
Thesis defence: Joaquim Solà Ortigosa

Semi-online in the Saló de Graus room

Thesis title: Papel de la Teledermatología en el diagnóstico de la queratosis actínica y del campo de cancerización y en la monitorización de su tratamiento con ingenol mebutato tópico en Atención Primaria” (The role of Teledermatology in the diagnosis of actinic keratosis and the field of cancer and in monitoring its treatment with topical ingenol mebutate in Primary Care).

  • Doctoral candidate: Joaquim Solà Ortigosa
  • Supervisor: Dr Antonio Guilabert Vidal

Doctoral programme:  Health Sciences (RD 99/2011)


  • President: Dr David Moreno Ramírez (Virgen Macarena University Hospital)
  • Spokesperson: Dr Lara Ferrándiz Pulido (Virgen Macarena University Hospital)
  • Secretary: Dr Josep Malveby Guilera (University of Barcelona-IDIBAPS)

* If you are interested in attending this thesis defence, you must contact the Doctoral School Secretariat, at: edoc@uic.es