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Our teaching and research team
Contractat Doctor
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of
Tractament i rehabilitació de l'invàlid oral i Maxil.lofacial
Academic training
Doctorat en Ciències de la salut
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Màster en Endodoncia
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Llicenciat en Odontologia
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Doctor i Màster en Endodòncia per la UIC
Advanced Dentistry Awards 2023
Mejor Solución, Material o Tratamiento Dental Help, 2023 -
JOE Award: Mención honorífica del JOE en la categoría Systematic and Scoping Reviews
Systematic and Scoping Reviews: Juan Gonzalo Olivieri, D.D.S., Ph.D.; Firas Elmsmari, D.D.S.; Queralt Miró, BSc; Xavier-Fructuós Ruiz, D.D.S.; Keith V. Krell, D.D.S., M.S., M.A.; Marc García-Font, D.D.S., Ph.D.; Fernando Durán-Sindreu, D.D.S., Ph.D. (2020). “Outcome and Survival of Endodontically Treated Cracked Posterior Permanent Teeth: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” J Endod 46(4): 455-463., 2021
Herramienta para la toma de Decisiones en Odontología
PI: Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Start date: 15/03/2021 End date: 14/10/2021Financing entity: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología y FEDER -
GRC - Grupo de Investigación en Biomateriales y Técnicas en Restauración Dental y Endodoncia
PI: Roig Cayon, M Start date: 01/05/2017 End date: 01/05/2020Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Financing entity code: 2017 SGR 1313 Grup Consolidat
Herramienta para la toma de decisiones en odontologia (modulo restauradora)
PI: García Font, M; DURAN, F.; Gonzalez, JA Start date: 01/09/2022 End date: 31/08/2023Financing entity: DENTSPLY SIRONA -
Aula Adeslas
PI: García Font, M; Roig Cayon, M; DURAN, F. Start date: 01/01/2022Financing entity: Adeslas
Journal of Endodontics, Guided intentional replantation of a mandibular premolar with type IIIIb dens invaginatus associated with peri-invagination periodontitis without root canal treatment- A case report
Name: Abella Sans, F; García Font, M; Suresh, N; M H Dummer, P.; Nagendrababu, V. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Dental traumatology, Accuracy and Consistency of Gemini Responses Regarding the Management of Traumatized Permanent Teeth
Name: Dufey Portilla, N.; García Font, M; Nagendrababu, V.; Abbott, P.; González, J.A.; Abella Sans, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 1 End page: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1600-4469 -
Journal of dentistry, Optical impressions assessment for overlay restorations with rubber dam.A clinical trial
Name: Espona, J.; Roig, E.; Ali Hussein, A.; Vidal, C.; García Font, M; Roig Cayon, M; Figueras Álvarez, Ó Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Vol.: 143DOI: ISSN or title: 0300-5712 -
Journal of Endodontics, Guided Autotransplantation of an Immature Premolar to the Maxillary Incisor Region with Immediate Restoration of Esthetics: A Case Report.
Name: Abella Sans, F; Suresh, N.; Dummer, P.; García Font, M; Gómez-Rojas, A.; Nagendrababu, V. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 252 End page: 257 Vol.: 50 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Successful Root Canal Treatment of an Atypical Mandibular Canine with a Boomerang-shaped Root and Canal System with a Large Periapical lesion-A Case Report with 9-year Follow-up
Name: González, J.A.; Munill, M.; Suresh, N.; Nagendrababu, V.; Dummer, P.; García Font, M; Abella Sans, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1369 End page: 1375 Vol.: 49 No.: 10DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Accuracy of CAD-CAM Surgically Guided Tooth Autotransplantation Using Guided Templates and Custom-designed Osteotomes in Human Cadaver Mandibles
Name: Abella Sans, F; García Font, M; V.Nagendrababu; M H Dummer, P.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Rosales, A.; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1035 End page: 1043 Vol.: 49 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Influence of Cone-beam Computed Tomography in Clinical Decision-making among Different Specialists in External Cervical Resorption Lesions: A Before-After Study
Name: Rodríguez, M.; García Font, M; Doria, G.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Abella Sans, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 1121 End page: 1128 Vol.: 48 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Analysis to Detect the Association between Primary and Secondary Endodontic Infections and Mucosal Thickness of Maxillary Sinus
Name: García Font, M; Abella Sans, F; Patel, S.; Rodríguez, M.; González, J.A.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 1235 End page: 1240 Vol.: 46 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Outcome and survival of endodontically treated cracked posterior permanent teeth: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Name: Olivieri, J.G.; Elmsmari, F.; Miró, Q.; Ruiz, X.F.; Krell, K.; García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 455 End page: 463 Vol.: 46 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Clinical Oral Investigations, Postoperative pain after removal of gutta-percha from root canals in endodontic retreatment using rotary or reciprocating instruments: A Prospective Clinical Study.
