
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine Graduation Ceremony

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Aula Magna

The dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences is pleased to invite you to the Graduation Ceremony which will take place on 15 June 2024, at 6 p.m. in the University’s Aula Magna.

Earlier, at 4.30 p.m., we will celebrate Eucharist in thanksgiving for these years of education and growth. It will be at the Aula Jardí.

Ceremony programme

  • Commencement
  • Keynote speech by Dr. Albert Balaguer Santamaría, pediatrician and first dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Awarding of diplomas
  • Reading of the hippocratic oath
  • Speech by graduating class representative
  • Closing address by the dean of the Faculty
  • University’s traditional anthem Gaudeamus igitur
  • Refreshments

Entry limited to graduating students and their families; invitation required.