
Academic graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Education Sciences

The dean of the Faculty of Education Sciences is pleased to invite you to the Graduation Ceremony, which will take place on Wednesday 19 June 2024, at 7.00 p.m. in the University’s Aula Magna lecture theatre (Barcelona Campus).

A little before, at 4 pm, we will celebrate a Mass in thanksgiving for these years of formation and growth. It will be in the chapel of the Beta building.

Order of the event

  • Opening
  • Lecture by Ms. Teresa Martinez, President of the NGO OIDEL, Organització Internacional pel Dret a l'Educació i la Llibertat d'Ensenyament
  • Delivery of graduation diplomas
  • Speech of the students
  • Closing of the event by the Dean of the Facultat
  • Traditional singing of Gaudeamus Igitur
  • Refreshments