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Morelló, S.; Irazusta, S.; Abella Sans, F; Roig Cayon, M; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 2623 End page: 2631 Vol.: 22 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1432-6981 -
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, Comparison of postoperative pain after root canal treatment using reciprocating instruments based on operator’s experience: A prospective clinical study
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Calvo, C.; Basilio Monné, J; Abella Sans, F; Ali Hussein, A.; Roig Cayon, M; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: e869 End page: e874 Vol.: 9 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-5488 -
Clinical and translational oncology, Role of axillary ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the preoperative triage of breast cancer patients
Name: Barco, I.; Chabrera, C.; Garcia-Fernandez, A.; Fraile, M.; Gonzáez, S.; Canales, L.; Lain, J.; González, C.; Vidal, M. C.; Vallejo, E.; Deu, J.; Pessarrodona, A.; Gimenez, N.; García Font, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 704 End page: 710 Vol.: 19 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1699-048X -
Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association, Root canal treatment and hemisection of a decayed mandibular molar as a treatment option: A five-year follow-up case report
Name: García Font, M; Olivieri, J.G.; Abella Sans, F; Ortega-Martinez, J.; Ali Hussein, A.; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 86 End page: 90 Vol.: 52 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1810-9632 -
Journal of Endodontics, Development of periapical lesions in endodontically treated teeth with and without periodontal involvement: a retrospective cohort study
Name: Ruiz, X.F.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Shemesh, H.; García Font, M; Vallés, Marta; Roig Cayon, M; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1246 End page: 1249 Vol.: 43 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Dental Sciences, Effect of manual dynamic activation with citric acid solutions in smear layer removal: A scanning electron microscopic evaluation
Name: Olivieri, J.G.; García Font, M; Stöber, E.; De Ribot, J.; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 360 End page: 364 Vol.: 11 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1991-7902 -
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, Danger zone analysis using cone beam computed tomography after apical enlargement with K3 and K3XF in a manikin model
Name: Olivieri, J.G.; García Font, M; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 361 End page: 367 Vol.: 8 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-5488 -
Endodoncia, Conformación de conductos radiculares con sistemas reciprocantes por alumnos de grado: estudio in vitro de la incidencia de fractura
Name: García Font, M; Morelló, S.; Olivieri, J.G.; Abella Sans, F; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Vol.: 34 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1130-9903 -
Journal of dentistry, Influence of preoperative pain intensity on postoperative pain after root canal treatment: a prospective clinical study
Name: Ali Hussein, A.; Olivieri, J.G.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Abella Sans, F; Roig Cayon, M; García Font, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 39 End page: 42 Vol.: 45DOI: ISSN or title: 0300-5712 -
Journal of Endodontics, In vitro comparison in a manikin model: increasing apical enlargement with K3 and K3XF rotary instruments
Name: Olivieri, J.G.; Stober, E.; García Font, M; González, J.A.; Bragado, P.; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 1463 End page: 1467 Vol.: 40 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
International Endodontic Journal, The effects of six electronic apex locators on pacemaker function: an in vitro study
Name: Gómez, G.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Jara, F.; Garofalo, R.; García Font, M; Bueno Martinez, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 399 End page: 405 Vol.: 46 No.: 5DOI: ISSN or title: 0143-2885 -
Endodoncia, Evaluación del transporte apical producido en molares inferiores instrumentados con el sistema Mtwo
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Mercade, M; Olivieri, J.G.; Morelló, S.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 178 End page: 182 Vol.: 30 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1130-9903 -
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, Failure of ProTaper rotary Ni-Ti instruments used by undergraduate students
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Morelló, S.; Mercade, M; Bueno Martinez, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 199 End page: 203 Vol.: 4 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-5488 -
