
1st Online session| Labour Insertion Workshops. "Boost your personal brand with little experience"


Why focus on a personal brand? Do you know how others perceive you? Do you want to improve your positioning?

A personal brand will make you competitive and to understand the importance of making a difference with your values and virtues so you can make your mark and be remembered. In this session you will understand the importance of communicating your personal brand well and the creation of job search tools with your differential value.

The session will be led by Esther Jiménez, vice-rector of UIC Barcelona University Community and consultant and coach at NCH & Partners. Since 2011 she has collaborated in the publication of different articles and in programmes focused on leadership, diversity, managerial coaching and women on boards of directors.

These tools will help you in the different challenges of your career, to land your first job, to position yourself in your current job, etc.

Would you like to perfect your positioning skills and better convey your profile? Sign up and learn what tools you need to take your personal brand to the next level!