visit

1.3. Nursing at the preoperative visit

1.4 Patient preparation

1.5 Informed consent and patient safety


2. Intraoperative surgical area

2.1. Surgical area

2.2. Disposition of an operating theatre

2.3. Functions of the operating room nurse

2.4. Appropriate care for the patient during the different surgical phases.

2.5. sterility

2.6. Basic table of surgical instruments

2.7. Nursing records


3. Post-operative surgical area

3.1. Identification of immediate complications: Monitoring and clinical assessment and fluid therapy

3.2. Control of temperature and blood sugar

3.3. Control of post-anesthesia nausea and vomiting

3.4. Control of thromboprophylaxis according to the level of risk

3.5. Pain control. Pain assessment. Pain Management (PCB)

3.6. Criteria for ALDA assessment scale of aldrete and bromage: Outpatient and hospitalized patient


4. Pharmacology

4.1. Review of the most commonly used antihypertensives.

4.2. Antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants and other antithrombolytics

4.3. Antibiotics of the 21st century

4.4. Review of the most commonly used anticonvulsant drugs

4.5. Drugs most used in general anesthesia

4.6. Immunosuppressants

4.7. New chemotherapies

4.8. Antiretrovirals in the treatment of HIV

4.9. Interferons and their applications

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The methodology followed in the subject will be hybrid. On the one hand, all the theoretical content will be carried out autonomously by the student with the visualization of the resources proposed by the teaching staff. Later, all the theory is put into practice in the simulation laboratories. In the nursing simulation laboratories (LBS) the teaching-learning methodology is based on reflective thinking, practice and participation.

Classes always last 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1. Examination at the end of the entire syllabus (60%): test-type examination with multiple answers.

The final exam must be passed to be able to make an average with the rest of the items (from 4.5 an average will be made).


2. Continuous evaluation:

1. Attendance at classes (10%).

2. Carrying out tests after the three main topics (Preoperative, intraoperative, postoperative and farmacology) (30%).


Class attendance rules:

• Each student must attend classes in the group that has been assigned and group changes will not be allowed.

• There will be no possibility to recover the lost class, unless it is for a justified reason.

• If there is a justified cause (death of a family member up to the 2nd degree of consanguinity, hospitalization of a relative up to the 2nd degree of consanguinity, illness of the student always present when he has a doctor's certificate or hospitalization of the student) the student will have to contact the teacher to inform him. Only in these cases will the teachers of the subject assess the possibility of recovering the class.

• The second call will have the same dynamic as the first call.

In the second call, the notes of the continuous evaluation will be kept. In the third and fourth call (and fifth and sixth, if they are granted) the grade of the continuous assessment will not be maintained, but attendance in class will not be mandatory but recommended. In these calls, the student will be excluded from the attendance regulations as long as he has a demonstrated attendance of 90% in the 1st call, otherwise this rule will be applied. (At least the student must have an attendance of 90% in a call).

Before enrolling in the subject again, the compatibility with the other subjects must be checked.



Procedure for the assignment of honors registrations (MH)

1. The criterion for assigning Honors (MH) is from excellent (9.0).

2. The assignment is solely the teacher's and he is not obliged to give it, even if the student has obtained a grade above 9.0.

3. If the teacher decides to award MH, he will not take into account the numerical grade and the highest, but other factors will be assessed. The MH does not have to correspond to the highest numerical score.

Procedure for the assignment of Not Presented (NP)

1. To record a NP in the student's file, the student must NOT have taken any of the assessment tests during the entire course.

2. In the event that a student has taken one of the assessment tests, apply the corresponding percentages that appear in the teaching guide, having a 0 for those to which they have not taken.

Bibliography and resources

  • B. Kozier / G.Erb / K.Blais / J.M.Wikinson. Fundamentos de enfermeria, conceptos, procesos y práctica. Ed. McGraw-Hill. Interamericana.

  • Carpenito L.J. Planes de cuidados y documentación en enfermería. Primera edición. Ed. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. 1994.

  • J.Esteve / J.Mitjans. Enfermeria. Tecnicas clinicas. Ed. McGraw-Hill. Interamericana 2000.

  • Jamieson M.J., Whyte L. A., y McCall J.M. Procedimientos de enfermería clínica. 5ª edición. Edit. Elservier. Barcelona 2007

  • M.T.Luis. Diagnosticos enfermeros, un instrumento para la practica asistencial. Ed. Harcourt Brace 2004.

  • Nanda. Diagnósticos de enfermeria, definiciones y clasificación. Ed. Hartcourt / Brace España 2000. Nanda. Diagnosticos enfermeros. Definiciones y clasificaciones. Ed. Mosby/Doyma, Madrid, 1995

  • Ruiz Moreno J, Martín Delgado MªC y García-Penche Sánchez R. Procedimientos y técnicas de enfermería. Ed. Rol. 2009

  • Smith S.F., Duell D.J., Martin B.C. Técnicas de enfermería clínica. 7ª edición. Edit. Pearson. Vizcaya 2009

  • Zabalegui Adelaida, et al. Administración de medicamentos y cálculo de dosis. Edit. Masson. L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona) 2005.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 10/11/2023 10:00h
  • R1 27/11/2023 16:00h
  • R1 27/11/2023 10:00h