Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

General Procedures for Physiotherapy Interventions 1

General Procedures for Physiotherapy Interventions 1
General procedures in physiotherapy
General procedures in Physiotherapy 1
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

Full Professor: Sr. Gary Siuming Lau Wong

Laura Pacheco Arajol, PhD:  lpacheco@uic.es

Sra. Laura Garcia Rueda lgarciar@uic.es



In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

Theoretical contents:

This block is intended that students acquire knowledge of a series of tools that allow them to establish a good foundation in order to understand Physiotherapy. 

Theoretical and practical seminar:

Bearing in mind the role of the physiotherapist in the health care setting, it is essential that students have first practical contact from the beginning of their training. This seminar provides students with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to the development of technical and manual skills, which will be the basis for further development of other, more specific studies that students will acquire throughout the course of their degree.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites have been determined for this subject.



Theoretical content:

Introduce students to some of the tools available with which they will be able to apply to their profession.

Theoretical and practical seminar:

Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for basic maneuvers to perform massage therapy in different anatomical areas.

Correctly apply appropriate maneuvers depending on the pathology in question.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 06 - To have comprehensive problem-solving skills.
  • 07 - Demonstrate decision-making skills.
  • 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
  • 14 - Demonstrate initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
  • 29.1 - Demonstrate a committment to ongoing learning and self-improvement.
  • 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
  • 42 - Knowledge of main physiotherapeutic procedures: kinesitherapy, massage, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, ergotherapy, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, climatotherapy, thalassotherapy, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, vibrotherapy, phototherapy, pressotherapy and subtypes of other physical treatments.
  • 49 - Ability to design a physiotherapy treatment plan.
  • 50.1 - Ability to establish and implement physical therapy in treatments provided by all other medical and surgical specialties whenever it is deemed necessary.
  • 50.3 - Abilty to design and apply kinesitherapy procedures, mobility, manipulation, massage, manual therapy, osteopathy, chiropractics and other manual techniques.
  • 50.4 - Ability to design and apply different electrotherapy modalities, thermotherapy and cryotherapy, phototherapy, ultrasound therapy, vibrotherapy, magnet therapy, ergotherapy and pressotherapy.
  • 50.5 - Ability to design and apply the various modalities of hydrotherapy, baleneotherapy, climatotherapy, thalassotherapy, etc.
  • 50.8 - Ability to encourage the client and family to participate in the rehabilitation process.
  • 50.9 - Ability to prevent and avoid risk when applying treatment.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course the student will achieve the following learning outcomes:

- Understand the theoretical and physiological bases of massage therapy.

- Have the skills to properly apply the different techniques of

  massage therapy in the musculoskeletal system.

- Understand the theoretical foundations and the physiological bases which diplay therapeutic effects in the following Physiotherapeutic procedures: pressotherapy, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, thalassotherapy, climatotherapy, thermotherapy and cryotherapy.

- Design procedures and formulate objectives of intervention, related to the procedures described in the presentations of clinical cases.

- Understand the importance of patient adherence to therapeutic intervention as well as the need to encourage their participation in the development of the objectives and processes of recovery.

- Maintain an attitude of motivation and improvement in the learning process.


Theoretical contents:

Unit 1. Theoretical bases of massage therapy, physiological and therapeutic effects.

Unit 2. Theoretical bases of pressotherapy, and the physiological and therapeutic effects.

Unit 3. Theoretical bases on postural hygiene, ergonomics and mobilization of patients.Development and evolution.

Unit 4. Theoretical bases of hydrotherapy: water as a therapeutic agent.

Unit 5. Conceptual development of balneotherapy and thalassotherapy.

Unit 6. Conceptual development of climatotherapy and its health benefits.

Unit 7. Physiological bases and the therapeutic effects of thermotherapy and cryotherapy.

Theoretical and practical seminar:

Unit 1:Basic maneuvers

Unit 2. Vertebral column

Unit 3. Basic Maneuvers of massage in the facial region

Unit 4. Basic maneuvers of massage of the muscles in the upper extremities (in Spanish: E.E.S.S.)

Unit 5. Basic Maneuvers of massage of the muscles in the lower extremities( in Spanish: E.E.I.I.)

Unit 5. Basic maneuvers of abdominal massage.

Unit 6. Scar massage.

Teaching and learning activities

In blended

self-learning activities
student's independant work-study
theoretical and practical workshops
cooperative learning
apprenticeship contract
oral presentation / master class
case method
problem-solving exercises
01 02 06 07 09 10 14 15 29.1 30.1 42 49 50.1 50.3 50.4 50.5 50.8 50.9 6 ECTS

Bibliography and resources

Bibliografía Básica:

Clay Pounds. Masoterapia clínica básica. Madrid. McGraw- Hill. 2004. 

De Doménico, C. Wood. Masaje. Técnica de Beard. Madrid. Ed.Harcourt Brace.4ª Edic. 1998.

Fritz,S.;Fundamentos del masaje terapéutico. Madrid. Ed. Elsevier. 3ª Edic. 2005.

Torres,M., Salvat,I. Guía de Masoterapia para Fisioterapeutas. Madrid. Ed. Panamericana. 2006

Dufuor,M. Masaje. Ed. Panamericana. Madrid. Enciclopedia MQK y MF. 2007.

Gallou,J.J.; Grinspan,F. Masaje reflejo y otros métodos de terapia manual refleja. Ed. Panamericana. Madrid. Enciclopedia MQK y MF. 2007.

Kemoun,G.;Durlent, V.;Vezirian,T.;Talman,C. Hidrokinesiterapia.Ed. Panamericana. Madrid. Enciclopedia MQK y MF. 2007.

Viñas, F. Hidroterapia, la curación por el agua. Barcelona. Ed. Integral. 4ª Edic. 1994.

Lloret,M. i otros. Natación terapéutica. Madrid. Ed. Paidotribo.1ª edic. 

Huey,L.;Forster,R. Manual completo de ejercicios hidrodinámicos. Barcelona. Ed. Paidotribo. 1ª Edic. 2003.

Knight,K.L. Crioterapia. Rehabilitación de las lesiones de la práctica deportiva. Barcelona. Ed. Bellaterra. 1996.

Plaja,J. Analgesia por medios físicos. Madrid. Ed. Mc.Graw-Hill Iteramericana. 2006

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 29/01/2021 A13 08:00h
  • E1 29/01/2021 A14 08:00h
  • E2 01/07/2021 08:00h
  • E2 01/07/2021 10:00h

Teaching and learning material