Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Communication and Knowledge Management

Communication and Knowledge Management
First semester
Social Sciences Module
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Dr. Cristina Monforte: After classes for specific issues. Quotes on request by e-mail and confirmation teacher. cmonforte@uic.es

Dr. Jose Mª Martínez: After classes for specific issues. Quotes on request by e-mail and confirmation teacher. jmmartinez@uic.es


Dr. Áurea Cartanyà:After classes for specific issues. Quotes on request by e-mail and confirmation teacher.  acartanya@uic.es 


Dr. Juan Carlos Martín: After classes for specific issues. Quotes on request by e-mail and confirmation teacher.  jcmartin@uic.es


Information systems are tools that allow an acquisition, storage and exploitation of knowledge, facilitate the conduct of research, the consolidation of the progress and provide the information necessary for sound management. Information systems, databases and bibliographic managers in general allow us to develop tasks and save time.

The scientific method is an important tool for the development of discipline for the nurse, which powers the generation of new knowledge.

The main objective of nursing research is improving health care outcomes and advancing knowledge and practice as a nurse.


Pre-course requirements

At the beginning of the course the students must meet the following requisites

  • Ability to work in a group
  • Motivation for learning and active listening
The Department of Nursing in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences has agreed that it is compulsory for all students taking a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, when participating in online classes, to turn on their camera and remain visible to lecturers and professors at all times.


  1. Understand the usefulness of statistics in the field of health, notably in the infirmary.
  2. Calculate and interpret the measurements of central tendencies, dispersion and relative position appropriate to the scale of measurement. In particular: the arithmetic mean, variance and median.
  3. Use graphical representations to present and discuss the data.
  4. Know some basic statistical methods to analyze data and express correctly your analysis.
  5. Select the appropriate test statistics to the type of hypothesis and variables to reach a statistical decision.
  6. Be able to read articles of scientific journals in the area of nursing from a statistical point of view.
  7. Student will correctly use an operating system, text editor, a database and create presentations.
  8. Students will be able to discuss the application of research results in daily practice
  9. The student will demonstrate a responsible and professional conduct in accordance with the standards of nursing practice.
  10. Develop commitment to values
  11. Develop their ability to make ethically informed choices
  12. Cultivate their sense of responsibility for their own conduct and behaviour
  13. Develop their ability to think for themselves
  14. Improve their ability to communicate, with special emphasis on listening
  15. Improve their abilities to organize and use time effectively
  16. Develop their commitment to exercise their rights and responsibilities as a citizen, contributing actively and voluntarily to the social, economic and environmental improvement.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 16. G - Know the health information systems.
  • 22. G - Use and management of information and research
  • 23. B - Ability to analyze and synthesize.
  • 24. G - Ability to work autonomously.
  • 25. E - Knowledge of the field of study
  • 6. E - Base nursing care on scientific evidence and available resources.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of this course, Students will be capable of:

  • Explaining the basic elements and the steps of the scientific process.
  • Using the process of investigation as the basis for the expansion of knowledge.
  • Discussing the application of research results in daily practice.
  • Criticizing studies of nursing by applying the scientific process.
  • Students will know and learn how to use software applications that facilitate their access to training and research, as well as resources for conducting presentations of their work and scientific communications.
  • Correctly using the operating system, text editor, spreadsheet and creating multimedia presentations.
  • Setting the methodological and analytical procedure in order to respond to concrete objectives that are posed in a clinical study


Introduction to Scientific Knowledge

Unit 1. Introduction to scientific methodology. Scientific concepts. Applied research in the health sciences. 

Unit 2. Scientific method. Phases of the research. Research objectives and hypotheses.

Unit 3. Scientific communication. Structure of an article and/or oral and written scientific communication. Protocol research vs. article research. Ethical aspects linked to research. 

Unit 4. Databases. Bibliographic search strategies. Rules of citation and referencing.

Unit 5. Bibliographic managers. Use of the library mega searches.

Unit 6. Evidence-based practice. Importance of research in the disciplines of nursing. 


Unit 7. Introduction to statistics. Definition of statistics. Some basic concepts.

Unit 8. Descriptive statistics. Descriptive one-dimensional: tables of frequencies, statistical measures, graphical representation. Descriptive two-dimensional. Covariance, correlation, graphical representation and contingency tables.

Unit 9. Probability. Concepts of probability: Bayes theorem. Probability functions. Density functions. The binomial distribution. The normal distribution. Standardization.

Unit 10. introduction to statistical inference. Sampling. Estimates point. Confidence intervals. Test of hypothesis: null and alternative hypothesis, type of error, and significance.

Unit 11. Bivariate statistical inference. Comparison of proportions. Comparison of means. Correlation.

Unit 12. Critical reading of research with quantitative methods articles. Analysis practice.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Teaching methodology of the theoretical part will be based on lectures, learning based problems, critical reading and group tutoring. The practical part will work through the virtual/online learning.

