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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Fundamentals of the Human Behavior

Fundamentals of the Human Behavior
Second semester
Philosophy of Law
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Personal attention in the classroom and by email:

Pre-course requirements

There are no pre-requisites.


To reflect about the person in its personal, familial, professional and social dimensions.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - To acquire the ability to understand main ideas and participate in conferences or professor led lectures in their academic context.
  • 02 - To acquire the ability to understand, analyse and synthesise
  • 03 - To be able to express one's ideas and arguments in an orderly and coherent way both in oral and written form (written and oral techniques)
  • 04 - To turn in documents that have been formally and thoroughly prepared to high standards
  • 08 - To develop mechanisms that facilitate the adoption of ethical commitments
  • 13 - To develop critical analysis skills

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Acquire knowledge on the essential characteristics of the person.

2. Know and understand what the great existential questions of the individual are.

3. Acquire knowledge on how one should behave and why.

4. Learne to make decisions for situations where there are ethical implications.

5. Be more sensitive to the fostering of respect, trust and friendliness among people.

6. Learne to evaluate the ethical consequences of our actions.  

7. Acquire skills for oral and written communication.  

8. Develope the ability to analyse and synthesise the information obtained in class and from the complementary material provided by the professor.

9. Improve reading comprehension skills.

10. Develop neatness habits in written documents and presentations.



1. Introduction. The usefulness of the useless.

2. The Criterion as an "integral anthropology". The art of thinking well.

3. Speculative understanding.

4. The practical understanding.

5. The problem of feelings.

6. Conclusion. Personal harmony.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

There are two types of learning activities:

1. Theoretical classes: lections given by a lecturer, the aim of which will be to transmit knowledge and encourage students to reflect on the subject. 

2. Practical classes: practical sessions in the classroom in which students will carry out exercises based on texts, usually taken from primary sources, and other materials that will deal with aspects related to the theoretical content.


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Assessment procedure and criteria 

30% First partial exam: 15 % theoretical part and 15 % practical part.


30% Second midterm (on the date set by the Secretary's Office): 15% theoretical part and 15% practical part. Those who have not taken the mid-term exam or have failed it, will take a final exam on the same day, which will be worth 60% of the overall mark for the course. This exam will consist of a theoretical part, which will be graded 30%, and a practical part, which will also be graded 30%.



30% Handing in the notes (10%) and the practical part (20%). The date of handing in will be the date of the final exam.

10% Attendance and active participation in class.

It is possible to obtain a higher mark by means of an optional work to be agreed with the teacher and by means of oral presentations.


Continuous assessment will not be taken into account in the second sitting.

Continuous Training Lectures:


"Failing to attend to the Continuing Education Talks will be evaluated negatively on the subject. That is, depending on the number of talks that have not been attended by the student, up to one point will be deducted from the total final grade of the subject. For example, if the student fails to attend one talk, 0,4 points will be deducted; if the student fails to attend two conferences, the deduction will be of 0,7 points, whereas failing to attend all three conferences will be penalised with 1 point."


Bibliography and resources

Bibliografia bàsica:



Balmes, Jaume, Obras Completas, 2 vols., Selecta, Barcelona, 1948.

Casanovas, Ignasi, Balmes. Su vida, sus obres y su tiempo, en: Balmes, Jaume, Obras Completas, vols. 34-5, Editorial Balmes, Barcelona, 1942.

Chivite, Carmen Mª, La antropología integral e integradora de Jaime Balmes, Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid, 2016.

Forment, Eudaldo, «Lógica i filosofía social: Jaime Balmes», en: Forment, Eudaldo, Historia de la filosofia tomista en la España contemporània, Encuentro, Madrid, 1998, pp. 86-153.

Miró, Abel, «La tradición como conciencia de los pueblos en Jaume Balmes y Josep Torras i Bages», pp. 117-134, en: Revista Interamericana de Investigación, Educación y Pedagogía, vol. 12, n.1, USTA, Colombia, 2019. Consultar en:

Torras i Bages, Josep, «El doctor Jaume Balmes, encarnació de l’esperit català en la nova forma intel·lectual i social», en: Torras i Bages, Josep, La tradició catalana, Ibèrica, Barcelona, 1913. Consultar en: