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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Body Structure and Function: Skin and Sensory Organs

Body Structure and Function: Skin and Sensory Organs
Second semester
Morfología, estructura y función del cuerpo humano
Estructura y función: piel y órganos de los sentidos
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Students may ask lecturers questions at the end of each class. For enquiries outside of class time, students must make an appointment by email.



Welcome to the structure and function course about our five senses. Ear, smell, taste, vision and touch allow us to interact with the environment, through processes that are found in tissues and organs with an unique anatomy and physiology. Thanks to this subject, in addition to acquiring medical knowledge, we will prepare you for the next courses. Nobody of the professors that we have considered his career to be medical and for illustrated treatments for all the contents with clinical cases, that present one of us in the usual practice.


Dr. LAMARCA MATEU, José - jlamarca,


GRIMALT SANTACANA, Ramon rgrimalt,
BARRAQUER account, Rafael Ignacio ribarraquer,
SUBIRANA POZO, Francesc Xavier fxsubirana,
MATI,Ó SOLER, Eusebi ematino,
FERNÁNDEZ FIGUERAS, Maria Teresa mfernandezf,
FROM THE RUBIO TOWER, Noelia ndelatorre,


General objective

Transmit students intellectual knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow to know the anatomy, histology and physiology of the sense organs.

Specific objectives

The student must acquire the necessary knowledge about:

  • General anatomy and physiology of the skin and skin annexes.
  • Functions of the skin, mechanoreceptors and thermoreceptors.
  • Principles of anatomical and physical optics
  • Visual acuity and how to measure it.
  • General anatomy and physiology of the eyeball and the annexes, with the corresponding relationships with other areas.
  • Humoral system of the eye: intraocular pressure.
  • General anatomy and physiology of the outer, middle and inner ear.
  • Conduction of the sound.
  • Vestibular system and balance.
  • Central neurophysiology of hearing.
  • General anatomy and physiology of the taste system.
  • Primary sensations of taste and transmission of signals to the central nervous system.
  • General anatomy and physiology of the smell system.
  • Olfactory membrane and transmission of signals to the central nervous system.
  • Histology of the sense organs.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 07 - Understand and recognise normal structure and function of the human body at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ and systemetic levels, at different stages of life and in both sexes.
  • 09 - Understand and recognize the effects, mechanisms and manifestations of disease on the structure and function of the human body.
  • 10 - To understand and recognise the agents and risk factors which determine health status, and learn how they determine the symptoms and natural development of acute or chronic diseases in individuals and populations.
  • 11 - Understand and recognize the effects of growth, development and aging on the individual and their social environment.
  • 12 - Understanding the foundations for action, the indications and efficacy of therapeutic interventions, based on available scientific evidence.
  • CTP-2 - To develop a perception and understanding of their own emotions and those of others, as well as the intelligence adjust answers.
  • CTP-3 - To develop critical thinking and reasoning as well as self-assessment skills.

Learning outcomes of the subject

After completing the course, the student will know the characteristics of the skin and organs have variables and ability to establish relationships between them. In addition, will have specific skills to carry out basic functional studies of these bodies and to argue in writing the performance of human behavior to real or simulated patients.


Part I. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE SKIN. Classes taught in english

Item 1. Skin: general, topographic organization. Epidermis: epidermal layers and cell types. Dermis and hypodermis. Vascularization and innervation of the skin.

Item 2. Skin appendages. Sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. The hair and pods. Sebaceous glands and hair erector. Nails. Repair and regeneration of the skin.

Item 3. Skin functions. Psychophysics of mechanoreception skin. Mechanosensors skin. Psychophysics of termorrecepción. Thermosensors.



Item 4. Eye structure. Cornea, conjunctiva, iris, lens, vitreous humor, retina, macula, optic nerve, extraocular muscles.

Item 5. Physical principles of optics: Refraction of light. Focal length of a lens. Measuring the refractive power of a lens. Optics of the eye: mechanism of accommodation, pupil diameter, refractive errors. Humoral system of the eye: intraocular pressure.

