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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Building Construction VI

Building Construction VI
Second semester
Technical Module
Construction 6
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

During the course, the teacher will deal with students’ questions or concerns at the time and day established at the beginning of the course, but always subject to prior appointment. Questions and concerns can also be sent to the teacher’s email address at the University. 


Individual work: This is aimed at the specific competence of the knowledge and development of the subject, and will try to create a first base of notes on the conventional construction systems and their pathology. Individual research consists in the carrying out of a work that develops the fundamental aspects related to the development of the subjects of the subject. Its objective is to work autonomously with responsibility and initiative, it is developed in two phases.

The practical work in group: Consists of the analysis, diagnosis and intervention in a building with pathologies. This is aimed at acquiring a knowledge of the construction pathologies and the methods and constructive techniques of application to conservation, restoration and rehabilitation. Likewise they will be developed to the practical knowledge of the building and civil works, with a supervision of the foundation, structure, work and finished work. The results of the evaluation of the building will be documented in the form of a report, in case it is a professional opinion.

Pre-course requirements

It is recommended that students should have passed the various Construction courses prior to Construction 6, although the Management Board of ESARQ is responsible for defining the enrolment criteria between courses.


The objectives of the degree that particularly affect this subject are:

1. Aptitude to create architectural projects that satisfy the aesthetic demands and the techniques as well.

2. Understanding the problems of the structural, construction and engineering concept linked to the buildings projects; and adequate knowledge of the calculation of structures in their various materials.

3. Adequate knowledge of the physical problems and the different technologies, as well as the function of the buildings, so that these are provided with internal conditions of comfort and protection of climatic factors.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 12-T - Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban complexes and execute building structures
  • 15-T - Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban complexes and execute foundation solutions
  • 17 - Ability to apply building and technical standards
  • 19 - Ability to preserve finished works.
  • 20 - Ability to evaluate works
  • 24 - To acquire adequate knowledge of the mechanics of solids, continuous medium and soil as well as the plastic, elasticity and resistance properties of materials for structural works

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Applied knowledge of technical and constructive norms
  • Knowledge of the construction pathologies and the methods and constructive techniques of application to the conservation, restoration and rehabilitation, in the construction and civil works, foundations, structures, thick work and finished work.
  • Knowledge of the construction pathologies and the methods and constructive techniques of application to the conservation, restoration and rehabilitation, in the construction and civil works, foundations, structures, thick work and finished work.


1. The pathology in the construction
1.1. Definition and general concepts
1.2. Basic principles. Analysis of the constructive elements
1.3. Break of materials.

2. Traditional construction systems and techniques
2.1. Mechanics of factories, arches and domes. Mechanisms of collapse
2.2. Traditional systems
2.3. Cultured architecture Construction systems of vertical transmission
2.4. Cultured architecture Construction systems of horizontal transmission

3. The diagnosis in the construction
3.1. The diagnosis
3.2. Constructive verification The current state
3.3. Constructive verification Essays and their evaluation

4. Structural repairs
4.1. Pathology of foundations
4.2. Fundamental stress
4.3. Pathologies of factories
4.4. Walls of factories
4.5. Factory walls and vaults. Reinforcement techniques
4.6. Pathologies in the wood. Techniques of intervention
4.7. Pathologies of concrete. Techniques of intervention
4.8. Repair of forged

5. Humidity and isolation
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Humidity in construction. Repairs

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Introductory Activities: Activities aimed at taking contact and collecting information from the students and presenting the subject.

Master Session: Exhibition of the contents of the subject.

Works: Work done by the student.

Architecture Workshop: classroom monitoring is carried out in face-to-face sessions of practical projects and require a complementary dedication of the students to the development of projects without guardianship. It has a progressive character and allows the accumulative acquisition of competence.

Presentations and exhibitions: Oral presentation by students of a specific subject or work, after written presentation.

Personalized attention: In addition to the class schedule, the student may contact the staff to receive personalized attention on time.

Class exhibition
12-T 15-T 17 24 1,50
Class participation
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,50
Clase practice
12-T 15-T 17 24 1,30
12-T 15-T 17 24 0,20
Individual or group study
12-T 15-T 17 24 3,00

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation system that we will use during the course will use the evaluation criteria continued throughout the semester. The system is based and will consist of evaluating the individual course work that corresponds to 30% of the qualification, collective practice tests that equal to 40% of the final grade and the objective tests with short questions, that equivalent to 30%, will be divided into two partials.

Bibliography and resources

General Bibliography

- Serrano Alcudia, Francisco. (2007). Estudio integral de los edificios : la lógica de su procedimiento. Madrid: Fundación Escuela de la Edificación, Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos de Madrid.

-Coignet, Jean (2006). Restaurar una casa antigua : construcción, diagnóstico, intervenciones. Barcelona : Ceac cop.

- Díaz Gómez, César; Diccionari de patologia i manteniment d'edificis. Barcelona: UPC.

- Díaz Gómez, César (2002). Inspecció i diagnosi: pautes per a la intervenció en els edificis d'habitatge. Barcelona: Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Demarcació de Barcelona - VV AA, (1999). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Departamento de Construcción y Tecnologías Arquitectónicas. Tratado de Rehabilitación (5) vols. 1.- Teoría e historia de la rehabilitación. 2.- Metodologia de la restauración y de la rehabilitación. 3.- Elementos Estructurales. Madrid: Editorial Munilla

- Mastrodicasa, Sisto. (1993). Dissesti statici delle strutture edilizie: diagnosi e consolidamento, istituzioni teoriche, applicazione pratiche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli.

- Trill, John; Bowyer, Jack T. (1982). El caso de la esquina rota y otros problemas constructivos: una aproximación científica a la patología. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

- Eichler, Friedrich (1973): Patologia de la construcción. Detalles constructivos. Barcelona, Blume Labor

-OCE (1974-1980) Fichas técnicas de construcción. 2 carpetes. Barcelona: Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña y Baleares.

Spanish regulations of reference

CTE. Text modificat actualitzat a març de 2010. Modificacions del Reial Decret 173/2010, de 19 de febrer, pel que se modifica el Código Técnico de la Edificación en matèria de accessibilitat i no discriminació de las persones amb discapacitat (BOE de 11 de març de 2010).

- Exigencia básica SE 1: Resistencia y estabilidad.
- Exigencia básica SE 2: Aptitud al servicio.
- DB-SE AE: Acciones en la Edificación.
- DB-SE C: Cimientos. DB-SE A: Acero.
- DB-SE F: Fábrica. DB-SE M: Madera
- Hormigón Estructural (EHE-08). Real Decreto 1247/2008
- DECRET 187/2010, de 23 de novembre, sobre la inspecció tècnica dels edificis d’habitatges.