Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish,

Teaching staff


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

During the course of this subject, clinical practice will be carried out on patients under the supervision of an endodontic specialist, applying the theoretical concepts acquired in the different subjects.

Pre-course requirements

Students must have passed the minimum objectives in terms of theory and courses prior to starting this programme.


The main objective is to undertake as many clinical cases as possible at the University Dental Clinic (CUO) and in the collaborating external practice centres including endodontic root canal treatments, root canal retreatments, apical surgery, autotransplantation and intentional replantation.

The student must have documented all the cases performed with radiographs, photographs and videos. Cases will be reviewed in clinical sessions by teachers of the program.

The student must be able, under the supervision of the teacher to:

Determine the causes of the loss of dental health.

Implement the techniques that will lead to a recovery in dental health.

Arrive at an accurate diagnosis of a patient with pulpoperiapical disease.

Establish a treatment plan for patients with dental disease.

Know the different steps of root canal treatment.

Determine the need for carrying out root canal treatment based on an accurate pulpoperiapical diagnosis.

Learn the different types of mishaps that may occur during the treatment of root canals.

Understand the incidence and causes of endodontic failures.

Learn the indications and clinical techniques of endodontic surgery.

Learn the indications and clinical technique of intentional reimplantation.

Learn the indications and clinical technique of autotransplantation.

Establish the therapeutic approach to teeth with unformed apices.

Understand the different situations leading to emergencies in the field of endodontics and the approach to be taken.

Describe the clinical techniques for the reconstruction of endodontically-treated teeth.

Develop the ability to deliver a public presentation.

Develop the ability to write up scientific work in the field of restorative dentistry.

Develop an interest in research and in deepening knowledge.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Students will be expected to:

Be aware of and identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence in order to train in the prevention, early detection, care and rehabilitation of the victims of this type of violence.

Identify the concerns and expectations of patients, as well as how to communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, family members, the media and other professionals.

Obtain and create a medical record containing all the relevant information.

Be familiar with the general pathological characteristics of the illnesses and disorders that affect organic systems, specifically those which have dental repercussions.

Acquire clinical experience under suitable supervision.

Produce the radiographs required for dental practice, interpreting the images obtained and learning about other important image-based diagnosis techniques.

Be aware of clinical and laboratory-based procedures and diagnostic tests, knowing their reliability and diagnostic viability and being competent in interpreting the results.

Recognise oral normality and pathology, as well as assessing semiological data.

Identify the main reason for the consultation and the history of the current disease. Create a general medical record and a clinical record which accurately reflect the patient's notes.

Diagnose the teeth with pulpoperiapical pathology and perform a differential diagnosis.

Handle, distinguish between and select the tools and materials suitable for dentistry.

Understand and recognise the principles of ergonomics and safety at work (including the control of cross infection, radiation protection and occupational and biological diseases).

Acquire knowledge about dental biomaterial: in terms of handling, properties, instructions, allergies, biocompatibility, toxicity and eliminating residues as well as its environmental impact.

Know about and be able to use the basic tools and equipment for dental practice.

Undertake basic oral and dental pathology treatments for patients of all ages. The treatment procedures should be minimally invasive and based on a comprehensive and integrated approach to oral and dental treatment.

Diagnose, plan and undertake, on a general level, multidisciplinary, sequential and integrated treatment of limited complexity for patients of all ages and conditions and patients with special needs (diabetes, hypertension, oncological diseases, transplants, immune-depression, anti-clotting, etc.) or disabilities. Specifically, the dentist should be competent in establishing a diagnosis, a prognosis and developing a suitable treatment plan, particularly in terms of orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders, bruxism and other oral parafunctions; dental and periapical pathology; oral and dental trauma; periodontal and peri-implanted tissue pathologies; pathology of the mandibular bone, of soft oral tissue and annex glands; states of partial or total edentation and planning rehabilitation treatment via dento-muco-supported prostheses, or dental implants, dental malpositions or malocclusions and other anatomical or functional alterations of the face or the stomatognathic system and their potential orthodontic, orthopaedic or surgical corrections.

Issue appropriate medical prescriptions, while being aware of their contraindications, interactions, effects on the system and repercussions on other organs.

Administer loco-regional anaesthetic techniques.

Prepare and isolate the operatory field.

Identify and deal with any dental emergencies.

Treat dento-alveolar trauma in temporary and permanent dentitions.

Assess and treat patients with caries or other non-carious dental pathologies and be able to use all the material required for restoring the shape, function and aesthetics of the tooth in patients of all ages.

