Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Behavior and Personality Disorders

Behavior and Personality Disorders
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan,

Teaching staff

Professor: Anna Carballo Márquez

Email: acarballo@uic.es


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

The subject aims to provide students with knowledge, both theoretical and practical, on how to deal with a possible behavior disorder and the manifestation of disruptive behavior in a classroom setting. In this sense, the epistemological aspects of normality and abnormality will be discussed first, and then we will assess some of the main factors that intervene or interfere in the development of the personality and identity of children, and finally explore what we understand by behavior disorder, how it develops, how it manifests and how to intervene in it.


Pre-course requirements

  • To understand the educational and learning processes of children in their family, social and school contexts.
  • To know the developments in the evolutionary psychology of childhood.
  • To be familiar with the basics of early care.


  1. To know how Personality develops during childhood and what are the factors that affect it most decisively.
  2. To know what Positive Discipline is and know the main Behavior Modification Techniques that are used effectively today.
  3. To identify the main Behavior Disorders and know how to plan an appropriate intervention in the classroom while establishing good coordination with the Family and other specialists.
  4. To Learn how to do semi-structured interviews with fathers and mothers, and know how to make an analysis of a real family context.


Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CET-1 - Interpersonal responsibility: to be aware of professional performance and influence on students. To have the skills and knowledge to manage group processes and communication for good collaboration with and between students.
  • CET-2 - Pedagogical responsibility: to have the knowledge and teaching skills required to create a safe learning environment for both classes and groups, but also for individual students, in order that children can become responsible, independent adults.
  • CET-6 - Collaboration with the professional environment at the school: to have the knowledge and skills required to establish good relations with the people and institutions dedicated to child welfare or belonging to the school's professional environment.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-04 - To promote and facilitate attention to the unique educational needs of students, gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights, in the contexts of learning and social harmony, both in the school and in relation to the surroundings.

Learning outcomes of the subject

a) The student adapts the interventions to the needs and characteristics of students who have learning, adaptation or handicap difficulties.

b) The student is coherent in the application of concrete, functional procedures and with the agreements accepted by the students.

c) The student communicates his or her ideas and expresses him/herself correctly in oral and written language.

d) The student knows and understands the characteristics and educational, affective and social needs of the student with behavioral and personality disorder.

e) The student knows and applies the tools for assessing the educational needs of students with behavioral and personality disorders.

f) The student designs educational intervention plans aimed at students with special educational needs derived from behavioral and personality disorder.

g) The student promotes and favors the relationship and collaboration between education professionals and families for the care of students with special educational needs.

h) The student reflects and evaluates their teaching performance as an instrument for improving professional competence.



Theme 1: Basic concepts

  • Health
  • Mental Health
  • Psychology
  • Psychopathology

Theme 2: Personality

  • Personality: features and components
  • Heritage  and environment
  • Identity development
  • Personality theories
  • Limits
  • Attachment

Theme 3: Teacher and family role in facing behaviour disorders

  • Behaviour problems in the class-room
  • Behaviour modification techniques

Theme 4: Detection and intervention at school

  • ADHD
  • Negativist disorder
  • Disocial disorder
  • Other  disorders

Teaching and learning activities

In person

CEM-05 CEM-06 CEM-07 CEM-08 CEM-09 CEM-23 CEM-28 CET-1 CET-2 CET-3 CET-4 CET-6 CG-01 CG-02 CG-03 CG-04 CG-09 CG-10 CG-11 Cooperative learning
Case studies
Presenting method / lecture
Problem and exercise solving
Practical classes
Theory classes
Individual / independent study and work
Group study and work

Bibliography and resources

  • Ajuriaguerra, J. (1983). Manual de Psiquiatría Infantil. Barcelona:Masson.
  • Buendía, J. (1996). Psicopatología en niños y adolescentes. Madrid:Pirámide.
  • Caballo, V. E. (2005). Manual de Psicología Clínica infantil y del adolescente: Trastornos generales. Madrid: Pirámide.
  • Kernberg, P. (2002). Trastornos de personalidad en niños y adolescentes. Manual Moderno.
  • Vallejo Ruiloba, J. (2007). Introducción a la psicopatología y psiquiatría. Madrid: Masson.