Journal of Endodontics, A comparison of apical transportation between FlexMaster and Twisted Files rotary instruments
Name: Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; García Font, M; Olivieri, J.G.; Mercade, M; Morelló, S.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 993 End page: 995 Vol.: 38 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, A comparison of apical transportation between ProFile and RaCe rotary instruments
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Mercade, M; Bueno Martinez, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 990 End page: 992 Vol.: 38 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Comparison of in vivo and in vitro readings when testing the accuracy of the root zx apex locator
Name: Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Stöber, E.; Mercade, M; Vera, J.; García Font, M; Bueno Martinez, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 236 End page: 239 Vol.: 38 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399
Fracturas Radiculares Verticales. Manual de Endodoncia La Guía Definitva
Name: García Font, M; González, J.A.; Pineda, K.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/10/2022Start page: 85 End page: 94ISBN: 9788418706905 -
Pronóstico en endodoncia. Manual de Endodoncia. La Guía Definitiva
Name: González, J.A.; García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/10/2022Start page: 283 End page: 292 -
Pronóstico en Endodoncia. Manual de Endodoncia La Guía Definitva
Name: García Font, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/10/2022Start page: 283 End page: 292ISBN: 9788418706905 -
Fracturas Radiculares Verticales. Manual de Endodoncia La Guía Definitva
Name: García Font, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/10/2022Start page: 85 End page: 94ISBN: 9788418706905
Subjects taught
Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - End of Degree Paper
Official Master
University Master’s Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Endodontic Bases
- - Clinical Session Treatment Planning I
- - Endodontic Treatment I
- - Cross-Disciplinary Clinical Cases
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Paper
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Research Protocol.
- - Foundations of Endodontics
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Research Protocol
- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
- - Endodontics
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - End of Degree Paper
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Foundations of Endodontics
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Research Protocol
- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Paper
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontics
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
- - End of Degree Presentation
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Foundations of Endodontics
- - Clinic
- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Research Protocol
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontics
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Foundations of Endodontics
- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Clinic
- - Final Master's Degree Project (Cross-Disc. Res.)
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Clinic
- - Final Maste'rs Degree Project.
- - Research Protocol
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Endodontics
- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Paper
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Final Maste'rs Degree Project.
- - Clinic
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Paper
- - Endodontics
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Research Protocol.
- - Instrumentation
- - Clinical Techniques
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Final Maste'rs Degree Project.
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - End of Degree Paper
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques.
- - Instrumentation.
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Clinic.
- - Clínic
- - Research Protocol.
- - Radiology for Endodontics.
- - Instrumentation.
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Multidisciplinary Seminar.
- - Revision of Literature On Endodontics I.
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Pathology
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project II
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Instrumentation.
- - Clinical Techniques.
- - Fisiopatologia Pulpar Avançada
- - Clínic
- - Research Protocol.
- - Basic Endodontics.
- - Radiology for Endodontics.
- - Instrumentation.
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Multidisciplinary Seminar.
