
An overview and glimpse of the future of UIC Barcelona, in the Closing Session for this Academic Year

The Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona yesterday hosted the Closing Session for this Academic Year. At the event, which was aimed at both teaching and research staff and administration and service staff, an overview of the 2016-2017 academic year was provided and news for next year was announced. The new structure of the Sant Cugat Healthcare Campus was described, as well as some new appointments, such as that of Pilar Fernández Bozal, now the new Dean of the Faculty of Law. Once the event concluded medals were awarded to people who have been working at the university for 10 years. 

The event was opened by the rector, Dr Xavier Gil Mur, who first thanked everyone for the work they had all undertaken throughout the year and announced, among other things, the extension of the University Dental Clinic (CUO).

Afterwards, Ramon Bosch described the implementation of the new ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) programme, a project that was co-managed by Frederic Casanovas, director of Information Systems. He described the how the new IT system will be implemented, the scope of the project and the ne invoicing procedures.

Dr Jaume Armengou, Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and International Relations, talked about the fact that internationalisation is now becoming consolidated at UIC Barcelona and used the example of ESARQ-School of Architecture to make his point. Next year the School will welcome students from 32 different nationalities. He took advantage of the opportunity to explain that next year the university will offer a new Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering, and a new University Master’s degree in Educational Psychology, in the Faculty of Education. This is the first online master’s degree to be offered by the university.

Afterwards, Dr Josep Clotet, Vice-Rector for Staff Management, described the new salary policy for Administration and Service Staff (PAS), which was recently approved by the university’s Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors.

Dr Toni Mora, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, described how research is organised at UIC Barcelona and gave an overview of the various types of funding provided by public and private organisations This funding makes the continuation of research projects possible.

Finally, Dr Belén Zárate, Vice-Rector for the University Community, described the new structure of her own Vice-Rectorate which will now house a new area called “Personal Development”.  She underlined the fact that eight projects for solidarity which are being undertaken this summer in countries such as Guatemala, Lebanon, Nicaragua and Israel, have been helped on their way by funding from our university.

After the Board of Governors members had given their speeches, silver medals were awarded to people who have been working at UIC Barcelona for 10 years.