Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Supplements for Disciplinary Learning

Supplements for Disciplinary Learning
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Prof. Esteve Valls: horas convenidas. Si no habéis podido asistir a clase, podéis escribirme un correo a la dirección evalls@uic.cat.

Prof. Laura Llobet: hores convingudes. horas convenidas. Si no habéis podido asistir a clase, podéis escribirme un correo a la dirección lllobet2@xtec.cat.



English specialty

This course stems from the need to know and explore which place and role have languages within the regulatory backgroud and framework of compulsory secondary education (ESO) in Catalonia within the walls of  schools and in connection to the realities surrounding school and beyond, Europe and the rest of the world. 

On that account, it is imperative to know and design our teaching practice bearing in mind the regulatory and reference documents such as The language model of the education system. Language learning and use in a multilingual and multicultural educational environment (2018)

As a starting point  the contents, tasks and resources are all based in order to lead the future teaching practice towards the main aim of education which is to prepare students to live, interact and develop in a sociocultural environment that is diverse, complex, dynamic and difficult to predict. A context that requires the attainment of skills which will help them to live and participate in diverse and complex societies, and develop successfully in any personal, social, academic and professional field. Despite the ongoing unpredictable changes, one of the most relevant elements for the continued preparation of students remains their command of LANGUAGE, the tool which allows them to understand reality, express thought, emotions, reason, create, transmit knowledge and a certain point of view, understand the world, and interact with each other. Command of language and communicative competence, along with personal and emotional skills, is essential to carry out tasks with a strong cognitive component and to activate critical thinking, negotiate and explain knowledge to others, and do so in different languages. 

As future teacher of English as a first foreign language, you will be presented throughout the sessions with concepts and questions  which belong to a variety of disciplines such as linguistics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, second language acquisition and neuroeducation.


English speciality
  1. Provide students with experiences facilitating the build-up of new additional knowledge schemes on their prior mental scheme from linguistic and literary disciplines, by means of:
    • Analysing a diversity of interpretations, schools and linguistic and literary theories
    • Identifying some of the additional knowledge needed in the teaching and learning processes in secondary compulsory education.
    • Identifying and applying the relevance of competencies and contents from the subject of English as a foreign language on the long-life learning of students as citizens of multilingual and multicultural realities.
    • Developing the concept of the Multilingual and multicultural transversal dimension from the Linguistic field (Decree 187/2015, 25th August, for establishing the compulsory secondary education curriculum), based on a transversal approach to the teaching and learning of the languages of the school system.

with the aim at designing meaningful and authentic teaching-learning situations in compulsory secondary education.

  1. Develop in the likely-to-be teachers the priority of :
    • acquiring expertise in identifying and applying the wide range of methodologies and strategies in order to facilitate the access to linguistic and literary knowledge to each and every one of the prospective students bearing in mind their interests, needs, and abilities.
    • developing the needed abilities and strategies in order to proceed with a long-life teacher training in both language and foreign language acquisition, teaching and learning methodologies, resources as well as the teaching and learning experience in the broadest sense of the term. 

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Competencias básicas

  • CB6: Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación.
  • CB7: Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y la capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio.
  • CB8: Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios.
  • CB9: Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones –y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las sustentan– a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades.
  • CB10: Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.

Competencias generales

  • CG2: Analizar y sintetizar la información obtenida de diversos entornos con el fin de resolver problemas o situaciones de conflicto, para identificar y definir los elementos significativos que constituyen un problema para resolverlo con criterio y de forma efectiva.
  • CG4: Exponer las ideas de forma oral y escrita adaptándose a distintos estilos comunicativos y tipos de actividades.
  • CG5: Organizar y planificar distintos tipos de actividades, eventos y situaciones.
  • CG7: Expresarse en público y hacer presentaciones con soporte digital adaptadas a los diferentes grupos de interés del contexto escolar (docentes, familias, estudiantes, etc.).

Competencias transversales

  • CT1: Analizar críticamente el trabajo personal y utilizar los recursos y estrategias adecuados para la mejora profesional.
  • CT3: Mostrar comportamientos éticos y responsables como ciudadano/a y como profesional.
  • CT4: Desarrollar la capacidad de evaluar las desigualdades por razón de sexo y género, para diseñar mecanismos para el logro de la igualdad real, eludiendo interpretaciones parciales y discriminatorias.
  • CT5: Identificar estrategias para fomentar la igualdad de género, la equidad y el respeto a los derechos humanos.
  • CT6: Promover situaciones y entornos inclusivos para el Desarrollo Sostenible, creando contextos eficaces, responsables e inclusivos a todos los niveles.