Classes will be attained through the following activities:

  • Face-to-face practice as well as virtual 
  • Project presentations
  • Organization of information: schemes, synthesis, etc.
  • Discussion
  • Critical reading
  • Bibliographic research

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Evaluation of this course shall be carried out using the following rating system:

  • EVALUATIVE ACTIVITY 1. Group work: delivery of a search history to Pubmed. Delivery of a URL from the individual RefWorks database itself. Everything will have a total weight of 5%. Evaluates 16G, 24G, 25E and 22G competences
  • EVALUATIVE ACTIVITY 2. Group work: analysis of an article. It will have a total weight of 15%. Evaluates 16G, 24G, 25E and 22G competences
  • EVALUATIVE ACTIVITY 3. Group work: Practical exercise of statistical analysis and presentation to the classroom. Total 25%. Evaluates 16G, 24G, 25E and 22G competences
  • EVALUATIVE ACTIVITY 4. Final multiple-choice exam. It has a weight of 55% of the total grade for the course. Evaluates 16G, 24G, 25E, 22G, 23G and 6E competences.
  In addition, compulsory questionnaires will be carried out during classes that will help to modulate the grade. It will be necessary to have completed 5 of the 7 questionnaires. If the number of correct questions is greater than the incorrect ones, the final grade for the course will rise 0.5 points. In the case of not having done the 5 questionnaires, the grade will drop 1 point of the total of the subject. The associated competencies are: 16G, 24G, 25E, 22G, 23G and 6E

First Resit (2ond call)

The notes of the evaluative tests 1, 2 and 3 will be saved, which will have the same weight of 5%, 15% and 25% respectively as in the 1st conv. In addition there will be a final exam that will have a weight of 55%.

No Honor registrations will be awarded in the first make up exam.


Third and fourth resits; and fifth and sixth (extraordinary) in the rare case they are granted:

The same requirements as in the first and second call will be followed. 



Bibliography and resources

The support material will be provided in English

Llibres de text

1. Argimón, JM, Jiménez J. Métodos de investigación clínica y epidemiológica. 3a ed. Madrid: Elsevier; 2004.

2. Armitage P, Berry G. Estadística para la investigación biomédica. 3a ed. Barcelona: Harcourt Brace; 1997.

3. Bisquerra R, Echeverría B, Rodríguez M. Estadística Psicopedagógica. Barcelona: Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias; 1987.

4. Burgos R. Metodología de investigación y escritura científica en clínica. 3ª ed. Granada: Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública; 1998.

5. Burns N, Grove SK. Investigación en Enfermería. 3ª ed.  Madrid: Elsevier; 2004.

6. Cobo E, Muñoz P, González JA, Bogorra J. Bioestadística para no estadísticos: principios para interpretar un estudio científico. Barcelona: Elsevier Masson; 2007.

7. Daniel W. Bioestadística: base para el análisis de las ciencias de la salud. 4a ed. México D.F.: Limusa; 2002.

8. Dawson-Saunders E. Bioestadística médica. 4a ed. México D.F.: El Manual Moderno; 2005.

9. Manzano V, Varela J, García A, Pérez FJ. SPSS para Windows. Madrid: Ra-Ma; 1999.

10. Martínez MA, Faulín FJ, Sánchez A. Bioestadística amigable. 2ª Ed. Madrid: Díaz de Santos; 2006.

11. Mayan M. Una introducción a los métodos cualitativos. Módulo de entrenamiento para estudiantes y profesionales. México: Qual Institute Press. International Institute for Qualitative Methodology; 2001.

12. Milton JS. Estadística para biología y ciencias de la salud. 2a ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana; 1994.

13. Norman GR, Streiner DL. Bioestadística. Madrid: Mosby/Doyma; 1996.

14. Peña D, Romo J. Introducción a la Estadística para las Ciencias Sociales. Madrid: McGraw Hill; 1997.
15. Sánchez Carrión JJ. Manual de análisis estadístico de los datos. Madrid: Alianza Editorial; 1999.
16. Sentís J, Pardell H, Alentà H, Cobo Valeri E, Canela i Soler J. Manual de bioestadística. 3a ed. Barcelona: Masson; 2003.
17. Tomás-Sábado J. Fundamentos de Bioestadística y análisis de datos para enfermería. Bellaterra: Servei de publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; 2009.

18. Investigación enfermería http://www.doc6.es/

19. Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya http://www.cbuc.cat/

20. Base de datos de enfermería http://teledoc.urv.es/cuidatge/

21. Búsquedas http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 14/01/2022 08:00h
  • R1 02/02/2022 14:00h
  • E2 08/07/2022 08:00h
  • R2 18/07/2022 10:00h

Teaching and learning material