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Paper
- - Dental Pathology
- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project II
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Docència Tutelada
- - Fisiopatologia Pulpar Avançada
- - Instrumentació
- - Clínica
- - Radiologia en Endodòncia
- - Instrumentació
- - Obertura de Conductes
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Pathology
- - General Dentistry
- - End of Degree Paper
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Docència Tutelada
- - Instrumentació
- - Fisiopatologia Pulpar Avançada
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
- - Radiologia en Endodòncia
- - Instrumentació
- - Obertura de Conductes
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology
- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Multidisciplinary Or Complex Clinical Planning I
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy I
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy II
Degree in Dentistry- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 1
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 3
- - Special Integrated Clinical Dentistry
Master's degree in Endodontics- - Docència Tutelada
- - Instrumentació
- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Clínica
- - Revisió Literatura
- - Sessió Conjunta Àrea Operatòria II
- - Clínica en Endodòncia II
- - Instrumentació
- - Obertura de Conductes
- - Radiologia en Endodòncia
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 1
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 3
Online Master's degree in Endodontics- - Conceptes Teòrics d'Endodòncia I
- - Clínica en Endodòncia I
- - Tutoria Online I
Course 2010-2011 - Period: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Special Integrated Clinical Dentistry
Course 2009-2010 - Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 1
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Medical Pathology-Buccal Surgery 2
- - Prosthesis 4
- - Orthodontics 5
- - Medical Pathology-Buccal Surgery 3
Doctorat en Ciències de la salut
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Màster en Endodoncia
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Llicenciat en Odontologia
- Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Doctor i Màster en Endodòncia per la UIC
Advanced Dentistry Awards 2023
Mejor Solución, Material o Tratamiento Dental Help, 2023 -
JOE Award: Mención honorífica del JOE en la categoría Systematic and Scoping Reviews
Systematic and Scoping Reviews: Juan Gonzalo Olivieri, D.D.S., Ph.D.; Firas Elmsmari, D.D.S.; Queralt Miró, BSc; Xavier-Fructuós Ruiz, D.D.S.; Keith V. Krell, D.D.S., M.S., M.A.; Marc García-Font, D.D.S., Ph.D.; Fernando Durán-Sindreu, D.D.S., Ph.D. (2020). “Outcome and Survival of Endodontically Treated Cracked Posterior Permanent Teeth: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” J Endod 46(4): 455-463., 2021
Herramienta para la toma de Decisiones en Odontología
PI: Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Start date: 15/03/2021 End date: 14/10/2021Financing entity: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología y FEDER -
GRC - Grupo de Investigación en Biomateriales y Técnicas en Restauración Dental y Endodoncia
PI: Roig Cayon, M Start date: 01/05/2017 End date: 01/05/2020Financing entity: Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Financing entity code: 2017 SGR 1313 Grup Consolidat
Herramienta para la toma de decisiones en odontologia (modulo restauradora)
PI: García Font, M; DURAN, F.; Gonzalez, JA Start date: 01/09/2022 End date: 31/08/2023Financing entity: DENTSPLY SIRONA -
Aula Adeslas
PI: García Font, M; Roig Cayon, M; DURAN, F. Start date: 01/01/2022Financing entity: Adeslas
Journal of Endodontics, Guided intentional replantation of a mandibular premolar with type IIIIb dens invaginatus associated with peri-invagination periodontitis without root canal treatment- A case report
Name: Abella Sans, F; García Font, M; Suresh, N; M H Dummer, P.; Nagendrababu, V. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Dental traumatology, Accuracy and Consistency of Gemini Responses Regarding the Management of Traumatized Permanent Teeth
Name: Dufey Portilla, N.; García Font, M; Nagendrababu, V.; Abbott, P.; González, J.A.; Abella Sans, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 1 End page: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1600-4469 -
Journal of dentistry, Optical impressions assessment for overlay restorations with rubber dam.A clinical trial
Name: Espona, J.; Roig, E.; Ali Hussein, A.; Vidal, C.; García Font, M; Roig Cayon, M; Figueras Álvarez, Ó Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Vol.: 143DOI: ISSN or title: 0300-5712 -
Journal of Endodontics, Guided Autotransplantation of an Immature Premolar to the Maxillary Incisor Region with Immediate Restoration of Esthetics: A Case Report.