Competencias específicas

  • CE10: Determinar el valor formativo y cultural de la lengua y la literatura, su historia y desarrollo para poder transmitir una visión profunda de las mismas.
  • CE11: Identificar las cuestiones relativas al contacto lingüístico y a los procesos de adquisición de segundas lenguas.


CG2: Analizar y sintetizar la información obtenida de diversos entornos con el fin de resolver problemas o situaciones de conflicto, para identificar y definir los elementos significativos que constituyen un problema para resolverlo con criterio y de forma efectiva.

CG4: Exponer las ideas de forma oral y escrita adaptándose a distintos estilos comunicativos y tipos de actividades.

CG5: Organizar y planificar distintos tipos de actividades, eventos y situaciones.

CG7: Expresarse en público y hacer presentaciones con soporte digital adaptadas a los diferentes grupos de interés del contexto escolar (docentes, familias, estudiantes, etc.)


Learning outcomes of the subject

  1. Identify the basic knowledge from linguistic and literary disciplines. 
  2. Analyse the relevance of a diversity of interpretations, schools and linguistic and literary theories. 
  3. Apply methodologies and strategies in order to facilitate the access to linguistic and literary knowledge.
  1. Identify the additional knowledge needed in the teaching and learning processes in secondary compulsory education.
  1. Apply complementary knowledge of the current and latest linguistic and literary theories when designing teaching-learning situations in compulsory secondary education.
  2. Identify and apply the importance of competencies and contents from the subject of English as a foreign language on the long-life learning of students as citizens of multilingual and multicultural realities.
  3. Apply the needed abilities and strategies in order to proceed with a long-life teacher training in both language and foreign language acquisition, teaching and learning methodologies, resources as well as the teaching and learning experience in the broadest sense of the term. 


1.     The languages in the world: linguistic diversity. Typological affinity and genetic relationship among languages. 

2.     Types of writing systems.

3.     The text: linguistic construct and communicative entity.

4.     Linguistic contact and second language acquisition (resources)

5.     Language, cognition and culture: the linguistic representation of the world.

6.     Functions and roles of languages and linguistic variation. Social code-switching and language accommodation.

7.     Linguistic conflicts. The representation of languages: linguistic attitudes

8.     Language homogeneity and heterogeneity.

Teaching and learning activities


The afore-mentioned contents provide with the subject structure based on eight modules to be developed throughout the number of sessions assigned to this subject.

Three different teaching methodologies are the basis of the subject: theoretical and expository lessons, hands-on activities, solving cases or questions and real-case scenarios; though it does not imply the three of them in each session. Hands-on and solving cases activities will stem from the theoretical framework provided by the compulsory and optional readings, students’ interests and needs.

1. CT- Virtual theoretical and expository course lessons:

  • These lessons are based on compulsory and recommendable readings and resources, where the teacher will guide the student in order to delve into those theoretical and conceptual-like questions, establishing connections with the legal framework of Compulsory Secondary Education in Catalonia, reference documents as well with. The future teaching practice and the diverse realities in the secondary schools around Catalonia.
  • At times, part of these lessons might respond to students’ contributions – doubts, experiences during the practicum, and other aspects,- stemmed from the readings and inferences as well as the current affairs; so as to provide a more meaningful, authentic and experience-based learning. 

2. CP- Virtual practical lessons:

  • These are designed to complement the theoretical lessons and revolve around learning situations and real-case scenarios to be solved as individual, pair or small group assignments.
  • These assignments might be part of the online session, with a turning-in time before the end of the session. However, sometimes they might imply additional further reflection with some time to complete as well as assignments which require a more elaborated and complex resolution and development with the help of further resources and bibliography. In this latter case, the assignment MUST be turned in within the deadline, previously available to the students.  

3. REC – Debates and forums: discussing on anecdotes and other questions

  • These activities might be part of the session by means of students’ oral and written contributions on TEAMS or other different apps available, different from Moodle forum activities.
  • Other debates and discussion are Moodle forum activities which will be posted to be completed a priori o posteriorii of the session and these will be assessed according to previously shared criteria and indicators with the students. 

Evaluation systems and criteria


English speciality

In this subject there are three assessment systems:

  1. 1.     PA – Open question tests (30% of the final mark), after the 4th and 8th module.
  2. 2.     PT – Online turning-in written or video assignments (35% of the final mark). These assignments might be proposed during the sessions or as a follow-up previously announced and shared with the students. The turning-in might be during, shortly after or with a long-term deadline.  
  3. 3.     PF – Virtual forum and debate participation (35% of the final mark). These debates will be part of the session development, at the beginning, middle or at the end of the session as follow-up assessment activity. 

The assessment criteria of each of the formative assessment activities will be previously described and shared with the students.