Executive Committee for the Board of Governors
Dr. Alfonso Méndiz Noguero
Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching staff
Dr. Cristina Monforte Royo
Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer
Dr. Román Pérez Antoñanzas
Vice-Rector for International Relations
Dr. Eduardo Mirpuri Merino
Vice-rector for the University Community
Dr. Esther Jiménez López
General Secretary
Ms. Belén Castro Bañeres
Mr. Josep M. Torné Santos
Director of Economic Management
Ms. Carme Riera Mestre
Plenary Board of Governors
Dr. Alfonso Méndiz Noguero
Vice-Rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching staff
Dr. Cristina Monforte Royo
Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer
Dr. Román Pérez Antoñanzas
Vice-Rector Internacional Relations
Dr. Eduardo Mirpuri Merino
Vice-rector for the University Community
Dr. Esther Jiménez López
General Secretary
Ms. Belén Castro Bañeres
Mr. Josep M. Torné Santos
Director of Economic Management
Ms. Carme Riera Mestre
Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
Dr. Judith Urbano Lorente
Dean of the Faculty of Law
Dr. Rafael Oliver Cuello
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Dr. Marta Mas Machuca
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Dr. Esther Calvo Sebastián
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry
Dr. Lluís Giner Tarrida
Dean of the Faculty of Education
Dr. Enric Vidal Rodà
Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences
Mr. Pedro Sigaud-Sellos
Director of the School of Architecture
Dr. Víctor Echarri Iribarren
Director of the Institute of Advanced Family Studies
Dr. Montserrat Gas Aixendri
Director of the Department of Medicine
Dr. Esther Calbo Sebastián
Director of the Department of Nursing
Dr. Encarna Rodríguez Higueras
Director of the Department of Physiotherapy
Dr. Daniel Romero Rodríguez
Director of the Department of Psychology
Dr. María Fernández Capo
Director of the Bioengineering Department
Dr. Xavier Gil Mur
Director of the Department of Biomedicine
Dr. Rosalía Rodríguez Rodríguez
Director of the Department of Education Sciences
Dr. Enric Vidal Rodà
Director of the Department of Applied Linguistics
Dr. Noelia Navarro Gil
Director of the Institute of Advanced Bioethics Studies
Director of the Carlemany Institute of European Studies
Dr. Montserrat Nebrera González
Director of the Doctoral School
Dr. Núria Casals Farré
Director of the University Institute of Patients
Dr. Boi Ruiz Garcia
Director of the Institute for Research in Evaluation and Public Policy
Dr. Toni Mora Corral
Director of the Bioengineering Institute of Technology
Dr. Xavier Gil Mur
Interdisciplinary Center of Thought
Dr. Andrea Rodríguez Prat
Administration and Services Staff Representative
Dr. Marta Gámiz Sanfeliu
Student representatives