Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Contemporary History

Contemporary History
Second semester
Global Trends
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Office hours will be on Monday and Friday 9.00 -10.00hrs


The main objective of this subject of history is to develop critical and analytical skills as well as attain knowledge of our recent past. Throughout the subject there will be constant referencing between the historical data we need to know about and the reflections and analysis of the most relevant facts that help us to understand our present. The key concern of Contemporary World History focuses on the analysis of the different political models, social organisation and economic and human rights. A first part looks at the French Revolution and the fall of the old regime to follow with the Industrial Revolution and the labour movement, placing special emphasis on the marxist, anarchist and socialist movements. The second part is dealt with in more detail and covers the recent history of nationalism and World War I, economic change, the twenties and the stock market crash of 1929, new models and state rights (democracy, fascism, communism), World War II, the creation of the UN, the Cold War and the new countries and emerging socio-political realities


Pre-course requirements

No pre-course requirements are needed to enrol in this subject


  • Develop critical thinking and the ability to analyse complex historical and current realities
  • Know the main historical data to help understand the present
  • Analyse and understand the different political models, in its temporal development and its viability 
  • Understand and critically assess the human rights developments
  • Understand and analyse the social changes that have occurred in the different forms of living

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 31 - The ability to critically analyse and contextualise events related to international politics
  • 65 - Knowledge and mastery of the different resources of historical investigation
  • 66 - Knowledge and mastery of the resources to encourage contextualized interest in history
  • 96 - The ability to objectively analysis reality and the extraction of valid considerations

Learning outcomes of the subject

Learn about the major developments that have marked and help understand the present.

Understand the evolutionary processes of different state models, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Understand and analyse key socio-economic dynamics of western society

Analyse changes in those elements that are considered human rights.

Develop a critical assessment of reality


0. Introduction

Topic 1. Political change. From the Old Regime to a bourgeois state
1.1. The Old Regime
1.2. The English revolution and the American Independence
1.3. The French Revolution and Human Rights
1.4. The internationalisation of the Revolution: the Spring of Nations (1830-1848)

Topic 2. Economic change. Liberalism and the Industrial Revolution
2.1. The first Industrial Revolution and its diffusion in Europe
2.2. The second Industrial Revolution: the era of high capitalism

topic 3. Social Change. The workers movement and the social doctrines
3.1. Utopian socialism
3.2. The first organisations
3.3. Socialism, Marxism and Anarchism
3.4. International Development and the new doctrines
3.5. The social doctrine of the Catholic Church

topic 4. Towards World War I
0. Introduction
4.1. The world between 1870-1914
4.2. Direct causes
4.3. World War I
4.4. Consequences
4.5. The treaties of peace
4.6. Conclusions
4.7. The Society of Nations

Topic 5. Democracy
0. Introduction
5.1. Europe in the 20's
5.2. The prosperity of the 20's
5.3. The Great Depression
5.4. The solutions to the crisis
5.5. Conclusions

topic 6 War and Dictatorship
6.1. The Communist Revolution
1. Introduction
2. Russia before 1905
3. The revolutionary process
4. Communist Russia
6.2. Nazism and World War II
6.2.1. Europe in the 30's
6.2.2. Totalitarian systems
6.2.3. Nazism
6.2.4. Towards World War II
6.2.5. World War II
6.2.6. After World War II
6.2.7. The creation of the UN

Topic 7. Towards a New World Order: Globalisation
7.1. The Cold War policy
7.2. Political Change: decolonisation and the fall of the Berlin Wall
7.3. Emerging Powers: The European Union and China
7.4. Globalisation and international conflicts: Fight of civilisations?

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students.
Seminar. This activity will consist of taking an in-depth look at specific up-to-date topics in a monographic manner-in some cases these topics will have been debated socially-, via active work in small groups.
Practical workshop. A highly practical working activity, where students can acquire skills that are practical or also theoretical (intellectual skills, logical skills, critical skills, intellectual learning skills, study skills, quoting skills, etc).
Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested.
Peer learning. The aim of this activity is to ensure that students gain the ability to analyse and be critical. One way of achieving this is by correcting their peers' exercises and results, etc. Each student will be evaluated twice: as both a recipient and a transmitter of critical knowledge.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

For more details about evaluation system see below, in teaching material

The evaluation systems for sencond and third call will be the same as first call

Bibliography and resources

 Recomended Bibliography

Briggs, Asa, Historia contemporánea de Europa, 1789-1989, Barcelona. Crítica, 2000

Brower, D.R., Historia del mundo contemporáneo, 1900-2001. Madrid, Pearson, Educación, 2002, 5ª edición. Fuentes, J. F., La Parra, López, E. Historia universal del siglo XX. De la Primera Guerra Mundial al ataque de las Torres Gemelas. Madrid, Síntesis, 2001.

Kinder, Hermann, Atlas histórico mundial, Madrid Istmo 1999-2000

Martínez Carreras, José U., Introducción a la Historia Contemporánea, Madrid Istmo 1996-1999

Palmer, R., y Colton, P, Historia contemporánea, Madrid Akal D.L.1981

Paredes Alonso, Francisco Javier, Historia universal contemporánea, Barcelona Ariel 1999 (imp.2004)

Procacci, Giulano, Historia General del siglo XX, Crítica, 2001 V.V.A.A, Historia Universal, vols. IX-XIII, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1990.   Aditional bibliography

Avilés Farré, Juan, Historia política y social moderna y contemporánea, Madrid Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia 2001

Baldó Lacomba, Marc, La revolución industrial, Madrid Síntesis D.L. 1993

Carr, Edward Hallett, La revolución rusa: de Lenin a Stalin, 1917-1929, Alianza editorial, S.A.

Castells Oliván, Irene, La Revolución Francesa (1789-1799), Madrid Síntesis 1997

Deane, Phyllis, La primera revolución industrial, Barcelona Península 1998

Egido Leon, Angeles, La historia contemporánea en la práctica (Textos escritos y orales, mapas, imágenes y gráficos comentados), Madrid Centro de Estudios Ramon Areces D.L.1996

González Pacheco, Antonio, La Revolución Francesa (1789-1799), Barcelona Ariel 1998

Kemp, Tom, La revolución industrial en la Europa del siglo XIX, Barcelona Editorial Fontanella 1979

Rubio Lara, Mª Josefa, La formación del Estado social, Madrid Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social D.L. 1991

Sirugo, Francesco, La segunda revolución industrial, Barcelona Oikos-Tau 1989

Smith, Adam 1723-1790, La riqueza de las naciones (Libros I-II-III y selección de los librosIV y V, Madrid Alianza Editorial 2001

Soboul, Albert, Compendio de la historia de la Revolución Francesa, Madrid Tecnos 1979

Tocqueville, Alexis de, El antiguo régimen y la revolución, Madrid Istmo, 2004

Teaching and learning material