Name: Abella Sans, F; Suresh, N.; Dummer, P.; García Font, M; Gómez-Rojas, A.; Nagendrababu, V. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2024Start page: 252 End page: 257 Vol.: 50 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Successful Root Canal Treatment of an Atypical Mandibular Canine with a Boomerang-shaped Root and Canal System with a Large Periapical lesion-A Case Report with 9-year Follow-up
Name: González, J.A.; Munill, M.; Suresh, N.; Nagendrababu, V.; Dummer, P.; García Font, M; Abella Sans, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1369 End page: 1375 Vol.: 49 No.: 10DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Accuracy of CAD-CAM Surgically Guided Tooth Autotransplantation Using Guided Templates and Custom-designed Osteotomes in Human Cadaver Mandibles
Name: Abella Sans, F; García Font, M; V.Nagendrababu; M H Dummer, P.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Rosales, A.; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2023Start page: 1035 End page: 1043 Vol.: 49 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Influence of Cone-beam Computed Tomography in Clinical Decision-making among Different Specialists in External Cervical Resorption Lesions: A Before-After Study
Name: Rodríguez, M.; García Font, M; Doria, G.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Abella Sans, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2022Start page: 1121 End page: 1128 Vol.: 48 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Analysis to Detect the Association between Primary and Secondary Endodontic Infections and Mucosal Thickness of Maxillary Sinus
Name: García Font, M; Abella Sans, F; Patel, S.; Rodríguez, M.; González, J.A.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 1235 End page: 1240 Vol.: 46 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Outcome and survival of endodontically treated cracked posterior permanent teeth: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Name: Olivieri, J.G.; Elmsmari, F.; Miró, Q.; Ruiz, X.F.; Krell, K.; García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2020Start page: 455 End page: 463 Vol.: 46 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Clinical Oral Investigations, Postoperative pain after removal of gutta-percha from root canals in endodontic retreatment using rotary or reciprocating instruments: A Prospective Clinical Study.
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Morelló, S.; Irazusta, S.; Abella Sans, F; Roig Cayon, M; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2018Start page: 2623 End page: 2631 Vol.: 22 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1432-6981 -
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, Comparison of postoperative pain after root canal treatment using reciprocating instruments based on operator’s experience: A prospective clinical study
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Calvo, C.; Basilio Monné, J; Abella Sans, F; Ali Hussein, A.; Roig Cayon, M; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: e869 End page: e874 Vol.: 9 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-5488 -
Clinical and translational oncology, Role of axillary ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the preoperative triage of breast cancer patients
Name: Barco, I.; Chabrera, C.; Garcia-Fernandez, A.; Fraile, M.; Gonzáez, S.; Canales, L.; Lain, J.; González, C.; Vidal, M. C.; Vallejo, E.; Deu, J.; Pessarrodona, A.; Gimenez, N.; García Font, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 704 End page: 710 Vol.: 19 No.: 6DOI: ISSN or title: 1699-048X -
Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association, Root canal treatment and hemisection of a decayed mandibular molar as a treatment option: A five-year follow-up case report
Name: García Font, M; Olivieri, J.G.; Abella Sans, F; Ortega-Martinez, J.; Ali Hussein, A.; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 86 End page: 90 Vol.: 52 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1810-9632 -
Journal of Endodontics, Development of periapical lesions in endodontically treated teeth with and without periodontal involvement: a retrospective cohort study
Name: Ruiz, X.F.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Shemesh, H.; García Font, M; Vallés, Marta; Roig Cayon, M; Olivieri, J.G. Role: Autor Publishing date: 2017Start page: 1246 End page: 1249 Vol.: 43 No.: 8DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Dental Sciences, Effect of manual dynamic activation with citric acid solutions in smear layer removal: A scanning electron microscopic evaluation
Name: Olivieri, J.G.; García Font, M; Stöber, E.; De Ribot, J.; Mercade, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 360 End page: 364 Vol.: 11 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1991-7902 -
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, Danger zone analysis using cone beam computed tomography after apical enlargement with K3 and K3XF in a manikin model
Name: Olivieri, J.G.; García Font, M; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 361 End page: 367 Vol.: 8 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-5488 -
Endodoncia, Conformación de conductos radiculares con sistemas reciprocantes por alumnos de grado: estudio in vitro de la incidencia de fractura
Name: García Font, M; Morelló, S.; Olivieri, J.G.; Abella Sans, F; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Vol.: 34 No.: 1ISSN or title: 1130-9903 -
