Dental photography with smartphone and SLR camera for Dental Assistants and Hygienists

Type of programme
Specialization courses
between 01-02-2025 and 01-02-2025
0.5 ECTS
€250.00. *Prices corresponding to the 2024-2025 academic year.
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
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curs-bonificableReimbursable course


Today, one of the most important factors involved in correct diagnosis, treatment planning and follow-up, is dental photography. This course is aimed at all dental clinic staff including hygienists, assistants, administration and prosthetics staff, who want to learn how to master photography and provide better patient care.

Assessment method: An online self-assessment test will be carried out at the end of the course so that students can assess the  achievement  of their personal goals and their knowledge of the content of the course.


The objective of this course is for students to learn how to correctly use a camera and programs and communicate with the laboratory in order to obtain the best dental images for a correct diagnosis, treatment plan, check-up and communication.

Competences to be acquired by students

To learn and understand the basics of photography

• Frame and set the correct exposure

• Diaphragm and aperture

• Histogram

• Shutter speed

• Depth of field

• Focus

• ISO value

• White balance, colour reproduction

• Image formats (JPEG, RAW files)

Advanced photography options

• Cross-polarisation filters

• Ultraviolet light

• eLABor_aid technique for showing the colour of restorations

Mobile dental photography (MDP) digital workflow

• Basic functions in ADOBE LIGHTROOM. Editing and storing photographic files.

Prospective students

The photography course is aimed at dental clinic staff: Assistants, hygienists, administration and prosthetics staff.


  • Dr. Oriol Cantó


8.00 - 11.30h Welcome. Photography basics. Advanced techniques


11.30 - 12.00h Coffee break


12.00 - 14.00h Setting up assistant photo equipment. Digital transfer: How to export photographic files from the camera to each participant's computer using Adobe Lightroom


Study programme and subjects 2024-2025

Subjects in course 1 Type Term ECTS
Fotografia Dental con Smartphone y Cámara Réflex para Personal Auxiliar e Higienistas Type: OB Term: Second semester ECTS: 0.5
  • ECTS: European Credit Transfer System
  • Term: calendar period
  • (a): subjects which are taught in English


Dr Luis Valdés

Prerequisites & admissions

This course is aimed at all dental clinic staff including hygienists, assistants, administration and prosthetics staff.