Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Health Sciences

GRC - End of Life Care

2021 SGR 01379

GRC - Research Group in Health Education

2021 SGR 00156

GRE - SCOI - Study and Control of Oral Infections

2021 SGR 00626

GRE - Neural Systems Plasticity Group (NeuroPlast)

2021 SGR 01335


GRC - Materials for Bioengineering

2021 SGR 00565

GRE - Intervencions en Fisioteràpia i Exercici Terapèutic

2021 SGR 01247

GRE - ACTIUM Functional Anatomy Research Group. From Laboratory to Clinical Practice

2021 SGR 00576

GRC- From Cell Metabolism to Metabolic Diseases (METADIS)

2021 SGR 00563

Neurolipid Group  GRC – Research Group

GRC- Hereditary HematoLogy and Iron Metabolism

2021 SGR-00561

GRC - Treatment for the Orofacial Patient

2021 SGR 01592

GRC - Group of Evaluation of Health Determinants and Health Policies

2021 SGR 00186