Journal of dentistry, Influence of preoperative pain intensity on postoperative pain after root canal treatment: a prospective clinical study
Name: Ali Hussein, A.; Olivieri, J.G.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Abella Sans, F; Roig Cayon, M; García Font, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2016Start page: 39 End page: 42 Vol.: 45DOI: ISSN or title: 0300-5712 -
Journal of Endodontics, In vitro comparison in a manikin model: increasing apical enlargement with K3 and K3XF rotary instruments
Name: Olivieri, J.G.; Stober, E.; García Font, M; González, J.A.; Bragado, P.; Roig Cayon, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 2014Start page: 1463 End page: 1467 Vol.: 40 No.: 9DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
International Endodontic Journal, The effects of six electronic apex locators on pacemaker function: an in vitro study
Name: Gómez, G.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Jara, F.; Garofalo, R.; García Font, M; Bueno Martinez, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2013Start page: 399 End page: 405 Vol.: 46 No.: 5DOI: ISSN or title: 0143-2885 -
Endodoncia, Evaluación del transporte apical producido en molares inferiores instrumentados con el sistema Mtwo
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Mercade, M; Olivieri, J.G.; Morelló, S.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 178 End page: 182 Vol.: 30 No.: 4ISSN or title: 1130-9903 -
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, Failure of ProTaper rotary Ni-Ti instruments used by undergraduate students
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Morelló, S.; Mercade, M; Bueno Martinez, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 199 End page: 203 Vol.: 4 No.: 4DOI: ISSN or title: 1989-5488 -
Journal of Endodontics, A comparison of apical transportation between FlexMaster and Twisted Files rotary instruments
Name: Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; García Font, M; Olivieri, J.G.; Mercade, M; Morelló, S.; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 993 End page: 995 Vol.: 38 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, A comparison of apical transportation between ProFile and RaCe rotary instruments
Name: García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Mercade, M; Bueno Martinez, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 990 End page: 992 Vol.: 38 No.: 7DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399 -
Journal of Endodontics, Comparison of in vivo and in vitro readings when testing the accuracy of the root zx apex locator
Name: Durán-Sindreu Terol, F; Stöber, E.; Mercade, M; Vera, J.; García Font, M; Bueno Martinez, J; Roig Cayon, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 2012Start page: 236 End page: 239 Vol.: 38 No.: 2DOI: ISSN or title: 0099-2399
Fracturas Radiculares Verticales. Manual de Endodoncia La Guía Definitva
Name: García Font, M; González, J.A.; Pineda, K.; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/10/2022Start page: 85 End page: 94ISBN: 9788418706905 -
Pronóstico en endodoncia. Manual de Endodoncia. La Guía Definitiva
Name: González, J.A.; García Font, M; Durán-Sindreu Terol, F Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/10/2022Start page: 283 End page: 292 -
Pronóstico en Endodoncia. Manual de Endodoncia La Guía Definitva
Name: García Font, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/10/2022Start page: 283 End page: 292ISBN: 9788418706905 -
Fracturas Radiculares Verticales. Manual de Endodoncia La Guía Definitva
Name: García Font, M Role: Autor Publishing date: 15/10/2022Start page: 85 End page: 94ISBN: 9788418706905
Course 2024-2025 - Period: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2025
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - End of Degree Paper
Official Master
University Master’s Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Endodontic Bases
- - Clinical Session Treatment Planning I
- - Endodontic Treatment I
- - Cross-Disciplinary Clinical Cases
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
Course 2023-2024 - Period: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2024
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Paper
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Research Protocol.
- - Foundations of Endodontics
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Research Protocol
- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2022-2023 - Period: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2023
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
- - Endodontics
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - End of Degree Paper
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Foundations of Endodontics
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Research Protocol
- - Final Master's Degree Project
Course 2021-2022 - Period: 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2022
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Paper
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontics
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
- - End of Degree Presentation
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Foundations of Endodontics
- - Clinic
- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Research Protocol
Course 2020-2021 - Period: 01/09/2020 - 31/08/2021
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontics
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Foundations of Endodontics
- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Clinic
- - Final Master's Degree Project (Cross-Disc. Res.)
