Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

English for Physiotherapy 1

English for Physiotherapy 1
First semester
English for Physiotherapy 1
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

Dra. DEAL, Mandy Lee - mdeal@uic.es

By appointment



In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

The objective of this program is to provide students with the academic language necessary to understand and present research in English in Physiotherapy. This is why it will be especially important to develop critical reading and listening skills. Also, the skills of oral and written expression will be strengthened to consolidate knowledge and stimulate communication in an academic context.

 The program consists of 3 parts: lectures, tutorials and self-study.
The master classes will focus on carrying out activities in reading and listening comprehension in the field of scientific research and Physiotherapy. These classes are designed with the aim of developing understanding in an academic context. The activities of speaking and writing aim to strengthen the knowledge introduced during the course and serve to improve communication within the university and conference fields, as well as to provide a solid linguistic basis.

The tutorials are focused on student development and interpersonal skills and include the completion of a group project, which will later be evaluated.

And finally, the independent study, or 'distance learning' focuses on: the development of writing, listening and reading skills; the grammar and specific vocabulary consolidation; and finally gives the student greater autonomy in learning a foreign language.

The three parts are specifically designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge and resources needed to communicate safely and effectively in English.

Pre-course requirements

Students will need a B1 English level in order to pass the course. Therefore,  students should have a minimum global English language level of  B1 before the start of the course.   



Master class:

Prepare and provide students with the lexical and grammatical knowledge necessary to effectively understand, synthesize and present physiotherapy research projects in English.

To reinforce the receptive skills of reading and listening through practice, using various incentives, as well as to promote the development of the productive skills of speaking and writing.


To develop the students' interpersonal skills as well as their ability to work with others, both in their native language and foreign language.

Independent study:

To develop student reading comprehension through the completion of assignments that require an in depth analysis of the language, both in a lexical and a structural level, of the main and secondary ideas, as well as of the organization models typical in the English literature of Physiotherapy; to strengthen listening skills; to review the specific vocabulary and grammar structures that are most common in Physiotherapy research.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
  • 28.2 - Demonstrate Interpersonal skills.
  • 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
  • 62 - Capacity to read and understand physiotherapy literature written in the English language.
  • 63 - Ability to use the terminology and language structures of English in the field of physiotherapy.
  • 64 - Capacity to understand the main ideas and to participate in conferences or lectures in the English language.
  • 65 - Ability to give oral and written presentations in the English language.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Learning outcomes

Students will demonstrate the following skills:

 Language skills in English

 1.   Analyze and synthesize information orally and in writing (1)

2.   Read and understand the bibliography and literature on Physiotherapy (62)

3.   Know and use the terminology and linguistic structures of the English language related to the field of Physiotherapy (63)

4.   Understand the main ideas and participate in conferences or lectures in English (64)

5.   Do presentations orally and written in English (65)    

Non-linguistic skills

6.   To demonstrate ability to work in a team (30.1)

7.   To demonstrate how to plan and organize work (2)

8.   To demonstrate skills for independent study of the language (10)

9.   To demonstrate skills in interpersonal relationships (28.2)



Students will work on topics about the evidence-based approach to Physiotherapy, and also about the most relevant areas in current Physiotherapy research.

More specific topics: Introduction to research concepts, types of research, academic and scientific literature, scientific theory, history of physiotherapy and terminology related to anatomy and pathologies, especially that which refers to cardiovascular conditions and osseomusculars.

Discipline-specific language skills:

Students will review, consolidate, and apply their knowledge of language, clinical terminology, and commonly used structures found in the field of health science research.

With this knowledge and language tools students will learn to read and understand academic literature related to Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy research. In addition, they will learn to recognize the main types of research, as well as the common features of non-experimental study design. They will practice taking notes and develop synthesis skills while working on topics seen throughout the course. Finally, they will learn to describe health conditions and their most common treatments in Physiotherapy.

Teaching and learning activities


Students will take an active part in reading activities, completing analyses and syntheses of texts from various academic genres specific to physiotherapy, such as extracts from textbooks and journal articles. Those topics covered during the course will be discussed in interactive activities, and students should also complete presentations and written papers. Finally, in listening activities, students will need to retain both general and specific information of the presentations of other students, teachers and online lecturers.

Virtual Internet resources also serve as a linguistic tool that students will use throughout their learning process. These resources are an integral part of their individual study as they will provide the tools and motivation for independent learning of English in their area of expertise throughout their professional lives.

oral presentation / master class
problem-solving exercises
01 13 30.1 62 63 64 65 2.4
self-learning activities
apprenticeship contract
problem-solving exercises
02 10 2.4
learning based upon problema-solving
apprenticeship contract
28.2 1.2

Evaluation systems and criteria




% Final mark

Learning result

oral presentation on a common condition


  Analyze and synthesize information both orally and in writing (comp.1)

Communicate orally and in writing (65) 65)

Group work (comp. 30.1)

Plan and organize their work (comp. 2)

Demonstrate the ability to learn autonomously (comp.10)


Midterm exam:




  Read and understand the main ideas of texts and literature related to Physiotherapy (comp.62)

Understand the main ideas of formal presentations or lectures in English ( 64)


Final exam:

25 %

  Read and understand the main ideas of texts and literature related to Physiotherapy (comp.62)

Understand the main ideas of formal presentations or lectures in English ( 64)


Project: Non-experimental Study


  Analyze and synthesize information orally and in writing (comp.1)

Communicate orally and in writing (65) 2.

Group work (comp. 30.1)

Plan and organize their work (comp. 2)

Demonstrate the use of interpersonal skills (comp. 28.2)


Classwork and written work



Analyze and synthesize information both orally and in writing (comp. 1)

Working with terminology and linguistic structures related to Physiotherapy ( 63)

Communicate orally and in writing (65) 65)

Read and understand the main ideas of texts and literature related to physiotherapy ( 62)

Understand the main ideas of formal presentations or lectures in English (comp.64)






Important information about evaluation


• Minimum Requirement language level: Students must have a level of English B1 to pass this course. Therefore, it is highly recommended to have a minimum level of English language B1 overall before the start of the course.

• Attendance and participation: Participation and attendance are essential to pass the course. In addition, group work outside class will also be an important part of the evaluation. Homework assignments and some evaluation activities will be posted on Moodle.

• Pass mark: To pass this subject (eg 5) in the midterm and final exam, students must achieve a score of 50%. In other words, 50% = a 5.

First resit: Depending on the case, a student may be required to do a written and / or oral presentation in addition to the examination. 

Students who have failed the course and wish to present for the second sitting exam must contact the subject coordinator by June 15, 2019 to determine the content of the second sitting evaluation. Depending on the case, a student may be required to complete a writing component and/ or an oral presentation assignment in addition to the exam. 

Other tests: Students who miss a midterm exam but have a valid excuse (eg. medical certificate) students must present it to their teacher in the next class. At the end of the course, if the students have attended 80% of classes, they can retake the midterm exam on the day of the final exam.

Many evaluation activities will be given during the course. There will not be resit for those tests. Students who miss an evaluative activity will receive a 0 for this activity. However, because each activity has little individual weight in the evaluation of the course, missing one will have little effect on the final mark.

Bibliography and resources

Class-based materials will be provided by the teacher.

 Intranet and internet based materials for self study:

Distance Learning Programme (intranet forum)

Student English File Resources (csc) (intranet forum)

 Pagliarulo M: Introduction to Physical Therapy. St. Louis, Mosby Elsevier, 2007


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 27/01/2021 A09 10:00h
  • E1 27/01/2021 A14 10:00h
  • E2 21/06/2021 10:00h