Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Productions and Operations Management

Productions and Operations Management
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Previous confirmation by email (pierina.moreno@uic.es)


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

Operations management consists of using resources (capital, material, people, machines, etc.) to make goods and services. Usually the term "Operations" is used to refer to the area in charge of the Production of products or Provision of Services, therefore the people who work in production, planning, logistics, quality or purchases are those who are usually associated with the operations. However, other departments also have to manage day-to-day operations. The concept is not only applicable to the company, but also to a department, a store, an NGO, or our homes. In many cases, managing the operations behind things is not easy. In this course, it is intended to offer a general and practical knowledge of what a manager must know to understand and manage operations in order to make the company more competitive.

Pre-course requirements

Students are expected to have a basic knowledge on industrial production, logistics and supply chain.


The objective of the course is to introduce the student to all the concepts related to Operations Management to offer an overview from a practical point of view that allows them to manage these functions with an adequate level of competence.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB10 - To have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will mostly need to be self-managed or autonomous.
  • CB8 - Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios.
  • CE1 - Identificar y aplicar los métodos y aspectos operativos del diseño y la gestión de los procesos de producción para la resolución eficaz de problemas.
  • CE2 - Distinguir las principales técnicas y metodologías para gestionar el área productiva y logística de las organizaciones y su aplicación a la dirección estratégica de las mismas.
  • CE3 - Identificar los principales conceptos y metodologías desarrollados para gestionar la innovación e introducirlos con éxito dentro de la empresa.
  • CG1 - Capacidad de organización y planificación del trabajo, teniendo en cuenta posibles adversidades que requieran de la adaptación a nuevas situaciones.
  • CG2 - Capacidad de trabajo e integración en equipos humanos de trabajo multidisciplinares y multiculturales, y si procede, asumir el liderazgo.
  • CG3 - Capacidad para generar nuevas ideas y evaluar de forma crítica las alternativas en presencia de múltiples criterios y actores.
  • CT1 - Capacidad de comunicar de forma efectiva en un contexto profesional tanto verbalmente como por escrito en la propia lengua y al menos otra lengua extranjera (inglés).
  • CT3 - Uso solvente de los recursos de información y capacidad de análisis y síntesis de la misma.
  • CT4 - Aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos para la resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos multidisciplinares relacionados con el área de estudio.
  • CT5 - Manifestar sensibilidad por los valores éticos, personales y sociales, en la relación con los otros y en las propias decisiones.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • To know the basic concepts of Operations Management and its importance as a key function of delivering value to customers. 
  • To understand process and capacity analysis.
  • To know the main concepts and levers in the operations of service companies.
  • To Know the basic tools for the management of operations systems: projects, quality, Lean manufacturing, etc. 
  • To acquire knowledge about current trends in Industry 4.0 Understand the importance of alignment between strategy and operations to design a true competitive advantage for the company.


  1. Introduction to operations management. Fundamental concepts 
  2. Capacity management. Times, flows and queues 
  3. Stock management and supply chain 
  4. Planning and control of operations 
  5. Projects management 
  6. The human and organizational factor in operations management 
  7. Process design 
  8. Industry 4.0 
  9. Management of customer services and value 
  10. Lean Manufacturing 
  11. Quality management 
  12. Innovate in operations

Teaching and learning activities

In person

To achieve the objectives of the course, it will be necessary: 

  • Take the recommended readings for each session.
  • Prepare the cases and actively participate in the discussions and activities proposed during the sessions, which will have a practical approach.
  • Prepare quality reports as a team and deliver them on time. 
  • Pass the exam at the end of the course.

To assist in the preparation of the cases, a brief description will be presented followed by questions to guide the preparation. These questions are intended to help in the approach to the case, however, the analysis should not end with the preparation questions, since knowledge in operations will only improve if the analysis of the case is continued at the most directive level and finally concluded with an adequate plan of action. 

This course will be taught simultaneously in person and remotely (synchronously). The methodology and the teaching activities will be the same in both cases, as well as the evaluation system. Before each session (face-to-face or virtual) it will be necessary to complete a set of activities that will be part of the continuous evaluation (participation). All the details of each session are explained in the Work Plan of the subject, which is available on the Moodle platform of the course. 

For most of the course, students will work in teams. These teams will be created by the teacher, including students from both groups (face-to-face and remote) on the same team.

Students who follow the course remotely must ensure that they have a good internet connection, adequate physical space and that they will be able to follow the class during class hours (as indicated in the course time: Fridays from 3 pm to 8 pm).

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Continuous Assessment, based on the following criteria:

  • Cases and/or class exercises (40%)
  • Group oral presentations (35%)
  • Active participation / Interventions in class (15%)
  • Attendance (10%)


Second Call: evaluation through individual exercises.



  • Attend classes with due preparation and having delivered the previously assigned activities 
  • Punctuality is necessary in the sessions and in the delivery of the work If a student cannot attend a session due to force majeure (medical and / or family emergency), they must inform the teacher in advance. You must also make a proposal to recover the work that will be lost 
  • All activities will be evaluated for their content and for their presentation. They are expected to have an adequate level of quality in both directions. In the case in which plagiarism is detected, the evaluation mark will be 0 points. 
  • The days of delay in the delivery of an activity mean the loss of grade (one point per day of delay). 
  • Excused absence from a session does not imply exemption from the delivery of assignments scheduled on that date. 
  • Mobile phones are not to be used in class and are strictly prohibited in assessment activities. If a student uses a mobile phone or similar device in an evaluation, they will be expelled from it and will have a grade of 0 points.

Bibliography and resources

•Administración de Operaciones, Producción y Cadena de Suministros. Chase, Jacobs y Aquilano (2009). •Gestión de Operaciones para Directivos. Moscoso & Lago (2016). •La Meta: Un proceso de mejora continua Goldratt & Cox (1993).