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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Models i Sistemes Sanitaris

Models i Sistemes Sanitaris
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

 Dr. Boi Ruiz


Les decisions en l'àmbit de la salut han de tenir en compte diversos aspectes essencials, que també són presents en la major part de les activitats de la vida diària: la limitació dels recursos disponibles i la multitud d'ocupacions que poden donar-se a aquests recursos. L'economia de la salut és una disciplina que permet incorporar en el procés de la presa de decisions, tant en el disseny de programes, com també organitzatives i clíniques, elements com el cost d'oportunitat, l'efectivitat i l'eficiència. L'avaluació econòmica és una anàlisi que ajuda a avaluar l'eficiència d'intervencions o programes sanitaris.

L'assignatura està dissenyada tenint en compte que la major part dels participants en el curs no posseeixen coneixements d'avaluació econòmica. Aquesta matèria s'enfoca amb l'objectiu de conèixer quins són els ingredients indispensables que han d'acompanyar qualsevol estudi rigorós d'avaluació econòmica.  

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB10 - Students possess learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous
  • CB6 - To have the knowledge to provide a basis for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, often in a research context.
  • CB7 - Let students know who to apply their knowledge and ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar, broader or multidisciplinary contexts related to their field of study
  • CB9 - Students can communicate their conclusions what the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, do skilled and unskilled public in a clear and unambiguous
  • E1 - Be able to critically analyze and discern between the benefits and potential of the elements of the various health care models: local, national and international public and private sector decisions and prioritize understanding the benefit of welfare and health for the Health System .
  • E2 - Be able to identify and interpret the needs and expectations of patients and potential, designing, developing, adapting and evaluating management programs, and proposing solutions to the requirements objectified achieving a balance between supply and demand.
  • E5 - Be able to find reliable sources of information that allow to analyze and exploit it so that it facilitates decision-making at all levels of the organization (Clinical results, general services) and are the basis of management innovation as the ability to identify products and generate ideas that are transferred to society (patents, licenses, business creation, start-up or spin-off) in the centers in which management exercises.
  • E8 - Have the ability to relate the concepts learned and apply them properly, and stay informed of the issues that impact directly or indirectly in healthcare organizations.
  • G1 - Be forward planner, organizer and policy, developing capacities to work independently and multi-disciplinary, being agile in decision-making.
  • G2 - Be able to express themselves in a professional context, multidisciplinary, both orally and in writing and with the correct terminology and concepts specific to the management environment in a national or international context, being able to read, understand and synthesize literature and specific literature .
  • G3 - Be able to search for sources of information leading it to expand and update knowledge of their field.