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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Previous confirmation to:


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

Pre-course requirements

This subject does not have prerequisites.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to adapt to varying circumstances
  • 02 - The ability to understand, accept criticism and correct errors
  • 03 - The ability to administer and manage human and technical resources
  • 04 - The ability to work in a team and autonomously
  • 05 - The ability to organise time and workspace
  • 06 - The ability to develop academic rigour, responsibility, ethics and professionalism
  • 07 - The ability to apply the deontology and respect for the audiovisual sector
  • 08 - The ability of critical analysis, synthesis, concretion and abstraction
  • 09 - The ability to objectify, quantify and interpret (data, statistics, empirical evidenceÂ…)
  • 10 - The ability to confront difficulties and resolve problems
  • 11 - The ability to generate debate and reflection
  • 12 - The ability to meet deadlines, develop the ability to be punctual and respect for human, technical and material resources
  • 13 - The ability to create spoken and written communication
  • 16 - The ability to manage, analysis and reflect on content
  • 19 - The ability of informative documentation
  • 20 - Knowledge and mastery of bibliographic media
  • 21 - Knowledge and mastery of the digital culture
  • 24 - The ability to plan and organize both short term and long term projects
  • 25 - The ability to maximize creative development
  • 26 - The ability to develop a sense of taste and perfection in the aesthetics and finalization of projects
  • 35 - The ability to contextualize and critically analyze the products of the audiovisual industry
  • 39 - The ability to understand and apply the legal dimension of an audiovisual product
  • 40 - The ability to defend and respect authorship and intellectual property
  • 50 - The ability to adapt, understand and apply the expressive possibilities of new technologies and future changes
  • 53 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 54 - The ability to skillfully manage the literature, terminology and linguistic structures of the English language related to the field of communication.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Know and understand the distinction between Public Law and Private Law. 
  • Know and understand the main institutions of Civil Law. 
  • To be able to discern if a legal business is or is not valid. 
  • To be able to know and distinguish what is and what is not protected by intellectual property. 
  • To know which are the moral and patrimonial rights that make up the intellectual property. 
  •  Be able to understand and analyze the basic elements of an intellectual property contract. 
  • To know what are the rights of the personality (honor, privacy and own image), its legal protection and its limits. 
  • Know and understand how the collective management of Intellectual Property rights is organized. 
  • Know and understand the meaning and significance of creative commons licenses.


1. Basic concepts about Law and the rule of law

2. Freedom of speech and information freedom 

2.1. Defining elements of the right to information: the veracity and public relevance of the information

2.2. Limits of the right to information: personality rights (honor, privacy and image)

2.3. Personal data protection

3. Basic law concepts

3.1. Distinction between Public law and Private Law

3.2 The natural person and the private autonomy

3.3 The legal person and his forms

3.4 Contract and his elements

4. Fundamental concepts of the copyright

4. 1 historical Precedents and Spanish legislation

4.2. The object of the intellectual property

4.3 Classes of copyright: moral and right patrimonial rights

4.4 The limits to the copyright: temporary limits and substantive limits

4.5 The related rights

4.6 The collective management of the copyright

5. The audio-visual work

5.1 Definition of the audio-visual work and of his holders

5.2 Contracts between the author and the producer

5.3 The contract of joint production

5.4 Laws of the personality of the artists and his normative protection

5.5 The exploitation of the audio-visual work and other forms of financing

5.6. Actions for the protection of the intellectual property laws

6. The musical work

6.1 Definition of the musical work and of his holders

6.2 Classes of rights of the author of the musical work and his transfer

7. The copyright and the new technologies

7.1 Study of the Creative Commons licenses


Evaluation systems and criteria

In blended

The different activities of learning are raised by the purpose of obtaining the aims and the before exposed competitions. The evaluation will be conttinuada and will consist of different routes:

- Final examination (50 %)

- Modular exam (20 %), which is not liberation of the examined matter.

- Presentation of tests, comments of text, practical cases, etc. (30 %) will value the capacity of comprehension of the supposition of raised fact, the presentation, the aptitude to relate the concepts to the contents of the subject and the convincing expression.

The system of evaluation of the second summons it will consist of the accomplishment of an examination that will understand the whole agenda.


Bibliography and resources

  • Latorre, A. Introducción al Derecho. Ed. Ariel. Barcelona, 1997
  • Díez Picazo, L. y Gullón, Antonio. Sistema de Derecho Civil. Volumen II. 11ª ed. Ed. Tecnos. Madrid. 2016
  • Bercovitz Rodríguez-Cano, Rodrigo (Coord.). Manual de Propiedad Intelectual, 9º ed. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia. 2019.
  • Bercovitz Rodríguez-Cano, Rodrigo (Coord.). Comentarios a la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. Ed. Tecnos, 4ª ed. Madrid. 2019

Teaching and learning material