Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Psicopatologia Forense Aplicada

Psicopatologia Forense Aplicada
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Dra. Esperanza L. Gómez-Durán – elgomez@uic.es


The subject of Forensic Psychopathology will introduce students to the knowledge of the foundations of the discipline focused on the substrates that relate psychopathology with legal sciences in their criminal, civil and labor fields.

Pre-course requirements



Knowledge of the bases and forms of psychopathological phenomena and their relationship with the capacities of the subject before the legal aspects of the criminal, civil and labor fields.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CE6 - Identificar y evaluar adecuadamente los aspectos forenses significativos en los diferentes síndromes psicopatológicos y desarrollar la argumentación psicopatológica que fundamenta la repercusión jurídica de los diferentes síntomas y cuadros clínicos.
  • CG1 - Describir, identificar, reconocer y clasificar los conceptos de la psicopatología aplicada al ámbito forense y responder sobre qué, quién, cómo, cuándo, dónde y porqué del caso objeto de estudio en el ámbito forense.
  • CT1 - Adecuar el lenguaje y la forma de comunicar, en forma oral o por escrito, a los conocimientos científico-técnicos psicopatológico-forenses y/o jurídicos en relación con aspectos psicopatológicos en el ámbito jurídico.
  • CT2 - Evaluar e interpretar documentos con relevancia jurídico-penal relativos a aspectos psicopatológicos (sentencias, autos, informes médico-forenses y periciales).
  • CT3 - Aplicar las categorías jurídicas abstractas a casos concretos, de forma que se relacionen adecuadamente los conocimientos científico-técnicos y jurídicos en la materia.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The students will identify, evaluate and adequately argue the legally relevant psychopathological aspects.


The subject of Forensic Psychopathology will deal with the legal repercussions from the expert's point of view of the main psychopathological syndromes.



Evaluation systems and criteria

In blended

1. Attendance to class. A minimum of 80% of attendance to sessions will be required in order to be evaluated and satisfactorily pass the subject.

2. Continuous evaluation. There will be an exercise for each class that will evaluate the level of understanding reached by the student on the subject and his reasoning ability. The evaluation of the exercise will be done by the teacher responsible for the session and some of them will involve the use of Moodle.

The weighted average of the set of exercises carried out, with the weighting of participation and professionalism, will represent 70% of the final grade of the subject.

The Appraisal Directed Study of Cases (seminars of Mondays) will suppose a 30% of the final note.

Bibliography and resources

The Chapter is recommended as a basic text sobre Psiquiatría Jurídica y Forense del Dr. Ortega-Monasterio y la Dra. Gómez-Durán (8a ed. del Tratado Introducción a la Psicopatología y la Psiquiatría -7ª ed. disponible a la biblioteca de la UIC).

Students will have the presentations used in class and, if appropriate, scientific articles and selected texts, recommended by teachers.