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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

External Work Placements

External Work Placements
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Practicum Department:


The aim of the external placement is to provide the student with an educational context in which to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in the MUFPS. As such, it constitutes an opportunity to experience a work environment and enhance the acquisition of professional competences. The development of the external placement includes observation, diagnostics, planning, implementation and assessment of a teaching unit related to the chosen specialization.

The external placements include a duration of 240 hours in the training centre, divided into two phases. Each student will be assigned an academic tutor from the university and a mentor from the training centre that will guide them throughout the practicum period. The selection of the training centres will be made by the Practicum Coordinator in accordance with the chosen specialization. The training centres will be secondary education schools or vocational training colleges, and they will be public or state-funded training centres authorized by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Practicum Department:

Pre-course requirements

For the specialization of English as a Foreign Language, a C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) must be accredited.

Requirements for working with minors:

As stated in article 1, section 8 of the Law 26/2015, of 28 July, for the amendment to the protection system of childhood and adolescence, by which section 5 is added to article 13 of the Organic Law 1/1996:

In order to access and practice in professions, jobs and activities that imply a regular contact with minors, it is compulsory to not have any firm-sentence convictions of any crime of a sexual nature, including sexual aggression and abuse, sexual harassment, exhibitionism and sexual provocation, prostitution and sexual exploitation, and corruption of minors, as well as human trafficking. To that effect, whoever wanting to access said professions, jobs and activities need to prove this circumstance by presenting a negative certificate of sexual offences by the Central Register.


The external placements constitute the practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired concerning the language teaching-learning process (Catalan, Spanish or English). Likewise, they offer the opportunity to integrate professional experiences and training processes. The construction of professional development requires critical reflection on all that is experienced and learnt in the practicum periods.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CE3 - To plan the resolution of educational situations that affect students with different abilities and learning rhythms; design proposals based on the acquisition of skills and intelectual and emotional attitudes.
  • CE6 - To apply resources and strategies related to information, tutoring, and academic and professional development; promoting emotional learning actions and education in values.
  • CE13 - To set the curriculum that will be established in a teaching centre participating in its collective planning; to develop and apply both group and individual teaching methodologies, adapted to the diversity of the students.
  • CE14 - To apply innovative teaching proposals, critically analyzing the teaching performance, efficient practice and orientation using quality indicators in the specialized field.
  • CE15 - To apply methodologies and basic investigation and assessment techniques and to be capable of designing and developing investigative, innovative and assessment projects.
  • CT1 - To critically analyze personal work and employ adequate resources and strategies for professional improvement.
  • CT2 - To work as part of a team and develop attitudes of participation and collaboration as an active member of society.
  • CT3 - To demonstrate ethical and responsable behaviour as a citizen and as a professional.
  • CT4 - To develop the ability to evaluate inequalities for reasons of sex and race, to design mechanisms to achieve equality, evading partial and discriminatory interpretations.
  • CT5 - To identify strategies to promote gender equality, equity and respect of human rights.
  • CT6 - To promote situations and inclusive environments for Sustainable Development, creating efficient, responsable and inclusive contexts at all levels.
  • CG1 - To formulate reflexive and critical opinions, that are responsable, ethical and respectful of the different protagonists within the educational community (family, school and society).
  • CG2 - To analyze and synthesize the information obtained from different environments with the aim of resolving problems or conflicting situations, to identify and define the significant elements that constitute the problem in order to resolve it effectively.
  • CG3 - To form part of and collaborate actively in the attainment of common objectives with other people, areas and organizations.
  • CG4 - To present ideas both orally and in written form that adapt to the different communicative styles and types of activities.
  • CG5 - To organize and plan different types of activities, events and situations.
  • CG6 - To integrate and employ Information and Communication Technologies in different fields, efficiently and responsibly.
  • CG7 - To be able to express oneself in public and create presentations with digital support that are adapted to the different interest groups in the school context (teachers, families, students, etc.).
  • CB6 - To possess and understand knowledge that provides the basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in an investigative context.
  • CB7 - That students know how to apply the acquired knowledge and the ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within a wider (or multidisciplinary) context related to their area of study.
  • CB8 - That students are capable of integrating knowledge and contending with the complexity of formulating opinions from information that, being incomplete or limited, includes the reflection on social and ethical responsibilities connected to the application of knowledge and opinions.
  • CB9 - That students can communicate their conclusions – and the knowledge and reasons on which they are based – to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
  • CB10 - That students can apply learning abilities that allow them to continue studying in a self-directed and autonomous way.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • RA1 - Applies the basic conceptual and methodological foundations of the specialization subject from a holistic and integral perspective, sharing with the tutors a project of continuous improvement as a teacher.
  • RA2 - Imparts teaching of the corresponding contents related to the specialization.
  • RA3 - Applies in practice with the students the acquired communicative abilities.
  • RA4 - Demonstrates in the classroom the acquired skills via the practical application of exercises and activities designed for the group.
  • RA5 - Demonstrates autonomy under the work dynamics of the educational centre.
  • RA6 - Collaborates, during the practicum period, with a teacher in the specific functions of individual tutorials with the student, group and with the families.
  • RA7 - Is conscious of the importance of innovation in teaching, supported by pertinent qualitative investigation and collaborative work.
  • RA8 - Consolidates a teamwork style between teachers and students.
  • RA9 - Creates models, tests and assessment criteria that allow evaluation of the quality of the learning.
  • RA10 - Describes the organizational functioning and management of the educational centre and the group (level, cycle, stage).


  • Centre's educational project and planning documents. Organizational functioning and management (general level, stage, cycle...).
  • Projects and plans for improvement, and the centre's innovative experiences and research.
  • Interaction and communication processes in the classroom; social skills and abilities.
  • Didactic programme.
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of teaching activities and tasks.
  • Attention to student diversity.
  • Methods of collaboration with the family and social environment.

Bibliography and resources

Alvarez Alvarez, M.C. (2015). La relación teoría-práctica y el desarrollo profesional docente: obstáculos y retos. Educere, 19(63), 363-371.

Fuertes, M.T. (2011). La observación de las prácticas educativas como elemento de evaluación y de mejora de la calidad en la formación inicial y continua del profesorado. Revista de Docenci Universitaria, 9(3), 237-258.

Ghaye, T. (2010). Teaching and learning through reflective practice: A practical guide for positive action. Routledge.

McGregor, D., & Cartwright, L. (2011). Developing reflective practice: A guide for beginning teachers. McGraw-Hill Education.

Sepúlveda Ruíz, M.P. (2005). Las prácticas de enseñanza en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento profesional. Educar, 36, 71-93. 

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