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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Civil Law 3

Civil Law 3
Second semester
Private Law
Civil Law
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - To acquire the ability to understand main ideas and participate in conferences or professor led lectures in their academic context.
  • 02 - To acquire the ability to understand, analyse and synthesise
  • 03 - To be able to express one's ideas and arguments in an orderly and coherent way both in oral and written form (written and oral techniques)
  • 04 - To turn in documents that have been formally and thoroughly prepared to high standards
  • 11 - To acquire skills for autonomous learning
  • 17 - To understand and have knowledge of public and private institutional principles in their origin and as a whole
  • 21 - To develop the ability to create and structure regulations
  • 22 - To be able to identify and interpret documentation normally used in legal and negotiating settings
  • 23 - To identify the state, doctrinal and legal framework of a complex legal issue
  • 24 - To acquire the skills to resolve problems and make decisions using relevant information and by applying correct methods while placing the issue within a legal system context
  • 30 - To master computer techniques for obtaining legal information (legal databases, jurisprudence, and bibliography)

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Presentación en el aula de los conceptos y su aplicación práctica
01 04 17
Actividades en el aula para el seguimiento de los alumnos (individual y en grupo)
02 03 22 23 24
Estudio independiente del alumno
11 17 21 24
Trabajos individuales y en grupo
02 04 30