Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Final Master's Degree Project

Final Master's Degree Project
Second semester
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish,

Teaching staff


The Master's Final Project (TFM) is a transversal subject whose work will be carried out associated with different subjects and, in order to unify the criteria and procedures that ensure and guarantee homogeneity in the organization and evaluation of this subject, the International University of Catalonia It has internal regulations for final degree projects and master's final projects to which all official degrees offered by UIC Barcelona regulated by Royal Decree 1393/2007, modified by Royal Decree 861/2010, will be subject.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites


Have knowledge that allows you to use the appropriate language and structure in the preparation of a TFM report.
Critically analyze information already published, as well as theories and results obtained in the laboratory, which contribute to the preparation of the TFM.
Manage bibliographic information and data accurately and effectively, appropriately using computer media for the correct written presentation of the TFM.
Develop the ability to publicly defend the experimental results generated in external research practices.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • C3 - Collect, classify and summarise the results of research activity in written format and defend them orally before a jury.
  • C8 - Use language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes in oral and written media.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Have knowledge of mechanisms that allow classifying and summarizing the information that arises from research activity in the biomedical laboratory.

Develop the ability to write and publicly defend a master's final project related to the area of biomedical research.

Have knowledge of how to correctly use verbal and non-verbal scientific language in oral defenses.


Completing the TFM includes several fundamental training tasks or activities:

Attendance at individual tutorials
Attendance at group seminars
Individual, autonomous work directed by the tutor
Writing a written report
Presentation and individual public defense
Completion of rubrics

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1) Students in first call:
The evaluation process corresponds to a continuous evaluation by competencies throughout the completion of the TFM. There are several evaluative moments, as well as the agents or actors of the evaluation:
• Student self-assessment.
• Evaluation of the TFM completion process by the tutor.
• Final evaluation of the TFM by the tutor.
• Evaluation of the TFM by the court.
For the evaluation of the TFM, the following criteria will be taken into account:
• Entity, difficulty, complexity and originality of the project covered in the TFM.
• Degree of compliance with the objectives.
• Bibliographic sources consulted and how they have been cited in the report and in the presentation.
• Quality in the preparation of the written document of the academic memory of the TFM.
• Quality in the presentation and oral defense before the TFM tribunal.
• Degree of commitment and dedication of the students to the research project.
• Learning, competencies and skills demonstrated during the performance of the work.
The tutor may decide not to authorize the presentation of a TFM by a student (recording this in the corresponding rubric) if he or she considers that the student does not meet the minimum academic requirements to be defended publicly. The tutor will propose, in the last evaluation rubric of the written memory of the TFM, the granting of honors registration to that student or not. Depending on the number of honors that can be awarded per subject and the global evaluations obtained by that student in all the subject rubrics compiled from the tribunal, the tutor, the student himself and his classmates, the TFM coordinator will ultimately decide. instance to whom the honorary degree is awarded.

The evaluation panel will be made up of professors from the basic sciences department. The court, once the oral defense has finished, will proceed to accept or reject the work presented and fill out the rubrics evaluating both the written work and the student's oral defense. In the event that the TFM is rejected by the court, it must record those errors, omissions and deficiencies that must be corrected and that motivate its non-acceptance in a written report that will be sent to the TFM coordinator and the tutor.
In the event of suspending the TFM in the first call, you may opt for its defense in the second call as long as the TFM is rewritten taking into account the errors, omissions and deficiencies detected and noted by the court in its report after the defense in the first call and with the approval of the tutor. In case of failing the TFM in the second call, the student must enroll in the subject during the following course.
Percentages of each evaluation in the final grade of the subject, valid for both 1st and 2nd calls:



Grade percentage

Student self-assessment

5 %

Tutor Continuous evaluation 

10 %

Tutor Final evaluation 

25 %

Defense and memory court evaluation

60 %


Important considerations:
1. The TFM subject is approved with a minimum of 5 out of 10 points.
2. To obtain the final average, a minimum of 5 out of 10 points must be obtained from each of the parts.
3. Plagiarism, copying or any other action that could be considered cheating will mean a zero in that evaluation section.
4. Exchange students (Erasmus and others) or repeaters will be subject to the same conditions as the rest of the students.