Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

History and Theory of Public Relations and Advertising

History and Theory of Public Relations and Advertising
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff


Advertising is not experiencing a time of change, but a change of time, like Jose Angel Abancens explains. New technologies, social networks or the extension of Internet, among other changes, are leading to a new cycle of communication in humanity. Individualization and interactivity are two premises that advertising will be found and they will be able to manage. In the course a tour of the evolution of the advertising is done from the first advertising demonstrations until the new current trends in order to reflect on the development of this phenomenon and learn its basic principles

Moreover, Public Relations function has experienced tremendous growth in recent years in both the public sector and the private sector. At present it is estimated that there are about three milion people in the world who dedicate themselves to the field of public relations but, what exactly is public relations profession? This is a question that does not always respond well because there is a wide variety of terms to refer to this field of activity. Notions such as propaganda, publicity, public affairs, corporate advertising, organizational communication and corporate communications, among others, have tried to explain the object and purpose of public relations. What is clear is that this is a booming profession but with a very different level of development between countries.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites


First, because the ignorance of the Advertising and Public Relations, it is expected to train students on the historical development and evolution of this profession. Therefore a comprehensive overview of the emergence and development of Advertising and Public Relations ago.

Second, due to the conceptual vagueness of this field and the variety of terminology proposals exist, this course aims to define the concepts of Public Relations and Advertising.

Third, you try to define the theoretical foundations on which these two disciplines are sustained so that students understand the major issues of the theory of Public Relations and Advertising.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 13 - Reading skills
  • 14 - Ability to analyse
  • 15 - The ability to synthesise
  • 19 - The ability to memorise
  • 20 - The ability of concretion
  • 21 - The ability of abstraction
  • 27 - The ability to contextualise historical events of the world and of contemporary Spain

Learning outcomes of the subject

Knowing the historical evolution of the Advertising and Public Relations.

Understand the theoretical and practical development of the advertising phenomenon and public relations.

Reflecting on the successful completion of advertising and public relations as criteria of good craftsmanship.



I) Introduction and basic concepts of advertising communication


1.1. Marketing, Advertising and Communication


1.2. Advertising typologies


1.3. Advertising Codes of Ethics


1.4. Approach to advertising media




II) History of Advertising


2.1. Prehistory of Advertising: first Manifestation


2.2. Printed advertising (XV - XVIII centuries): first posters, catalogar and periodicals.


2.3. Modern advertising (19th century): first agencias and professionalization


2.4. Fundamentals of moderno advertising


2.5. War advertising and interwar advertising


2.6. Advertising during the second half of the 20th century


2.7. Advertising and the Internet: new communication paradigma




III) Advertising today: evolution and trends in advertising


IV) History of public relations


4.1. precedentes

4.2. Beginning

4.3. Developing

4.4. Consolidation

4.5. The role of communication in Spain


V) Theory of Public Relations


5.1. Lucien Matrat  and European school of public relations

5.2. Theory of excellence

5.3. External Organizational Rhetoric

5.4. Critical school

Teaching and learning activities

In person


Créditos ECTS

clase Magistral




Aprendizaje entre iguales




Focused Practice




Meeting Point., Etc.


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


Students 1ª convocaoria:

1) Group work during the course 30%

1) Final exam 70%

Students who are in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th call will follow the following rating system:
100% written final exercise


Students 1ª nad 2nd convocaoria: 

1) Personal work during the course 10%

1) Final exam 40%

En 3ª, 4ª, 5ª y 6ª Convocatorias se debera realizar un examen final, que aborde el 100% del temario de este bloque de la asignatura. En el caso de haber superación una de las dos partes en 1ª convocatoria, no se guardará la nota.

Bibliography and resources

As the course progresses some dossiers will be provided to keep the issues. In general, these articles have been published in scientific reviews.


Readings recommended for part of Advertising:

BARNICOAT, J. (1999): Los carteles. Su historia y su lenguaje, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili.

BASSAT, L. (2013). El libro rojo de la publicidad, Debolsillo: Barcelona.

CHECA GODOY, A. (2007): Historia de la Publicidad, La Coruña, Netbiblo.

COSTA, L. (2015). Pensar és triomfar. UOC: Barcelona.

EGUIZÁBAL, R. (2011). Historia de la Publicidad. Fragua: Madrid.

GONZALEZ MARTIN, J.A. (1996): Teoría General de la Publicidad, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Madrid.

MÉNDIZ, A. (2007): Nuevas formas publicitarias: Patrocinio, Product Placement, Publicidad en Internet, Málaga, 3ª edición, SPICUM.

MÉNDIZ, A. (2013): Teoría de la Publicidad, Valencia, Ed. Pasión por los libros.

MÉNDIZ, A. (2013): Historia de la Publicidad: Fundamentos epistemológicos y perspectivas de análisis, Valencia, Ed. Pasión por los libros.

PIZARROSO, A. (1993): Historia de la Propaganda, Madrid, EUDEMA Universidad.

ROMAN, K. (2010). David Ogilvy. El rey de Madison Avenue. Gestión 2000, Barcelona.

RUSSELL, J.T. y LANE, R. (2005): Kleppner Publicidad, Prentice Hall (Pearson Educación), México D.F., 16ª  ed.

SÁNCHEZ GUZMÁN, J.R. (1991): Breve historia de la Publicidad, Madrid, Ciencia 3.

TELLIS, G.J., y REDONDO, I. (2002): Estrategias de publicidad y promoción, Pearson Educación, Madrid.

 VV.AA. (2021). Història de la publicitat de Catalunya. Sàpiens, Barcelona.


Readings recommended for part of Public Relations:

GRUNIG, J.E. (ed.), Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management, Cap. 3, 4 y 5

HEATH, R.L., COOMBS, W.T., Today's Public Relations: an introduction, Ed. Thousand Oaks, Sage, 2006 Cap. 1

MATILLA, K. (2015). Historia de la comunicación corporativa en Cataluña. Ed. UOC, Cap. 4: "Las Agencias de Comunicación Corporativa en Cataluña".

MONTERO, M. (cord.), Historia de la Publicidad y las Relaciones Públicas en España, Comunicación Social, Zamora, 2010.

MORA, J.M., 10 ensayos de comunicación institucional, Ed. Eunsa

SOTELO, C., (2001).  Introducción a la comunicación Institucional, Cap. 4: "Relaciones Públicas".

NOTE: Books marked in blue are recommended for part of the history of public relations.


Teaching and learning material