Design, prepare teeth, prescribe, record, carry out clinical tests, fit and put indirect restorations into service: incrustations, veneers or aesthetic laminate veneers and unitary crowns.

Treat destructive processes and dento-alveolar trauma injuries by operating.

Perform endodontic treatment and apply procedures to preserve pulp vitality.

Perform conventional aesthetic procedures from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Identify and correct oral habits that are susceptible to causing or exacerbating malocclusions.

Overcome hardship cases low, moderate and high according to the American Association of Endodontics standards.

Recognise that the patient is the centre of attention and that all the interaction, including the prevention, diagnosis, planning and carrying out of the treatment and maintenance, must support their best interests, always avoiding any type of discrimination and respecting confidentiality.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students will be expected to:


Prepare a proper patient history.


Perform a proper oral and practical examination of the patient.


Recognise normal and pathological anatomical structures in a panoramic, periapical and occlusal radiography.


List the usual conducts and the most frequent variations in each tooth of the dental arch.


Conduct prophylaxis and demonstrations of proper oral hygiene adapted to the patient's age.


Diagnose non-carious dental pathology in a patient.


Give a treatment plan for a patient with non-carious dental pathology.


Determine the caries risk of a patient.


Establish treatment plans for a patient with a high risk of tooth decay.


Use the means of diagnosing dental caries.


Establish the need to carry out a filling on a carious lesion.


Remove the carious tissue from a carious lesion with maximum respect to the remaining tooth structure.


Select the means of removing carious dentin according to the characteristics of the lesion.


Perform a proper medical history to assess the state of the pulp.


Adopt the appropriate therapeutic approach to the different pulp and periapical entities that require root canal treatment.


Organise the materials and instruments for endodontics, and treatment between patients.


Isolate the operative field properly for root canal treatment; master the technique for absolutely isolating a hemi-arch; choose the correct clamp according to the tooth that requires isolating.


Perform the correct chamber openings and locate the entrances to the root canals.


List the usual canals and the most frequent variations for each tooth.


Master the different techniques of instrumentation.


Master the different techniques of obturation.


Establish the need for an indirect restoration and choose the right material to perform the procedure.


Reconstruct an endodontic tooth with direct materials.


Reconstruct an endodontic tooth using an indirect technique.


Carve out a cavity for indirect restorations type inlay, onlay, overlay and crowns.


Make a temporary restoration for a cavity for indirect reconstruction.


Take the measurements for an indirect restoration.


Communicate with the laboratory to indicate the guidelines for the preparation of a restoration.


Correctly prepare the internal surfaces of the restorations according to the type of material.


Prepare the tooth surfaces for receiving an indirect restoration.


Perform the adhesive cementation of indirect restorations.


Select intraradicular retention elements depending on the characteristics of the tooth being treated.


Position intraradicular retaining elements.


Diagnose a patient who has suffered dental trauma.


Treat a dental trauma emergency.


Prepare a treatment plan for a patient with dental trauma.


Consult with the necessary specialists for a comprehensive treatment.


Understand the general principles of interdisciplinary treatment in adults.


Acquire the discipline to take an interdisciplinary approach to treatment.


Identify patients requiring multidisciplinary treatment to achieve therapeutic goals, and be able to work on the treatment.


Understand and be able to perform advanced endodontic procedures such as the removal of instruments, sealing perforations, revascularisation treatments, instrumentation in cases of double curvatures and how to cope with calcified root canals.


Document cases, take pictures and videos of the treatments carried out in clinical practice.


Present in a clinical session (always in sequential order) a case chosen by the assigned teacher depending on the difficulty, resolution or particular diagnostic interest.



For this subject, students will undertake clinical practice on patients that will encompass all the content of the theoretical subjects taught in the Master's, fostering clinical decision-making based on scientific evidence.



Teaching and learning activities

In person

First-year students will perform simple root canal treatments and simple anterior/premolar retreatments. Hence, 40 cases (primary and secondary root canal treatments, vital pulp therapy, direct and indirect reconstruction, follow-ups and endodontic evaluation appointments) have to be completed by late July of the first year.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Evaluation of this course is done through continuous assessment. The student must submit to the teacher: cases, and work in clinic for the teacher to assess. Students must submit a number of root canal treatment finished, at the discretion of the director of the program (approximately 200 finished cases).

Bibliography and resources

The bibliography in every oral presentation will be according the literature reviewed in theorical subjects. Every student must review and read more or new articles related on the clinical case.