GRC- Sostenibilitat i Educació Integral (SEI)

2021 SGR 00566

GRC- Sostenibilitat i Educació Integral (SEI)

The SEI research group develops its scientific activity in two main areas:

  1. Comprehensive sustainability, promoting the development of sustainability competencies and education for sustainable consumption, as well as the contribution of religion to climate action.
  2. Comprehensive education. The research group works by an educational concept that is integrative, inclusive and holistic. The various research areas are: holistic competence of future teachers and children; digital teaching competence; linguistic competence; work-linked training and mathematical education for deaf children.

Active, participatory and collaborative teaching methodologies such as service learning and project-oriented learning are used for the promotion of integral sustainability and comprehensive education at university.

The Researh Group offers a monthly reflection session on educational matters related to sustainability. The "Thinking Classroom" is online and is aimed at all members of the UIC Barcelona university community and active teaching staff. 

Main Projects

EDUCLIMA Project: Measuring the positive impact of actions taken to mitigate climate change. Climate education at the University and from the University

  • Reference: 2023 CLIMA 00081
  • Coordinating entity: UIC Barcelona (project lead); participating institutions: UPC, UAH, UNIZAR, US AND UCA 
  • Role of UIC Barcelona: Coordinating institution
  • Principal investigator: Sílvia Albareda Tiana
  • Convening entity: University and Research Grants Management Agency (AGAUR)
  • Submission period: CLIMATE CHANGE 2023
  • Duration: from 29/01/2024 until 29/01/2026
  • Researchers (UIC Barcelona): Sílvia Albareda Tiana (PI); Mónica Fernández Morilla, Mariana Fuentes Loss, María Teresa Fuertes Camacho, Mariona Graell Martín, Andreu Gutiérrez Sierra, Maria Pujol Valls, Enric Vidal Rodá, Marta Mas Machuca, Federic Marimon, M. Dolors Gil Domènech, Alba Manresa, Pedro Castellví, Josep M. Guardiola, Olga Roger and Gabi Fernández Borsot
  • Amount awarded: €117,246.06
  • Web:

Kids Lab for Sustainability

  • Reference: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000034345
  • Coordinating entity: Fundacia Ignatiarum (Poland)
  • Role of UIC Barcelona: Partner
  • Principal investigator partner: Mariana Fuentes Loss
  • Convening entity: European Union
  • Submission period: ERASMUS+ Action type KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education
  • Duration: from 01/01/2022 until 30/06/2024
  • Researchers (UIC Barcelona): Sílvia Albareda Tiana; María Teresa Fuertes Camacho; Mónica Fernández Morilla; Carme Balaguer Fàbregas.
  • Total funding granted: €262,896
  • Funding awarded to UIC Barcelona team: €43,500
  • Website:
  • Free online course: “Kidslab4 Sustainability Online Course: An online course to introduce STEAM for sustainability in preschool education”. Link:

Green Dialogues – Teacher training in environmental children's literature through dialogic teaching practices

  • Reference: NOTED-2021-Four-year/10030
  • Coordinating entity: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • Role of UIC Barcelona: partner together with the University of Padua
  • Principal investigator partner: Maria Pujol Valls
  • Convening entity: Directorate of Higher Education and Skills of the Norwegian Government
  • Submission period: 2021
  • Duration: from 01/01/2022 until 31/12/2025
  • Researchers (UIC Barcelona): Carme Balaguer Fabregas; Mariona Graell Martin
  • Total funding granted: 1,650,0000 Norwegian kroner (approx. €172,540)
  • Funding awarded to UIC Barcelona team: 330,142 Norwegian kroner (approx. €34,523)
  • Web: