
MENDOZA ARROYO, María del Carmen

Ext. 4375
Department of Architecture
Sustainable Urban Living

MENDOZA ARROYO, María del Carmen


Teacher profile

Professor Agregat o Titular

Architecture, ESARQ School of Architecture. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Academic curriculum
  • Doctora Arquitecta Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya.Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona
  • Licenciada en Arquitectura Universidad Autónoma de Centro Amércia

Professional experience


  • Hosseini, A.; de la Fuente, A.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2020), "A Decision Methodology for Determining Suitable Post-Disaster Accommodations: Reconsidering Effective Indicators for Decision-making Processes", Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, vol. 17, No. 3, ISSN: 2194-6361.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2020), "Covid 19: Cómo gestionar la recuperación de las barriadas", The Conversation, ISSN: 2201-5639.
  • Vall Casas, P; Benages-Albert, Marta; Elinbaum, P; Garcia, X.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; Cuéllar, Á., (2019), "From metropolitan rivers to civic corridors: assessing the evolution of the suburban landscape", Landscape research , vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 1014-1030, ISSN: 0142-6397.
  • Adelfio, M.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2017), "The complex interrelation of community action and planning", Articulo - Journal of Urban Research, ISSN: 1661-4941.
  • Colacios, R.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2017), "Uso e interacción social en el espacio público: el caso del polígono de vivienda Sant Cosme, Barcelona", Urbano, vol. 20, No. 36, pp. 66-77, ISSN: 0718-3607.
  • Chamma, N.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2017), "Rethinking Refugee Camp Design: From 'temporary' camps to sustainable setllements", Yapi, No. 424, pp. 110-114, ISSN: 1300-3437.
  • Hosseini, A.; Pons, O.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; de la Fuente, A., (2016), "Identifying temporary housing main vertexes through assessing post-disaster recovery programs", International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 1339-1346, ISSN: 2010-3883.
  • Vall Casas, P; Koschinsky, J.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; Benages-Albert, Marta, (2016), "Retrofitting Suburbia through Systemic Densification: The Case of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona", Journal of architectural and planning research, vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 45-70, ISSN: 0738-0895.
  • Irazabal, C.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; Ortiza, C.; Ortiz, R.; Maya, J., (2015), "Enabling community-higher education partnerships: common challenges, multiple perspectives", Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 17, pp. 22-29, ISSN: 1877-3435.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2011), ""Retrofitting Suburbia Through Pre-Urban Patterns: Introducing a European Perspective"", Urban Design International, vol. 16, pp. 171-187, ISSN: 1357-5317.
  • Vall Casas, P; Koschinsky, J.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2011), "Retrofitting Suburbia Through Pre-Urban Patterns: Introducing a European Perspective", UDI. Urban Design International, vol. 16, pp. 171-187, ISSN: 1357-5317.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2010), ""Clara Irazabal (ed.) Ordinary Places, Extraordinary Events: Citizenship, Democracy, and Public Space in Latin Amercia. Abingdon: Routledge, 2008 "", Journal of latin american studies, vol. 42, pp. 410-412, ISSN: 0022-216X.
  • Martins, N.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; Hobeica, L.; Leon, J.; Hobeica, A., (2024), "Beyond houses. Architectural Thinking and Practice for Climate, Disaster and Forced Displacement Crisis". Springer International Publishing. Switzerland. 978-3-031-61402-6.
  • (2015), "Development in Context. Challenges and sustainable urban strategies". Universitat Internacional de Cataluña. Barcelona. 978-84-939888-9-0.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2011), "LAU 2 Regenerating Intermediate Landscapes. Repensar Encamp". Map Impresores Grafman S.L.. BARCELONA. 978-64-938493-8-2.
  • (2011), "Reflections on Development and Cooperation". ESCOLA TÈCNICA SUPERIOR D'ARQUITECTURA UIC. BARCELONA. 978-84-938493-5-1.
  • (2011), "Reflections on Development and Cooperation". Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ESARQ (UIC). Barcelona. 978-84-938493-5-1.
  • (2011), "LAU II. Regenerando Territorios Intermedios. Repensar Encamp". Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ESARQ (UIC). Barcelona. 978-84-938493-8-2.
  • (2009), "Del Buit a la Diversitat". Escuela Técnica Superior de Arqutiectura ESARQ (UIC). Barcelona. 978-84-936160-5-2.
  • (2007), "Granollers a tota escala. Projectes d'alumnes.". Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura (ESARQ-UIC).. Barcelona. 84-93-1088-8.
Book chapters
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (01/06/2024), "Can Urban Factors Enhance the Integration of Asylum Seekers in Cities?", Beyond houses. Architectural Thinking and Practice for Climate, Disaster and Forced Displacement Crisis, pp. 211-224, Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-031-61402-6.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (01/06/2024), "Researching Crises and Solutions with Urgency and Agency: An Introduction", Beyond houses. Architectural Thinking and Practice for Climate, Disaster and Forced Displacement Crisis, pp. 1-7, Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-031-61402-6.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (06/01/2015), "Urban Upgrading. Searching for sustainable socio-spatial solutions", Development in Context. Challenges and sustainable urban strategies, pp. 28-36, Universitat Internacional de Cataluña. ISBN: 978-84-939888-9-0.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; Vall Casas, P, (2014), "Urban Neighbourhood Regeneration and Community Participation: An Unresolved Issue in the Barcelona Experience", M2 Models and Methodologies for Community Engagement, pp. 53-68, Springer. ISBN: 978-981-4585-10-1.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (01/11/2013), "Socio-Spatial Assemblages: The Backbone of Informal Settlement Regeneration", Cities to Be Tamed? Spatial Investigations Across the Urban South, pp. 90-114, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 1443852309.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (01/11/2011), "Repensar Encamp. Dándole voz al territorio", LAU 2 Regenerating Intermediate Landscapes. Repensar Encamp, pp. 134-143, Map Impresores Grafman S.L.. ISBN: 978-64-938493-8-2.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (01/11/2011), "El reto de la informalidad. Regenerando con redes con contenido social", LAU 2 Regenerating Intermediate Landscapes. Repensar Encamp, pp. 74-81, Map Impresores Grafman S.L.. ISBN: 978-64-938493-8-2.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (24/01/2011), "Reflections on Urban Design as a Tool to Reinforce Spatial Identity: Building Civic networks in Informal Settlements", Reflections on Development and Cooperation, pp. 107-118, ESCOLA TÈCNICA SUPERIOR D'ARQUITECTURA UIC. ISBN: 978-84-938493-5-1.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2011), ""Repensar Encamp. Dándole voz al territorio"", LAU II. Regenerando Territorios Intermedios. Repensar Encamp, pp. 131-143, Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ESARQ (UIC). ISBN: 978-84-938493-8-2.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2011), ""El reto de la informalidad. Regenerando redes con contenido social"", LAU II. Regenerando Territorios Intermedios. Repensar Encamp, pp. 74-81, Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ESARQ (UIC). ISBN: 978-84-938493-8-2.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2011), ""Reflections on urban design as a tool to reinforce spatial identity: Building civic networks in informal settlements"", Reflections on Development and Cooperation, pp. 107-118, Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura ESARQ (UIC). ISBN: 978-84-938493-5-1.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2009), "Teoría. Urbanística II", LAU I. Del buit a la diversitat, pp. 28-47, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arqutiectura ESARQ (UIC). ISBN: 978-84-936160-5-2.
  • Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen, (2009), "Generant llocs diversos i sostenibles", LAU I. Del buit a la diversitat, pp. 14-17, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arqutiectura ESARQ (UIC). ISBN: 978-84-936160-5-2.

