Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Tutorial Action

Tutorial Action
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff



The complex reality of education requires providing students with training that enables them, on the one hand, to face the learning process and, on the other, to acquire skills and abilities that help them to realize their personal and professional project: to facilitate, in short, a comprehensive development that prepares you for life.

Guidance and tutoring are an added value and required in this comprehensive development of the student. Good practice of these two basic elements of the educational system is a means to resolve any type of situation that may be interfering with the student's training process. It is important to consider tutoring as a core element of teaching practice and, as such, it must be assumed by the different educational agents, through a coordinated, integrated, continuous and systematic action.


1. Value the importance of school guidance and tutorial action in the educational process (PA)

2. Know the basic legal foundations of school guidance and tutorial action (PA)

3. Know the role of helping and accompanying the teacher tutor in their relationships with students, parents and teachers (PT) (PV)

4. Use the most appropriate instruments to develop the Tutorial Action (PT)

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

CE6 Applying resources and strategies for information, tutoring and academic and professional guidance; promoting actions of emotional education and education in values.

CB8 Students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgements based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.

CT2 Working in a team and developing attitudes of participation and collaboration as an active member of society.

GC2 Analyse and synthesise information obtained from different environments in order to solve problems or conflict situations, to identify and define the significant elements that constitute a problem in order to solve it judiciously and effectively.

GC5 Organise and plan different types of activities, events and situations.

GC6 Integrate and use Information and Communication Technologies in different fields in an efficient and responsible way.

GC7 Expressing oneself in public and making presentations with digital support adapted to the different interest groups in the school context (teachers, families, students, etc.).



Learning outcomes of the subject

RDA 3 Manages diversity in the classroom and in the educational centre.

RDA 4 Shows basic knowledge and skills for effective tutoring in Secondary Education.

RDA 6 Plans tutorial action taking into account the needs of both pupils and students.

RDA 7 Designs educational and occupational guidance plans in such a way as to combat gender stereotypes.


1. Tutorial work in Secondary Education

2. Citizenship and values education

Evaluation systems and criteria


PA Test of open questions. Activity to evaluate the evaluation of the information received in class and decision making to solve cases or problems, with a reasoned argumentation (30%).

PV Virtual portfolio. File or folder that collects information and reflections from the seminar sessions (30%)

PT Presentation of online or video work: preparation and presentation of individual and/or group activities or tasks in order to be able to assess not only the content but also the digital and oral communication skills (40%)

Bibliography and resources

Albadalejo, J. J. (1992). La acción tutorial. Alicante: Disgrafos. 

Álvarez Hernández, J. (2002). Guía de Orientación y tutoría. Málaga: Aljibe 

Angulo, A (2009).La tutoría en la educación primaria. Madrid: Wolters Klumer 

Arnaiz, P., Isus, S. (1995). La tutoría, organización y tareas. Barcelona: Graó 

Bona, C. (2015). La nueva educación. Barcelona: Plaza&Jaenes Editores 

Cano, R (2013). Orientación y tutoría con el alumnado y las familias. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. 

Del Rio Sadornil, D., Martínez González, M. de C., (2020). Orientación educativa y tutoria. Ed. Saez y Torres. 

Esteban, F. (1994).Las técnicas de estudio en la Educación Primaria. Madrid: Escuela Española 

Fernández Torres, P. (1991) La función tutorial. Madrid: Castalia-MEC 

García Labiano, J. M. (2011). Programa de Acción Tutorial para la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Madrid: Wolters Kluwer. 

Giner, A., Puigardeu, O. (2008). La tutoría y el tutor. Estrategias para su práctica. Barcelona: Horsori 

Gómez Puig, M.J., Martínez Virseda, ‎C., Torrego Seijo, J.C. (2014). 8 ideas clave. La tutoría en los centros educativos. Ed. Graó.

Mañu, J. M. (2007). Manual de tutorías. Madrid: Narcea. 

Méndez, Z. (2010). La tutoría en educación infantil. Madrid: Wolters Kluwer

Monge Crespo, C. (2009). Tutoría y orientación educativa. Nuevas competencias. Madrid: Wolters Kluwer. 

Pastor, E. (1995). La tutoria en Secundaria. Barcelona: Ceac

Rodríguez Espinar y otros (1993).Teoría y práctica de la orientación educativa. Madrid. Narcea 

Torrego, J.C. (2014). La tutoría en los centros educativos. Barcelona: Graó

Tuts, M.; Martínez, C. (2006). Educación en valores y ciudadanía : propuestas y técnicas didácticas para la formación integral. Madrid: La Catarata 

Tuvilla, J. (2004). Cultura de Paz: fundamentos y claves educativas. Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer. 

Tuvilla J. (2004). Convivencia escolar y resolución pacífica de conflictos. Sevilla: Consejería de Educación y Ciencia, Sevilla. 

Ureñuela, P. M. (2016). Trabajar la convivencia en los centros educativos. Madrid: Narcea