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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Historiography, History and Memoir

Historiography, History and Memoir
Human and cultural development
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Appointment by email.


The course aims to reflect on what History is, how it has been written (and is written), history over time and how these concepts relate to memory.

Pre-course requirements

Students must be motivated about the historical fact, and how this unquestionably affects the current vision of the present.


These are derived from the application of the syllabus contents.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • E02 - Ability to use methods and techniques specific to human sciences.
  • E03 - Ability to appropriately use key concepts in the area of culture.
  • E05 - Ability to evaluate social issues linked to cultural diversity.
  • E06 - Awareness of and respect for different points of view resulting from cultural and social diversity.
  • E07 - To acquire knowledge on the different issues and problems of current cultural debate and be aware of their constant change.
  • E21 - To master the different levels and functions of language.
  • E26 - Ability to read and write texts in one's own language and other languages, as well as transcribe, summarise and categorise pertinent information.
  • E28 - Ability to organise complex cultural information coherently.
  • G02 - To lead, cooordinate and form part of interdisciplinary work teams.
  • G03 - To search for and/or administer economic resources within the framework of an institution or company, or a cultural programmes, project or service.
  • G04 - To know how to communicate, encourage and mediate between the various agents involved in a cultural project, programme or service.
  • G08 - Ability to carry out research.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1.- In-depth understanding of the concepts of ‘history’, ‘historiography’ and ‘memory’.

2.- Ability to acquire a critical and analytical sense of the reality that surrounds us, applied especially to the sociocultural context of our country.

3.- Proper use of the various methods of historical research to be able to understand the social phenomena that become our environment.

4.- Ability to adequately analyse information and documentation about the historical environment: the places of memory.

5.- Ability to make well-reasoned judgments and critical evaluations, respecting the opinions of others.

6.- Ability to know how to analyse, understand and evaluate texts, documentaries and other sources of information about our current reality, based on the knowledge of what our past has been.

7.- Ability to produce written texts (and spoken language) in different registers, with stylistic and grammatical accuracy. Particular attention is given to formal register texts, such as reviews.

8.- The student achieves an in-depth knowledge of the evolution of history and historiography from Herodotus until the end of the 20th century.

9.- Encourage interest in the knowledge of the world today through history.

10.- The student becomes widely familiar with the use of bibliographies, access to written information in libraries and specialised digital resources.


1.- What is History

1.1.- Concept of time

1.2.- Concept of memory

1.3.- Regarding ‘historical memory’

1.4.- The "dictator places"

1.5.- Historicity, history, historiography, theory of history

1.6.- The science of history

1.7.- The social need for an awareness of the past

1.8.- Practicality of scientific history

1.9.- The role of visual arts, cinema and the historical novel in the creation and dissemination of images of the past

1.10.- Study methods of historiography: historical sources

2.- What is historiography

2.1.- The study methods of historiography: historical sources

2.2.- The birth of history: Greece and Rome

2.3.- How History was Christianised: The Middle Ages. Byzantine Specificity

2.4.- History becomes a courtesan: The Modern Age (Renaissance, Baroque, Enlightenment)

2.5.- History, between legend, professionalisation and politics: the 19th century

2.6.- Historiography in the 20th century: current trends


Teaching and learning activities

In person

Practical class (case analysis, visits, use of ICT ...)  

E26 G04 G13 G14

Theory class  

E02 E03 G03

Seminar or workshop (analysis of texts, discussion, session with specialists, oral presentation of projects ...)  

E03 G04 G13 G30

Tutoring (individual or group)  

E03 G03 G14


E26 G04 G13 G14

E02 E03 G03

E03 G04 G13 G30

E03 G03 G14

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1 Todorov 11 november (50%)

2 exam 9 december (50%)

The subject participates in the volunteer program offered by the University. Absolutely voluntary. It will have a value of 30% of the final grade of the course.

The subject offers the possibility of participating in the Workshop on Sustainability organized by the University. Absolutely voluntary. It will have a maximum value of 10% of the final grade of the 1st semester.


According to faculty regulations, at least 0.10 points will be deducted for each misspelling in exams and papers.

Bibliography and resources

-ALCALÀ, C. Les presons de la República. Barcelona: Base, 2009.

-ARÓSTEGUI, Julio.  La investigación histórica: teoría y método. Barcelona: Crítica, 2001.

-AURELL, J.: La escritura de la memoria. De los positivismos a los posmodernismos. València: Universitat de València, 2005

-CARBONELL, Ch.-O., La historiografía. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1986.

-CARR, E.H. ¿Qué es la historia?. Barcelona: Ariel, 1999.

-FERRO, M. El resentimiento en la historia. Madrid: Cátedra, 2009.

-GADAMER, Hans-Georg. Verdad y Método I. Salamanca: Sígueme, 1997.

-GADAMER, Hans-Georg. Verdad y Método.II. Salamanca: Sígueme, 1998.

-GADAMER, Hans-Georg. El problema de la conciencia histórica. Madrid: Tecnos, 2000.

-KOSELLECK, Reinhart. historia/Historia. Madrid: Trotta, 2004.

-MORADIELLOS, Enrique. Las caras de Clio. Una introducción a la historia, Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2001.

-MORADIELLOS, Enrique. El oficio de historiador. Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2008 (5ª ed).

-SÁNCHEZ MARCOS, Fernando (Coord). Prácticas de Historia Moderna. Barcelona: PPU, 1990.

-SÁNCHEZ MARCOS, Fernando, Invitación a la historia. La historiografía, de Heródoto a Voltaire, a través de sus textos, Barcelona: Idea Books, 2003.

-SIMON, Antoni (Dir) Diccionari d’Historiografia Catalana. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2003.

-SUÁREZ, Federico. La historia y el método de investigación histórica. Madrid: Rialp, 1977.

-RANZATO, G. El pasado de bronce. Barcelona: Destino, 2007.

-TODOROV, T. Los abusos de la memoria. Barcelona: Paidós, 2000. 

Teaching and learning material