Course 2019-2020 - Period: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2020
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontic Decision-Making
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Endodontics Reseach III
- - Clinic
- - Final Maste'rs Degree Project.
- - Research Protocol
Course 2018-2019 - Period: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2019
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Endodontics
- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Paper
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques
- - Instrumentation
- - Final Maste'rs Degree Project.
- - Clinic
Course 2017-2018 - Period: 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - End of Degree Presentation
- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Paper
- - Endodontics
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Research Protocol.
- - Instrumentation
- - Clinical Techniques
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Final Maste'rs Degree Project.
Course 2016-2017 - Period: 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2017
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
- - End of Degree Presentation
- - End of Degree Paper
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Clinical Techniques.
- - Instrumentation.
- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Clinic.
- - Clínic
- - Research Protocol.
- - Radiology for Endodontics.
- - Instrumentation.
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Multidisciplinary Seminar.
- - Revision of Literature On Endodontics I.
Course 2015-2016 - Period: 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2016
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Pathology
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project II
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Tutored Teaching.
- - Instrumentation.
- - Clinical Techniques.
- - Fisiopatologia Pulpar Avançada
- - Clínic
- - Research Protocol.
- - Basic Endodontics.
- - Radiology for Endodontics.
- - Instrumentation.
- - Clinical Session. Treatment Planning.
- - Multidisciplinary Seminar.
Course 2014-2015 - Period: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Traumatology
- - End of Degree Paper
- - Dental Pathology
- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project II
European Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Docència Tutelada
- - Fisiopatologia Pulpar Avançada
- - Instrumentació
- - Clínica
- - Radiologia en Endodòncia
- - Instrumentació
- - Obertura de Conductes
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
Course 2013-2014 - Period: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Dental Pathology
- - General Dentistry
- - End of Degree Paper
- - End of Degree Presentation
Official Master
Master's Degree in Research in Dentistry- - Final Master's Degree Project I
Master's Degree in Endodontics- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Docència Tutelada
- - Instrumentació
- - Fisiopatologia Pulpar Avançada
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
- - Radiologia en Endodòncia
- - Instrumentació
- - Obertura de Conductes
Course 2012-2013 - Period: 01/09/2012 - 31/08/2013
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Dental Pathology
- - Endodontics
- - Introduction to Restorative Dentistry
- - Dental Traumatology
- - Restorative Dentistry 2
Official Master
University Master's Degree in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry- - Multidisciplinary Or Complex Clinical Planning I
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy I
- - Scientific Evidence in Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry I
- - Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Therapy II
Degree in Dentistry- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 1
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 3
- - Special Integrated Clinical Dentistry
Master's degree in Endodontics- - Docència Tutelada
- - Instrumentació
- - Tècniques Clíniques
- - Clínica
- - Revisió Literatura
- - Sessió Conjunta Àrea Operatòria II
- - Clínica en Endodòncia II
- - Instrumentació
- - Obertura de Conductes
- - Radiologia en Endodòncia
- - Seminari Multidisciplinar
Course 2011-2012 - Period: 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2012
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry- - Endodontics
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 1
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 3
Online Master's degree in Endodontics- - Conceptes Teòrics d'Endodòncia I
- - Clínica en Endodòncia I
- - Tutoria Online I
Course 2010-2011 - Period: 01/09/2010 - 31/08/2011
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry
- - Special Integrated Clinical Dentistry
Course 2009-2010 - Period: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2010
Degree in Dentistry- - Adults´ Integrated Clinical Dentistry 1
- - Paediatric Integrated Clinical Dentistry 2
- - Medical Pathology-Buccal Surgery 2
- - Prosthesis 4
- - Orthodontics 5
- - Medical Pathology-Buccal Surgery 3