Breadcrumb Home University Services Coffee Shop Section UIC Barcelona (Term) Services (Term) Linguistic services (Node) University Mentoring Service (Node) Coaching Service (Node) Library (Term) Student Services (Node) Accommodation (Term) Advantages and Discounts (Term) Chaplaincy (Term) Eduroam (Term) Career Opportunities (Term) Coffee Shop (Node) Reprographics service (Node) General Archives (Node) Do you know what an e-certificate is? (Node) Other services (Node) University life (Term) Campus (Term) Others (Term) 4th edition of the SDG Congress: Climate action, health and ethics (Node) Campus Barcelona Weekday schedule, Monday through Friday:Coffee shop: 7.45 am to 7.15 pmSelf-service: 1 pm to 3.30 pmSummer (July until beginning of the classes):Coffee shop: 8 am to 4 pmSelf-service: 1.30 pm to 3.15 pmYou can download the weekly menu here Campus Sant Cugat Weekday schedule, Monday through Friday: Coffee shop: 7.30 am to 4 pm Self-service: 1 pm to 4 pm * Outside of these times, you can use the hospital cafeteria by showing your UIC Barcelona card