Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Introduction to Medical Practice (IMM1)

Introduction to Medical Practice (IMM1)
First semester
Medicina social, habilidades de comunicación e iniciación a la investigación
Inmersión Medicina I
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

An appointment by e-mail

Dra. Montserrat Virumbrales montsev@uic.es

Dra. Marta Elorduy melorduy@uic.es



In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

In a career in medicine there is traditionally a preclinical stage at another clinic, in which there is contact with the sick. Before starting the full clinical stage it is necessary to spend enough time studying some subjects wich sometimes seem to have little to do with the purpose of work as a doctor.

The subject "Into the world of medicine" is designed so that the medical student has from the outset, a clear vision of the core to which every training effort is directed: patient care and promoting health. Therefore, the course is divided into two modules:

Module. Immediate health care in emergency

This module is intended for students to begin to develop skills in the recognition and management of critical situations that require immediate response and assistance which may occur in any situation in daily life.

Module. Weekend Clinics and approach to health care

The student, though he could be familiar with the health system as a patient or relative of a patient, does not have the perspective of all health care structure. However, students from other communities are neglected in the Catalan health system. Thus, this module will provide a first contact with the different areas of care.

Pre-course requirements

Not applicable


Module. Immediate health care in emergency

The main objective of this module is that students know how to act in a medical emergency or accident (Protect, Alert, assist) and are able to perform basic CPR when the situation warrants it.

Module. Weekend Clinics and approach to health care

This module is designed with the objective that the student does not lose focus and has a perspective of where it goes.

Learn about the operation of health care in our country, make contact with the different areas where medicine is developed to have a reference point during the course of their studies and know where they are going.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - Recognise the essential elements of the medical profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and patient-centered professional skills.
  • 02 - Understand the importance of central principles, in particular of professional confidentiality for the benefit of patients, society and the profession.
  • 03 - Know how to apply the principle of social justice to professional practice and understand the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 04 - Develop professional practice with respect for patient autonomy, beliefs and culture.
  • 16 - Recognize and deal with situations that put life in immediate danger and those that require immediate attention.
  • 23 - Communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing with patients, family members, media and other professionals.
  • 29 - Understand national and international health organisations, and the environments and conditions of the different health care systems.
  • 30 - To acquire basic knowledge of the National Healthcare System and general healthcare legislation.
  • 31 - Understand, critically evaluate and know how to use sources of clinical and biomedical information to obtain, organize, interpret and communicate scientific and health care information.
  • 32 - Know how to use information and communication technology in clinical, therapeutic, preventive health care and research.
  • CTS-3 - To promote and ensure respect for human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equality, non-discrimination as well as the values of democracy and a culture of peace.

Learning outcomes of the subject

After completing the course the student should be able to: 

  • Recognize and treat situations that put life on immediate dangerous and those who require immediate attention.
  • Make decisions together with other students in relation with immediate health care in cases proposed in class or simulated situations of urgency and/or emergency.
  • Explain in writing the usefulness of the technique results in the treatment of external bleeding when are obtained from cases studies and real or simulated patients.
  • Recognize the grade of a burn and know how to assess the extension of the burn.
  • Determine vital parameters and interpret them in simulators and classmates.
  • Explain in writing the usefulness of the technique results in taking vital signs when are obtained from cases studies and real or simulated patients.
  • Know the theoretical foundations in basic cardiopulmonary reanimation techniques that are being used in a cardiorespiratory arrest.
  • Argue in a writing the steps of the basic CPR protocol.
  • Know how to realize shunting of basic vital support in simulators.
  • Practice basic cleaning procedures in wounds and hemostasis in simulators.
  • Describe the country’s health system.
  • Write and argue about the differences between public and private provision. 


Module. Immediate health care in emergency

1. - General concepts
· ER
· Emergencies
· The care chain
· Triage

2. - Vital signs. Assessing the patient
· Vital signs: Determination. Normal and abnormal parameters: heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, blood pressure.
· Patient assessment: Concept of valuation. Initial assessment, neurological and secondary.

3. - Basic CPR in adults
· Concept of respiratory arrest.
· Concept of cardiopulmonary arrest.
· Concept of Cardiac Arrest.
· Immediate attention in respiratory arrest.
· CPR. The ABC of resuscitation.

4. - Mechanical asphyxia
· Recognition.
· Measurements of emergency response.
· Heimlich Maneuver. Indications and procedure.

5. - Bleeding
· Concept of hemorrhage.
· Classification.
· Immediate attention.
· Hypovolemic shock. Assay.

6. - Burns
· Definition of burns.
· Classification.
· Features.
· Immediate attention.

7. - Wounds
· Definition of wounds.
· Classification.
· Features.
· Immediate attention. General considerations.

8. - Skeletal muscle injury
· Definition of musculoskeletal injuries.
· Classification.
· Features.
· Immediate attention.
· Detention and transfer of the injured.

9. - Emergency or non-traumatic emergencies.
· Disorders of consciousness: fainting or faintness, syncope, coma, epilepsy, impaired glycemic impact. Protocols.
· Emergency Heart. Acute chest pain. Protocol.
· Respiratory Emergencies. Concept, classification, gravity factors. Protocol.

10.- Intoxications

· Intoxication concept.  

· Types.

· Assessment and immediate action.

Module. Approach to health care

    The doctor in the health system. Structure and basic operation of the health system.
    Introduction to Models and Health Systems.
    Health Care Organizations
    Different areas in healthcare organizations
    Medical training. Specialization and career.
    Care teams. Relationship, communication, coordination.


Teaching and learning activities

In blended

The methodologies used for the development and acquisition of competencies are:



Module. Immediate health care in emergency


Module. Immediate healthcare patient with acute chest pain: "MicroSim" (simulation software).


It will include the following situations:

Practice 1. Taking constant
Practice 2. Assessment and immediate reaction (action) to trauma
Practice 3. Basic CPR for adult.

The master classes will be held online following the scheduled time. The rest of the methodologies (MC, ABP, LH) will be carried out in person.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In blended

To pass the course the student must obtain an average grade greater than 5 and a minimum score of 5 in each of the two modules.

  •  Module. Immediate health care in emergency: 75%
    Different methods of case (20%)     Skills laboratory* [pulmonary cardiopulmonary resuscitation] (10%)     Examen tipo test (70%)
  • Module. Approach to health care: 25%

The instruments that were used to assess the acquisition of skills are:

    - Tab-visits to health centers.

    - Clinical Assessment Manikin on the protocol for action in a cardiac arrest.

    - Conclusion and class presentation of clinical cases.

    - Multiple-choice test

Students who fail the course in the ordinary call will have an extraordinary announcement in July that will consist of a multiple choice theory test  and the realization of  the activities related to module approach to health care. Students who have passed either party will be retained to note the extraordinary announcement.

Bibliography and resources

  • PHTLS. Soporte vital básico y avanzado en el trauma prehospitalario. Elsevier Mosby. Septima edición. 2012.

  • André Gastón, J.A., Arriazu López, Mª.I.Manual Básico de Atención sanitaria Inmediata. Morales i Torres editores.2003.

  • RCP. Guía del Consejo Europeo de Resucitación 2010.

  • Perales, N; Lesmes, A; Tormo, C.resucitación cardiopulmonar básica y desfibrilación semiautomática. ELSEVIER-MASSON. 5 ª edición. 2006

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 19/01/2021 09:00h
  • E2 05/07/2021 09:00h