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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Bioethics I

Bioethics I
Second semester
Medicina social, habilidades de comunicación e iniciación a la investigación
Bioética I
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

 Appointment by e-mail.

Head instructor:

Josep Mª Guardiola:

Other professors:

Mireia Baylina:

Christian Villavicencio:




Bioethics contributes to the medical field with a reflection on the value of human life, the respect that it requires and the principles that inspire professional practice. There are many technological changes in the environment and in the distribution of resources that have occurred in the field of the health sciences in recent years. New scientific discoveries and their technological applications have enabled man to have a greater mastery of nature, from the beginning of life up to its end. This new capacity of intervention in matters of deep human significance such as genetic research, organ transplantation and assisted reproduction techniques, palliative cures, etc. require the doctor, in addition to constant technical updating, the need for ethical references in his or her professional activities, where, in the context of moral pluralism, the decision is a challenge.

Bioethics studies provide knowledge and specific training that empowers the doctor in decision-making not only in borderline cases, but decisions that appear in the daily clinical or health care practice.

Pre-course requirements



1- Recognize the ethical issues that arise in professional practice, identify ethical conflicts and values at stake that are presented.

2- Equip students with the skills that will allow them to analyze and define ethical issues.

3- Learn the patient´s rights as a person in order to respect and to detect  violations of these rights in practice.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Specific competencies:

      - Provide knowledge for the application of ethics, law and the humanities to the medical practice.

       - Ensure dignity, security, privacy and the autonomy of the person with concrete actions.

Transversal competencies:

        - Deep respect for ethics and intellectual integrity.

         - Capacity of teamwork with initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.

- Ability to respond to conflict situations at the time in which they occur.

  • 01 - Recognise the essential elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and patient-centered professional skills.
  • 02 - Understand the importance of central principles, in particular of professional confidentiality for the benefit of patients, society and the profession.
  • 03 - Know how to apply the principle of social justice to professional practice and understand the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 04 - Develop professional practice with respect for patient autonomy, beliefs and culture.
  • 05 - Recognize own limitations and the need to maintain and upgrade professional skills, with particular emphasis on autonomous learning of new knowledge and skills and motivation for quality.
  • 06 - Develop professional practice with other health professionals, acquiring teamwork skills.
  • 13 - Obtain and develop a clinical history that contains all relevant information.
  • 18 - To indicate the most appropriate (pharmacological, surgical, psychological, social or other) treatments that are pertinent to the most prevalent procedures, in terms of rehabilitation and also terminally ill patients, including an evaluation of their effectiveness.
  • 21 - Listen carefully, obtain and synthesize relevant information about the problems affecting the patient and understand the contents of this information.
  • 33 - Maintain and use records with patient data for later analysis, preserving the confidentiality of the data.
  • 35 - Understand the importance and limitations of scientific thinking in the study, prevention and treatment of disease.
  • 37 - Acquire basic training for research.
  • CB-3 - To know how to evaluate and select the appropriate scientific theories and precise methodologies required by their field of study to make judgements based on incomplete or limited information. Where necessary and appropriate, this includes a reflection on the ethical and social responsibility linked to the solution suggested in each case.
  • CB-7 - To be able to take responsibility for their own professional development and specialisation in one or more fields of study.
  • CTS-1 - To know the principles of leadership and decision making in ordinary situations or in conflicts with and between various ethical, legal and professional elements.
  • CTS-3 - To promote and ensure respect for human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equality, non-discrimination as well as the values of democracy and a culture of peace.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The student has acquired the abilities to make the person and his dignity the center of bioethical reflection and medical practice.

The student has acquired the knowledge which guarantees respect for the dignity, security, privacy and the autonomy of the sick person in the medical profession.

The student has acquired elements for decision-making in clinical aspects from the interdisciplinary contribution of bioethics.

The student has acquired abilities for interdisciplinary teamwork.


Teaching and learning activities

In person

master lesson
case method

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


Final exam. It is compulsory to pass the exam in order to pass the subject. 70%. Final examen will contain test questions and short-answer questions.

Attendance (CM and MC), participation, ethical issues analisis. 30%


Bibliography and resources

  • AA.VV. Vivir y morir con dignidad: temas fundamentales de bioética en una sociedad plural; González, A.M., Postigo, E., Aulestiarte, S. (ed), Eunsa, Pamplona 2000.
  • ABEL, F., Bioética: orígenes, presente y futuro; Mapfre, Madrid reimp, 2001.
  • APARISI, A. El Proyecto Genoma humano: algunas reflexiones sobre sus relaciones con el Derecho; Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 1997.
  • BEAUCHAMP, T.L.; CHILDRESS, J.F., Principios de Ética Biomédica (traducción de la 4ª ed. En inglés por T. Gracia, F.J. Júdez y L. Feito); Masson, Barcelona, 1998.
  • BELLVER, V. ¿Clonar? Ética y Derecho ante la clonación humana; Comares, Granada, 2000.
  • BLÁZQUEZ, N. Bioética. La nueva ciencia de la vida; BAC, Madrid, 2000.
  • CICCONE, L., Bioética. Historia, principios y cuestiones (trad. A. Esquivias), Palabra, Madrid, 2005.
  • COUCEIRO, A., Ética en cuidados paliativos; Triacastela, San Sebastián, 2004
  • CUYÁS, M., Cuestiones de Bioética; MAPFRE, Madrid, 1997.
  • D’AGOSTINO, F., Bioética. Estudios de filosofía del Derecho; Eiunsa, Madrid, 2003.
  • ESPEJO, M.D.; CASTILLA, A., Bioética en las ciencias de la salud; Asociación Alcalá para la formación continuada en Ciencias de la Salud, Granada, 2001.
  • JONAS, H., El principio de responsabilidad. Ensayo de una ética para la civilización tecnológica; Herder, Barcelona, 1995.
  • JONAS, H., Técnica, Medicina y Ética. Sobre la práctica del principio de responsabilidad; Paidós, Barcelona, 1997.
  • TRUJILLO LOPEZ, A., Temas candentes de Bioética y familia: En la brecha; Palabra, Madrid, 2006.
  • PARDO SAENZ, J. Bioética práctica al alcance de todos: al alcance de todos; Rialp, Madrid, 2004.
  • SGRECCIA, E., Manual de Bioética; México, 1996.
  • VILA-CORO BARRACHINA, M, D., La Bioética en la encrucijada: Sexualidad, aborto, eutanasia; Dykinson, 2007.


Recursos on-line:

Centro de Documentación de Bioética. Universidad de Navarra

Documents de la Associació Médica Mundial:

Bioethics news from around the world

Portal de Bioètica

Teaching and learning material