Projects and research

  • ERASMUS LS-POLIS15/01/2024 - 31/12/2026
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    European Commision. The Educational, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
  • RMIT European Doctoral Innovators (REDI)01/09/2021 - 01/09/2026
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Marie Skłodowska-Curie Co-Funding
  • Horizon Europe UP2030.01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025
    IP: CHELLERI, L.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Framework Program of the European Union
  • Horizon Europe UP2030.01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025
    IP: CHELLERI, L.; Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Framework Program of the European Union
  • Mobilitat dels visitants a la ciutat de Barcelona després de la COVID-19: anàlisi i orientacions pel foment d’una mobilitat social i ambientalment sostenible (VISITMOB)10/12/2021 - 23/06/2023
    IP: Benages-Albert, Marta; Gutiérrez, A.; Orellana, A.; Wilson, J.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Santos, R.
    Fundació La Caixa
  • EACEA Erasmus Plus. EMJMD International Cooperation in Urban Development- Mundus Urbano02/09/2013 - 02/09/2019
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; Rudolph-Cleff, A.; Roux, J.; Tata, C.
    Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
  • Decision-making framework for the participatory rehabilitation of urban river corridors28/02/2016 - 27/02/2018
    IP: Vall Casas, P; Ribas, A.
    Obra Social la Caixa
  • Opin@. Talleres de cartografía ciudadana con SIG para la participación pública (SIGPP)01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017
    IP: Vall Casas, P
    Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología; Universitat Internacional de Catalunya; Universitat de Girona
  • Análisis de la estructuración territorial de Encamp y la formulación de posibles bases de crecimiento.02/10/2009 - 03/03/2010
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Eix Immobiliari, S.A.
  • Ley de Barrios. Proyecto de intervención integral del barrio de Can Bassa, Granollers.01/12/2007 - 01/04/2008
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Ajuntament de Granollers
  • Social facilities as civic clusters: bridging the cultural mix in Fondo09/12/2013 - 21/12/2021
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Universitat Internacional de Catalunya-School of Architecture
  • Evaluation, diagnosis and proposals for the emergency modular structure of the firm GAPTEK S. L.01/02/2020 - 18/09/2020
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    GAPTEK 2011.SL
  • Integrated nature-based solutions for post-disaster recovery through open space design. Piura, Perú05/01/2020 - 20/01/2020
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; Raquel, C.
    Universitat Internacional de Catalunya-School of Architecture
  • Temporary reception facilities in Barcelona: searching for urban refugee integration18/02/2019 - 01/03/2019
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Universitat Internacional de Catalunya-School of Architecture
  • Exploring refugee integration strategies by enhancing urban transitions: Thessaloniki, Greece18/01/2019 - 28/01/2019
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Universitat Internacional de Catalunya-School of Architecture
  • From reconstruction to new urban sites. Chamanga Ecuador05/02/2018 - 16/02/2018
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Universitat Internacional de Catalunya-School of Architecture
  • Mapping mobility and relocation. Casa Bloc refugee housing04/12/2017 - 20/12/2017
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Universitat Internacional de Catalunya-School of Architecture
  • Reconstructing Chamanga. The open space as a catalyst for repair. Chamang, Ecuador06/02/2017 - 17/02/2017
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; Palleroni, S.; Del Hierro, S.; Charlesworth, E.; Araki, M.
    Universitat Internacional de Catalunya-School of Architecture
  • Fostering place attachment in Sant cosme's public spaces05/12/2016 - 16/12/2016
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen; Colacios, R.
    Universitat Internacional de Catalunya-School of Architecture
  • Exploring upgrading strategies towards environmental and social inclusion15/02/2015 - 27/02/2015
    IP: Mendoza Arroyo, Carmen
    Universitat Internacional de Catalunya-School of Architecture


  • IFOU Conference 2020. Urbanism in the mobile internet era Vocal, 2020.
  • Journee d'Estude de L'Hebergement d'Urgence au Logement d'Abord Ponència convidada "Building resilient strategies for urban refugee integration. The case of Barcelona", 2019.
  • International Forum on Urbanism Vocal, 2019.
  • International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress 2019 Ponència convidada "Migrants and Common Ground:How design can accomodate newcomers. Strategies for the urban integration of refugees: changing the emergency approach.", 2019.
  • Design for Humanity Summit Ponència "From camps to integration", 2018.
  • 8th International conference on Building Resilience Ponència convidada "Creating social and spatial integration frameworks: overcoming the emergency approach to urban refugee reception models", 2018.
  • International Congress on Building Resilience Ponència "From reconstruction to integration: Challenges in the humanitarian field", 2018.
  • I.S.Rivers Presentació de comunicació "Propelling public participation in urban river rehabilitation: Viu la riera!, a participatory process in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona", 2018.
  • Congress d'arquitectura 2016 Ponència "REFUGEE CITY: From camps to integration’", 2017.
  • VIII Seminario internacional de investigación en urbanismo Vocal, 2016.