
RONZONI, Alessandro

Department of Basic Areas

RONZONI, Alessandro


Teacher profile

Basic Areas, DEPARTMENT OF BASIC SCIENCIES. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


University Master in Molecular Biology of the Cell, UNIVERSITÁ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO
Graduated in Biological Sciences, UNIVERSITY OF MILAN

Professional experience

PhD student IBEC (Insitute for Bioengineering of Catalunya) [ 01/09/2022 –Current ]
In September 2022 I started my PhD in the Molecular Bionics group, led by Prof. Giuseppe Battaglia, at IBEC. In my PhD project, I investigate the structure, role, and interactions of receptor proteins on the Blood Brain Barrier through protein expression and purification, confocal imaging of fluorescently labelled receptors and ligands, and TEM imaging of purified proteins. This project merges my previous experiences, adding new challenges and learning opportunities, enabling me, in close collaboration with two other PhD students in the M.B. group, working on similar topics, to elucidate pivotal transport mechanisms of the BBB.