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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Learning and Personality Development

Learning and Personality Development
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

The tutoring schedule will be agreed according to the student's needs and by appointment through email (


In this subject, education, learning and psychological development in the adolescent stage will be studied. Specifically, the cognitive, linguistic, psychomotor, social and affective development, the teaching and learning processes in the classroom and the process of knowledge construction in the school institution.

Pre-course requirements

To take the subjects of this master's degree, the access criteria specified by the Department of Education must be met.


1. Identify the stages of adolescent personality development

2. Identify and recognize intrapersonal and interpersonal psychological factors that influence school learning and the implications for the educational process

3. Use different strategies and tools to know the motivation of students and how to encourage it.

4. Adapt educational situations in people with different abilities and learning rhythms

5. Develop proposals aimed at promoting the acquisition of knowledge and skills to improve the climate and learning in the classroom.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB07 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and the ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of ​​study
  • CB08 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
  • CB09 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions - and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them - to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
  • CE01 - Identify the characteristics of students, their social contexts and motivations; understand the development of the personality of these students and the possible dysfunctions that affect learning
  • CE02 - Distinguish the mechanisms for detecting and attending to the educational needs of students
  • CE03 - Plan the resolution of educational situations that affect students with different abilities and different learning rates; develop proposals based on the acquisition of intellectual and emotional skills and abilities
  • CG01 - Formulate reflective and critical, responsible, ethical and respectful judgments about the various protagonists of the educational process (family, school and society)
  • CG02 - Analyze and synthesize the information obtained from different environments in order to solve problems or conflict situations, to identify and define the significant elements that constitute a problem to solve it judiciously and effectively
  • CT01 - Critically analyze personal work and use the appropriate resources and strategies for professional improvement
  • CT02 - Work in a team and develop attitudes of participation and collaboration as an active member of society
  • CT03 - Show ethical and responsible behaviors as a citizen and as a professional
  • CT04 - Develop the ability to assess inequalities based on sex and gender, to design mechanisms to achieve real equality, avoiding partial and discriminatory interpretations
  • CT05 - Identify strategies to promote gender equality, equity and respect for human rights

Learning outcomes of the subject

  1. Identify the phases of the adolescent's personality development
  2. Identify and recognize the intrapersonal and interpersonal psychological factors that influence school learning and the implications in the educational process
  3. Use different strategies and tools to know the motivation of the students and how to encourage it.
  4. Adapts educational situations in people with different abilities and learning rhythms
  5. Develop proposals aimed at promoting the acquisition of knowledge and skills to improve the climate and learning in the classroom



  1. The concept of personality.
  2. The physical, cognitive, affective and social development of high school students.
  3. The intrapersonal factors that affect the teaching-learning process: personality, motivation, intelligence and other cognitive abilities.
  4. Interpersonal factors that affect the teaching-learning process: social skills, interpersonal relationships, teacher-student interaction, educational contexts, etc.
  5. Individual differences in learning dynamics.
  6. Learning difficulties. Special educational needs.
  7. Curricular designs making a better adaptation to individual differences.
  8. Assessment techniques in personality psychology and individual differences

Teaching and learning activities





CT - Theoretical / lecture classes online


REC- Resolution of exercises and problems


ABP - Project Based Learning


CP - Online practical classes








CML - Online Master Class



Presentiality (%)


CPL - Practical Online Class



Presentiality (%)



ETI - Study and individual work



Presentiality (%)



TL - Online Tutoring


Presentiality (%)



TG - Group work



Presentiality (%)



125 (5 ECTS)






Evaluation systems and criteria




PT - Presentation of online assignments or through videos

Minimum weighting


Maximum weighting



PA -  Open questions Exam

Minimum weighting


Maximum weighting



IE -  Educational intervention proposal

Minimum weighting


Maximum weighting


Bibliography and resources

Coll, C. (Coord.) (2010). Desarrollo, aprendizaje y enseñanza en la Educación Secundaria. Barcelona: Graó.

Delgado, B. (coord.) (2009). Psicología del desarrollo desde la infancia a la vejez. Madrid: MacGraw-Hill.

Feldman, R. S. (2007). Desarrollo psicológico a través de la vida. México: Pearson Educación.

Holmes, J. (2014). John Bowlby and Attachment Theory. New York: Routledge.

Mariscal, S., Giménez-Dasí, M., Carriedo, N. i Corral, A. (coord.) (2009). El desarrollo psicológico a lo largo de la vida. Madrid: MacGraw-Hill.

Palacios, J. (1992). Introducción a la psicología evolutiva. Dins A. Marchesi, C. Coll (comps). Desarrollo psicológico y educacional. Madrid: Alianza.

Papalia, D.E., Duskin , R i Wendkos ,S. (2009). Psicología del desarrollo: de la infancia a la adolescencia.  México: MacGraw-Hill.

Perinat, A. (2002). Psicología del desarrollo: del nacimiento al final de la adolescencia. Barcelona: UOC

Piaget, J., Inhelder, B. i Weaver, H. (2008). The psychology of the child. USA: Basic books.

Shaffer,D.R. & Kipp,K. (2007). Psicología del desarrollo. Infancia y adolescencia. (7ª Ed.). Mexico: Thompson.

Triadó, C. (1995). Psicologia Evolutiva. Vic: Eumo