Item 6. And receiving function of the neural retina. Photochemistry of vision: visual cycle, adaptation to light and dark, color vision. Retinal nerve function.

Item 7. Central neurophysiology of vision. Visual cortex function, stimulation patterns during the analysis of the visual image. Visual fields. Eye movements and their control. Autonomous control of accommodation and pupillary opening.


Item 8. External ear structure. Structure of the middle ear: tympanic membrane and ossicles. Eustachian tube and middle ear ventilation. Exploration anatomical ear

Item 9. Structure of the inner ear labyrinth and membranous bone above. Driving the sound from the eardrum to the cochlea. Transmission of sound waves in the cochlea. Function of the organ of Corti. Central Neurophysiology of hearing.

Item 10. Structure of inner ear membranous labyrinth and back bone. Vestibular and balance system. Afferent and efferent systems


Item 11. Olfactory membrane. Stimulation of olfactory cells. Transmission odor signals to the CNS.

Item 12. Primary sensations of taste. Calículo taste and function. Transmission of taste signals to the CNS. Gustatory preference and the control diet.

Item 13. Summary of the anatomy and physiology of the cranial nerves of the organs of the senses.


Item 14. Histology of the skin

Item 15. Histology of the Senses


  • Skin and annexes.
  • Eye dissection
  • Practical cases.
  • Ear dissection.
  • Equilibrium practice.
  • Histology


Teaching and learning activities

In person

Different teaching methodologies will be implemented, all of them in the classroom.

  • Master class (CM)
  • Case method (MC)
  • Laboratory Practices (PL)


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The assessment of the subject will be carried out using the following assessment systems:

  • 30% Partial Exam
  • 10% Participation, Professionality, Case Methods, Practices
  • 60% Final Exam



This examination will include all the matter worked until the day before (in master classes, laboratory practices and case methods), as well as the contents included in the recommended bibliography.

Questions in multiple choice, test format, with 4 possible answers and a single correct one. Penalty of incorrect answers Endnote value:

  • Correct answer: + 1 point
  • Bad response: - 0.33 points
  • Unanswered responses: 0 points

Value over the final note 30%.



Teachers from the different parts of the subject will assess participation and exercises. Attendance in laboratory practices and case methods is mandatory. Unjustified misdemeanors shall be considered as absence.

Value on the final note: 10% (average of all blocks). Its conduct does not exempt the completion of the final examination.


Each teacher will be able to make assessments at their discretion that together with the score of cases, practices and class participation will represent 10% of the final grade.



This examination will include all the matter worked in the subject (in master classes, laboratory practices and case methods), as well as the contents included in the recommended bibliography.

Questions in multiple choice, test format, with 4 possible answers and a single correct one. Penalty of incorrect answers Endnote value:

  • Correct answer: + 1 point
  • Bad response: - 0.33 points
  • Unanswered responses: 0 points

Value on the final mark 60%. It is impossible to pass this assessment to approve the subject.



The assessment may be forced to change depending on the circumstances. The adaptation will be made according to the recommendations of the university and will be communicated to the students when it is agreed.

  • Minimum score to pass exams equal to or greater than 5.
  • Minimum score to pass the subject equal to or greater than 5
  • Failure to approve will repeat the examination at the next call.
  • In the second call the same formula will be applied for the calculation of the final note (final note 60%, partial 30%, professionalism 10%).
  • If the final-overall score is less than 0.25 points (up to 0.24) of the approved, notable or outstanding the student may be eligible to improve the grade on the day of the final exam review by correctly answering several oral questions asked by the teacher.

Bibliography and resources

R. Snell. Neuroanatomía clínica.

G. Tortora. Principios de Anatomía y fisiología.


A.L. Kierszenbaum. Histología y Biología celular.

E.N. Marieb. Human Anatomy and Physiology.

W.F.Boron. Medical Physiology.

L.S. Costanzo. Physiology.

Universidad de Valladolid. Guiones de oftalmología. 

J.Kanski. Oftalmología clínica. 

R. Grimalt. Apuntes de Dermatología Ed.2 Editorial: Aula Médica